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How to find custom followers in CK?


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I'm new in CK. Because new SSE was out, so I want to porting my old custom follower pack mod into new SSE.


Is it has easy way or how to find custom followers in CK?


The custom follower package contain more than one followers, and I download it long time ago could not remember the names of followers. I could not even remember which website I download it from, so I could not check it. When I load it's esp, I have trouble to find their name. In CK, I saw bunch character names, is there way to filter it out?


Thank you.


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A lot of modders will name them so they appear at the top of the list (001, AAA, _, -, etc). Other than that you will have to rely on your memory afaik if you can't find a list of their names.


When I loading the custom follower esp, it is not show up at top. It shows Actors stars with A all the way down to Z.

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Don't you just identify them by their reference ID like with just about every "thing" in Skyrim?


open console and click on virtually anything - including NPCs. This should give you their ID -which is a unique identifier you can look up if you want to edit something, or find their proper names or whatever.



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Like thestigma said, walk up to a follower, open the console, and click on them.


The first two digits are a hexadecimal code that relates to the mod that added them.


For example if I see an NPC merchant named Beth, open the console and click on her I'd see: 42061069. The "42" is the hexadecimal number that tells me which mod it's from, according to load order.


My "42nd" mod is: Immersive Patrols 2.


Also note that hexadecimal is not the day-to-day numerical system, it's base 16, not base 10. So 42 in hexadecimal is "66" in decimal. All Beth games use hex for load order, and it's good to know that so you don't freak out when you see a number like "0e" or "aa".

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One thing not mentioned...


In the Object Window you can click on the EditorID column to sort the records by ID number. Don't recall if it starts ascending or descending, so you might have to click twice. At any rate, if done right all NEW records added by the last loaded plugin in the CK will be at the top.

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