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So Star Wars: The Old Republic has been out for a couple weeks now, and I was wondering if you guys thought it was worth purchasing? I have a bit of Christmas money and I was thinking about picking it up. I really enjoyed Star Wars Galaxies when I played it ages ago, but I wasn't too sure if I would like SWTOR. Edited by yoba333
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Depends on what you liked SWG for. If it was purely because it was Star Wars, then yes go ahead. If it was for the crafting, complex characters, city-building, PvP, or massive social interactions... don't bother. SWTOR is just a single player game with minor multiplayer elements slapped over the top. Not saying it isn't a good game on its own, but there is no endgame, no replayability (the class quests are it, once you hit Tatooine you get the same grind no matter what faction/class you play), everything is instanced so you don't see people outside the couple central trade hubs ever, and the more social side of things is so horribly impeded by that fact, you either need to go in with friends pre-established or expect to not get much interaction with folks outside of general chat channels. And that isn't even getting into the PvP (the biggest killer for me), there is no open world PvP, no special forces-type flags, no guild warring, just a couple battlegrounds which don't see that much actual fighting in them - while being goal oriented isn't a terrible thing, the extent of most PvP there seems to be a couple classes CCing other classes into the environment and letting it do the killing for them rather than actually committing to combat.


From talking to other people as well, the game is not something that many will sustain an account beyond a month or two, as the "replayability" and "endgame" is essentially just making a new character and leveling them up instead of having much of anything to do on your existing character. Even Penny Arcade has made its joke about how long this game has before its subscriber base dies out and it is forced to go the route of other MMOs that bit off more than they could chew.

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I'd say no. This isn't a true MMOs. It's actualy a really bad RPG with some multiplayer hubs, god aweful "PVP", a monthly subscription, and an abusive and abnoxious bunch of religious SW zealots ready to scream in your ear if you so mucyh as mention something not SW related. This is fundamentaly a flunk. The game's devs promised so much-the hype promised so much-and the fans even went to the point of forming a guild in Champiosn Online to freelance spam adverts for it and bully those who said they didn't like it, and yet here it is. A totaly ordinary, even sub-par singleplayer RPG pretending to be an MMO to line the dev's pocket with a large subscription fee. Badly disapointing.


Vast leadup to nothing, as depressing as it is disapointing. Like Mass Effect was for me, vast hype about this amazing cancer curing bagle slicing wondergame and a legion of fanboys who take their love of the game to religious levels, and then I play it and it's just a corridor shooter with some RPG elements and more tights than a room full of superheroes.

Edited by Vindekarr
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i agree and disagree with both of them.


i played a good amount of the game through out the Beta. if you liked Mass Effect, youll prolly like this game. if you like Star Wars, youll prolly like this game. if you want to compare it to WoW around every corner. then you will not like this game.


honestly, if all you want to do is go into this thinking its another WoW, i beg you not to play this game. not only will you not enjoy it, but personally, ppl playing the game dont want to hear you complaining in game about how not like WoW it is.


it is story driven. however the class based missions are only on the opening planet and after that it sort of blends together. still unique to each character dialogue and choice wise, but youll be doing roughly the same thing with other characters. then again, if you can put up with the repetition and boring game play of WoW, this is a huge breath of fresh air. this game isnt an amazing MMO, idk about end content. ive never gotten to the end of any MMO ive ever played (which isnt many) and of those MMOs i never did PvP so idk about that either, when i play MMOs, i look for a game to soak up time, something i can go play when i have a few hours to kill. it is a nice RPG. it will certainly suck up a lot of time if you give it a chance. in essence its like a KOTOR 3, but then again its not.


i think this would have been better had it been strictly a single player game. but i enjoyed the game. the only reason i havent bought it yet is because i dont have the money....but like i said, this probably wont soak up the next 3 years of your life, unless you are a die hard gamer and desperate for something to soak ur life up. its hard for me to say, cause i cant stay into any one game for too long. i got bored of WoW after just 3 weeks. i play Champions Online off and on but never for more then a week or two at a time every few+ months. and during the Beta, even though i enjoyed the game, i could tell i wouldnt be getting to lvl 50 in one sitting. i got a couple of guys to lvl 10+ and i was burnt out. (but then again, playing the beginning multiple times in such a short time is bound to burn a lot of ppl out. had i stuck with one guy, i probably would have enjoyed it more)



i look forward to purchasing this game and playing a couple of guys. as i said, i dont really think of this as an MMO. more like a Star Wars Mass Effect that i could potentially play with friends and when i think of it that way, i get excited about the game lol. i can see myself playing multiple guys, possibly even to lvl 50, just not in one sitting. might take me a year to do it :P...also i must mention im a Star Wars fan, so that helps.


