Sallyo Posted November 30, 2016 Share Posted November 30, 2016 Hello everyone,man I hope someone can help me......... I started to update my nexus mod manager and saw it started deleting all my mods!! I stopped it! I tried to use the green check mark to put the mods back... My game is all messed up.... when I tried to put the mods back my game crashes to desktop now... if I uncheck it and go into game all my companions are giant question marks with no textures and my face is gone too. this is because of the "Enhanced Character Edit" mod.So to clarify I have either the crash to desktop. or I can choose to have my friends of the dovhakin companions show up as question marks big yello boxes and have my body and face gone too. I really dont want to have to start my entire game over. My system: I have windows 7 My graphics card can more than handle this. I use Loot, Tes5 and always clean my mods. I use NMM tooSkyrm I have to say has been the most difficult game to mod. for 1 mod to work you need at least 5 other mods before it. Oblivion was never this bad. I copied and pasted the mods how they show up in the is the list of mods I have...ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer - ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller 1_3 Unassigned 11/10/2016 10:03:35 PM 10/29/2016 8:23:39 PM 1000018824 1.3 / 1.3 kapaerOmegared99 - Armor Compilation - Compilation Unassigned 11/13/2016 4:26:58 PM 10/29/2016 8:27:04 PM 76195 3.6 / 3.6 Omegared99Anna NPCs 3_0 - Anna NPCs 3_0_4 Unassigned 11/5/2016 10:55:05 AM 1000222210 3.0.4 / 3.0.4 Anduniel and ShrikeFenris Follower of Dragon Age 2 - Fenris with white hair Unassigned 11/10/2016 12:34:38 AM 11/6/2016 7:58:53 PM 1000213819 1.0.2 / 1.0.2 AndunielChildren of Asaia - Children of Asaia Unassigned 11/29/2016 1:40:38 PM 11/8/2016 7:06:23 PM 1000097296 V1.0 / V1.0 Valus34Lind's Elven Eyes - Lind"s Mer Eyes Unassigned 11/29/2016 1:40:34 PM 11/9/2016 11:42:44 PM 1000203085 1.0b / 1.0b Lind001 - LindsWorkshopFair Skin Complexion Breton ECE Slot v4.1-51602-4-1 Unassigned 11/10/2016 12:04:20 AM ?Fair Skin Complexion - Fair Skin Complexion Breton ECE Slot v4.1 Unassigned 11/10/2016 12:35:16 AM 11/10/2016 12:04:40 AM 1000165719 ? HHaleyyKS Hairdos - Renewal Unassigned 11/10/2016 12:39:43 AM 11/10/2016 12:21:29 AM 1.3 / 1.3 Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and ShockyKS Hairdos - Renewal - KS Hairdos Renewal Unassigned 11/10/2016 12:50:27 AM 11/10/2016 12:23:24 AM 1000205789 1.1 / 1.3 Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shockynumenume Hair - numenume Hair sono7-2 Unassigned 11/10/2016 12:58:57 AM 11/10/2016 12:46:41 AM 47294 3.2 / 3.2 numenumeOld Charater Data - Old Character Data Adjusted Unassigned 11/10/2016 12:59:34 AM 11/10/2016 12:49:59 AM 1000196202 1.2 / 1.2 dup3w4sh1ngt0nDIMONIZED UNP female body - UNP BASE Main body V1dot2 Unassigned 11/10/2016 9:36:37 AM 11/10/2016 9:36:00 AM 25987 1.2 / 1.2 dimon99KUNOICHI female voice - KUNOICHI female voice elf ver Unassigned 11/11/2016 12:17:28 AM 11/11/2016 12:16:15 AM 79411 2.5 / 2.5 yamadaakiAsian Doll Face for CBBE-52287-3-1 Unassigned 11/11/2016 7:20:24 AM 11/11/2016 6:59:19 AM ?Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- - Caliente"s Beautiful Bodies Edition v3.4f Unassigned 11/29/2016 2:29:20 PM 11/11/2016 7:13:04 AM 1000170527 3.4f / 3.4f Ousnius and CalienteAzura's Dawn - Azura"s Dawn Unassigned 11/12/2016 3:59:37 PM 11/12/2016 1:13:01 PM 1000181164 1.2 / 1.2 AntiscampSpouses Can Live Everywhere - SpousesCanLiveEverywhere091 Unassigned 11/13/2016 12:06:14 AM 11/13/2016 12:05:31 AM 38014 0.9.1 / 0.9.1 Amgepo and EmmaNude Females - Nude Females v1 Unassigned 11/13/2016 7:40:39 AM 11/13/2016 12:16:42 AM 15053 1.5 / 1.5 ThepalSnow Elf Palace - Snow Elf Palace v1.2 Unassigned 11/19/2016 6:37:46 PM 11/13/2016 8:31:07 PM 1000212865 1.2 / 1.2 LazzApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full Unassigned 11/13/2016 8:44:25 PM 11/13/2016 8:38:53 PM 1000145124 1.6.Full / 1.6.Full ApachiiApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2 Unassigned 11/13/2016 8:51:12 PM 11/13/2016 8:43:04 PM 1000097272 1.2 / 1.2 ApachiiFuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice - Fuz Ro Doh 60 Unassigned 11/14/2016 11:13:32 AM 11/14/2016 11:12:48 AM 1000022522 6.0 / 6.0 shadeMeSimple multiple followers (Advanced version) - kuerteeSimpleMultipleFollowers 0p838 Unassigned 11/14/2016 11:17:49 AM 11/14/2016 11:17:08 AM 1000227544 0.838 / 0.838 kuerteeApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiHelmetWigs_v_1_0 Unassigned 11/15/2016 9:17:59 AM 11/15/2016 9:15:57 AM 70106 1.0 / 1.0 ApachiiMystic Elven Armor - HD - Mystic Elven - Standalone Unassigned 11/15/2016 11:47:30 AM 11/15/2016 9:39:13 AM 25273 1.5.5 / 1.5.5 SaderExtensible Follower Framework - Extensible Follower Framework v4-0-2 Unassigned 11/15/2016 8:22:37 PM 11/15/2016 7:49:07 PM 1000162321 4.0.2 / 4.0.2 ExpiredUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Unassigned 11/15/2016 9:05:44 PM 11/15/2016 9:04:25 PM 102248 1.2i / 1.2i Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - VamyanUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO Heartfire AddOn Unassigned 11/15/2016 9:06:17 PM 11/15/2016 9:05:30 PM 103243 1.0a / 1.0a Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - VamyanMy Home is Your Home (MHiYH 2plus) - MHIYH_31_11 Unassigned 11/16/2016 9:00:09 PM 11/16/2016 7:33:50 PM 1000147621 3.11 / 3.11 Volek and upgraded MCM options by SmashlyThe Dovahkiins New Allies by Netherwalk - The Dovahkiins New Allies Unassigned 11/16/2016 9:09:45 PM 11/16/2016 9:03:20 PM 103916 1.0 / 1.0 netherwalkThe Dovahkiins New Allies by Netherwalk - The Dovahkiins New Allies Part Two version one point zero Unassigned 11/16/2016 9:09:55 PM 11/16/2016 9:03:21 PM 105615 1.0 / 1.0 netherwalkFine Face Textures for Men - I Fine Face Textures for Men by Urshi V2dot0 Unassigned 11/16/2016 9:38:27 PM 11/16/2016 9:37:34 PM 1000024200 2.0a / 2.0a urshiUnique Grasses and Groundcovers - Nature and Landscape Enhancement - Unique Grasses and Groundcovers All-in-One Unassigned 11/18/2016 9:35:47 PM 11/18/2016 9:33:33 PM 1000084206 2.0 / 2.0.0 Josh EzzellUnique Grasses and Groundcovers - Nature and Landscape Enhancement - Fall Forest Leaves Texture Replacement Unassigned 11/18/2016 9:37:34 PM 11/18/2016 9:36:31 PM 1000084216 1.0 / 1.0 Josh EzzellJackGa Pub full Unassigned 11/19/2016 10:24:27 AM 11/19/2016 10:17:52 AM ?SkyUI - SkyUI_5_1 Unassigned 11/24/2016 6:11:06 PM 11/19/2016 6:52:51 PM 1000172397 5.1 / 5.1 SkyUI TeamOSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine - OSA 1.085B Unassigned 11/24/2016 8:26:07 PM 11/19/2016 7:05:16 PM 1000218176 1.085B / 1.085B CeoNetImmerse Override - NetImmerse Override v-3-4-4 Unassigned 11/21/2016 9:14:29 PM 11/19/2016 8:33:03 PM 1000180569 3.4.4 / 3.4.4 ExpiredSounds of Skyrim - Civilization - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization 1_02 Full Version Unassigned 11/19/2016 8:52:42 PM 11/19/2016 8:50:01 PM 1000028372 1.02 / 1.02 CliffwormsPsijic Robes Retexture - Keeper of the Ogma HD - PsijicRetextureKeeperoftheOgmaHighDefinition Unassigned 11/20/2016 8:22:15 AM 11/19/2016 10:30:37 PM 1000025260 0.2 / 0.2 RafuelMarch Madness - Craftable Sheogorath Suits - March Madness - Craftable Sheogorath Suits Unassigned 11/19/2016 10:35:28 PM 11/19/2016 10:32:34 PM 45016 0.1 / 0.1 wetsailHairless and Dirtless Nude Males - Skyrim - Hairless and Dirtless Nude Males Unassigned 11/19/2016 10:35:24 PM 11/19/2016 10:34:26 PM 7374 0.1 / 0.1 DavvenNakahara - Akaviri House - Nakahara 1.1 Unassigned 11/25/2016 9:18:54 PM 11/25/2016 8:22:05 PM 1000155957 1.1 / 1.1 ElianoraNoble Dress by Nimezis Retextured - Noble Dress Retexture Standalone Unassigned 11/26/2016 9:21:10 AM 11/26/2016 12:20:53 AM 1000161310 1.0 / 1.0 Messias MummoNoble Dress - Noble Dress Unassigned 11/26/2016 9:48:36 PM 11/26/2016 9:47:49 PM 1000113412 1.2 / 1.2 NimezisSayka Accessories Unassigned 11/26/2016 11:14:18 PM 11/26/2016 11:06:17 PM ?Leah Lilith Jewelry Unassigned 11/26/2016 11:40:17 PM 11/26/2016 11:21:16 PM ?OSex - 0SEX 1.084J Unassigned 11/28/2016 4:36:17 PM 11/28/2016 8:59:43 AM 1000215267 1.084J / 1.084J CeoSOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - 2.05.041 Unassigned 11/28/2016 10:04:56 PM 11/28/2016 10:00:28 PM ?Follow me for Sex 1.6 FR Unassigned 11/28/2016 10:12:28 PM 11/28/2016 10:05:04 PM ?SexLabFramework_v162_FULL Unassigned 11/29/2016 12:20:37 PM 11/29/2016 11:10:41 AM ?Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V6_2 Fix 1 Unassigned 11/29/2016 1:00:56 PM 11/29/2016 12:58:41 PM 1000192116 6.2.fix1 / 6.2.fix1 foreFores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V6_3 XXL Unassigned 11/29/2016 1:01:25 PM 11/29/2016 12:59:01 PM 1000213760 6.3XXL / 6.3XXL foreFores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V6_3 Unassigned 11/29/2016 1:00:38 PM 11/29/2016 12:59:13 PM 1000209375 V6.3 / V6.3 foreFNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (dynamic) - FNIS PCEA2 1.3 Unassigned 11/29/2016 1:58:05 PM 1000188015 1.3 / 1.3 foreThese last two are not activated right now.. I cant play the game with no companions or not having my own face...Enhanced Character Edit - Enhanced Character Edit 14 Unassigned 11/29/2016 4:14:01 PM 11/29/2016 2:30:21 PM 1000211069 1.4 / 1.4 ECE teamFores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Spells V5_0_1 -- ADD-ON for the spells Unassigned 11/29/2016 9:29:07 PM 11/29/2016 9:27:46 PM 1000100129 5.0.1 / 5.0.1 foreIs there anything thats conflicting like Cbbe? my whole game is melting down because I was trying to get fnis for some dumb animations... when I started to update the nmm everything went to hell.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted November 30, 2016 Share Posted November 30, 2016 In order to fix your problem, you would have to restore every single mod that was deleted and put it back in the order it was in. Then you'd have to hope there is no conflict with FNIS or ECE I am not quite sure of what I'm looking at. Is this your load order? You can just go to LOOT, click the 3 dots and copy your load order, then paste it here in a spoiler tag. CBBE doesn't conflict with animations, but it would conflict with UNP, choose which one you want. Right now, whatever is overwriting the other is in the lead and is what you are using.. ECE conflicts with Racemenu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2much4l1 Posted November 30, 2016 Share Posted November 30, 2016 During NMM updates it uninstalls and re-installs your mods. You probably should have let it do its thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallyo Posted December 1, 2016 Author Share Posted December 1, 2016 OHHHH Yeah I panicked when I saw that happening... so I will let it update since its all screwed anyhow. Thank you Snelss! I have done the copy trick in loot and look for how to post it in a tag for you to look at. I am pretty sure I dont have race menu installed do I? 