idk how the player base is now, but in the Beta, none of the people i talked to were mean or SW zealots who only wanted to discuss Star Wars. they were all players looking to find another MMO to play. most of them came from SWG and/or KOTOR. they were helpful to me and i had a blast chatting with some of them. as i said, this was in the Beta, so obviously the numbers were different. but ill say, if you can put up with the WoW chat, you can put up with this no problem :P


tl;dr: same as i said in the beginning. if you like Mass Effect youll like this. if you like Star Wars youll like this. if your looking for a good RPG to soak up some time, youll enjoy this game. if your looking for the next 1337 WoW MMO to soak your life up, youll prolly have to pass this game. or wait for further development/expansions. again, WoW has had years to get its development down. theyve changed lots of things. its not stupid to think that SWTOR could get even better with time. but too many ppl are looking for a WoW on day one, and when they dont find it, they bash it to the high heavens and throw it under a bus




also must say, i never played ME1, but i absolutely LOVED ME2. played it through 4 times, platinumed (Ps3 btw) 100% trophies including DLC, and cannot wait for ME3. i thought it was an amazing game amazing story and characters and good fun game play, quite different than whats out there already. and set the bar for future RPGs and story based games.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Im playing it now on a PvE server and its definitely more rpg and less mmo.


The only thing that gets me is to save you must get to a specific location and if you have used your fast travel within the past 30 minutes, your stuck on a 15 minute walk thru the area you just trudged thru, fighting the re-spawned enemies you just killed to get to where you really wanted to be, just so you can quit and keep your progress.


I had this exact thing happen the other night where i had to leave the house in a hurry and the two hours of gameplay was wasted because i diddnt have time to manually walk back to a save area. I find this constantly plaguing me when i go to quit there is no transport in sight. It feels like fallout/oblivion/skyrim with the fast travel turned off.

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Thanks for the responses. I think I'm going to pass on this game, at least for now. It doesn't really seem to be what I was looking for :(. I wish they had just made KOTOR 3 and not tried to turn it into an MMO.
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Good thing I found this thread; I was going to get the collectors edition. The money can be better used elsewhere.


BTW, are there any good Star Wars strategy games for the PC besides Empire at War? I've had that game for six years now.


Well there's Battlefront II, which I know you can buy on Steam. I'm not sure any physical stores would have it, as it's kind of old. It's more of a shooter, but there's a mode called Galactic Conquest which has strategy elements. I used to play it all the time on the original Xbox, and just recently purchased it during the Steam Holiday Sale for the PC.

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There is much misinformation on the posts above, i've been in beta and of course im playing the game since the early access.


The game is not perfect, it has its flaws of course. Main flaw in my opinion and the one im plagued with is the poor game optimization.

End game is not that bad, you can do flash points, PvP/warzones (which is not perfect of course, theres a lot of talk on the official boards about the class imbalance), open world PvP (yes it does exist, i have no idea why someone here said there isn't...), which is pretty much like in any other MMO. The problem is that there are people who rushed to lvl 50, and now they don't have much to do except start new character or do warzones, because there are a lot of people still leveling their characters, or, starting a new class just so they could see the story.


Every class has it's own different story, and they are in no way the same as others like someone here also posted. You share the same planets with other classes of course, but every class has its own zone/instance where they do their story.


In my opinion the game is good, very good, yes it has flaws but nothing that cannot be corrected. Also remember that the game is lunched only three weeks ago so it needs time.

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There is much misinformation on the posts above, i've been in beta and of course im playing the game since the early access.


The game is not perfect, it has its flaws of course. Main flaw in my opinion and the one im plagued with is the poor game optimization.

End game is not that bad, you can do flash points, PvP/warzones (which is not perfect of course, theres a lot of talk on the official boards about the class imbalance), open world PvP (yes it does exist, i have no idea why someone here said there isn't...), which is pretty much like in any other MMO. The problem is that there are people who rushed to lvl 50, and now they don't have much to do except start new character or do warzones, because there are a lot of people still leveling their characters, or, starting a new class just so they could see the story.


Every class has it's own different story, and they are in no way the same as others like someone here also posted. You share the same planets with other classes of course, but every class has its own zone/instance where they do their story.


In my opinion the game is good, very good, yes it has flaws but nothing that cannot be corrected. Also remember that the game is lunched only three weeks ago so it needs time.


^ this


esp that last sentence. its been out for 3 weeks, and already ppl are trying to tear it apart.



for anyone complaining about wanting this to be KOTOR 3, more RPG and less MMO. its already that. it is mostly RPG with some MMO elements, that will flourish with time. this game can easily be played (probably more easily then any other MMO) solo

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