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 HearthFires.esm 3 3 ApachiiHair.esm 4 4 ApachiiHairMales.esm 5 5 Omegared99-Compilation.esm 6 6 CazyMale.esm 7 7 JackGaPub.esm 8 8 OSA.esm 9 9 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm10 a AkaviriRace.esm11 b Toukiden_Horo.esp12 c KS Hairdo's.esp13 d AyaneDLCU37.esp14 e SoS - Civilization.esp15 f AzuraHouse.esp16 10 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp17 11 Nakahara.esp18 12 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp19 13 SOS - Shop.esp20 14 brokenangelarmor.esp21 15 Spousetocustomhome.esp22 16 Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp23 17 My Home Is Your Home.esp24 18 MoreNpcProject.esp25 19 ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp26 1a Mystic.esp27 1b Men of Chu.esp28 1c morewhiterunnpcs.esp29 1d AnnaFenris.esp30 1e UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp31 1f Unique Grasses.esp32 20 March Madness Standalone.esp33 21 SkyUI.esp34 22 NSNobleDressRetexturebyMessias.esp35 23 linglingfs0002.esp36 24 white suit - red trim.esp37 25 NS_NobleDress.esp38 26 Sayka_Accessories.esp39 27 Leah Lilith Jewelry.esp40 28 ValuableItems-Jewelry.esp41 29 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp42 2a FNIS.esp43 2b LindsMerEyes.esp44 2c CharacterMakingExtender.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted December 1, 2016 Share Posted December 1, 2016 Nah, i was just mentioning that that is what it conflicts with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallyo Posted December 1, 2016 Author Share Posted December 1, 2016 Thank you thank you thank you.. I am so relived anyone responded at all. Im used to a bunch of remarks like "What ya do that for stupid?" things like that. I had racemenu before and it conflicted with cbbe. I wonder if cbbe conflicts with CME? Seems like I got both to work but im still all messed up missing files etc... We will see what happens. This Sykrm has been the worst game to deal with so far and Im not touching Special edition ever. I hate snow anyways.. Sykrm is just too ugly.. I might be enticed with another game if it looked pretty with more forest and flowers.. I do have to say once I got my avatar so pretty it was really nice.. Oblivion didnt have that at all even with mods. she is with her two fav companions. She is getting married to the blonde elf. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted December 1, 2016 Share Posted December 1, 2016 (edited) Actually, in regards to modding, SSE will be more stable since it is a 64bit system. Our problems right now, at least some of them, are that we are trying to make a 32-bit game have the playability of a modern 64-bit game. On top of Skyrim's crappy programming, we get some crazy stuff happening. I'm not sure about the CME, never used it.Here is my Skyrim and current character, Drem the wood elf. Edited December 1, 2016 by snelss0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallyo Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 Awwwww She is soooo pretty!!! Great job on the design! thank you for the tip on the sse.Ecery since the NMM update, it telling me the files names of the mods are too long! Now I amhaving to manually install a bunch back. Lucilky my obvilion game seems ok and untouched. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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