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I guess my complaint is with the people who run this site. I entered a thread that requested help on a Tribunal bug (Vules dialogue loop). The response that I received was:


Get the Tribunal patch.



Use the search button.



Then the thread was locked so that I could not reply to the replies.


Why lock the thread at all????


If the lock is needed for some strange reason, then why lock it before I can tell the repliers:


(1) The Tribunal patch did not work. It could not even be applied. The Bloodmoon patch finally fixed my problem.


(2) I did use the search prior to entering the problem in a post. I thought that it must be an old problem, but a search on Vules under Tribunal only turned up one thread that said nothing about the dialogue loop. A search under the tech support forum turned up nothing at all. Now I imagine that there are messages on there somewhere, but I couldn't find them.



I would request that the "lockers" be a little more tolerant and allow a thread to live longer than one day.

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Well we say search ALL FORUMS. There was a thread on it started only on 1st Jan that comes up if you search for Vules on all forums. A reference to a more detailed response was also included in that thread.


And as we have posted before several times, if you feel you have something important to add PM the moderator who locked the thread and ask him to unlock it. Switch is a reasonable guy, if you've got a good post he'll open it for you.



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Yeah if you've looked in http://mwsource.com/forum/index.php?showto...c=2137&hl=vules and the other thread started recently and still have a problem, then by all means. Though would probably be a good idea to post in the recent thread rather than start a new one. All you need to do is PM if you got a problem with our decisions, no need to start a thread about it :P
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I posted an answer in the thread in which you asked your first question about Dandras Vules. A quote:


"Dandras Vules' dialogue loop is fixed in the Tribunal patch, found here."


...with a link to the Bethedsa site for the patch. The one and only way to stop Vules' dialogue loop is the patch. There ARE no other answers, shoprt of editing the dialogue yourself, so I don't know what more you can do or say in that thread.

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Chill is not required. I am not the least upset. I got my problem solved in very short order and am happily trying to find out who in the Tribunal is after me. Of course, Mr. H seems obvious enough, but I shall find out for sure soon.


Still, my real question remains. Why lock these threads at all? If there is a good reason, why lock them so soon?


P.S. --- Thanks for not locking this thread too soon.


By the way, only the Bloodmoon patch seemed to help. I assume that as soon as I loaded the Bloodmoon expansion, the Tribunal patch became useless. I am not sure I fully understand the patch process in use here, but that seems to make the most sense.

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Still, my real question remains. Why lock these threads at all? If there is a good reason, why lock them so soon?

Well, I have read the thread in question, and it seems to me that you asked a question, received an answer, and therefore the thread no longer had a use, so it was locked by Switch, the moderator.


By the way, only the Bloodmoon patch seemed to help. I assume that as soon as I loaded the Bloodmoon expansion, the Tribunal patch became useless. I am not sure I fully understand the patch process in use here, but that seems to make the most sense.


I don't fully understand it myself, but it basically seems to be that Morrowind patches are superseded by Tribunal patches, which are superseded by Bloodmoon patches, but, obviously, you need to have Tribunal and/or Bloodmoon to apply those patches.


(Hmm, question asked, then answered, I sense a locking coming on... :P )

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1) This belongs in site feedback.

2) When a question has been answered endless times, asking it again is spam. 99% of the time, these threads are the result of just not searching at all, and only waste people's time.

3) Bad example of a thread that shouldn't be locked. If you'd searched better, you'd have found where the alternate solutions have been discussed (editing his dialogue, etc).

4) As they've already said... you have the pm function for a reason. If you think you've got something new and useful to post in the locked thread, you can always pm a mod with your request.

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You ask why finished threads are locked. Because there are far too many people who don't bother to read the thread properly and post again what has already been stated. Sometimes they don't even bother to use different words. If a question is dead, we lock it to prevent spam, hijacking, necromancy and general going off topic.


I trust that answers your question fully.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit OT> I wonder why I never got the Diolauge loop without the patch...


OnT> Creators often ask that their threads get locked once a question is answered to keep the "Trolls" and "n00bs" from coming in an inciting arguments, and when the admin comes in, getting all of them banned or warned.

I think the locking policy is a good idea IMO. And considering it's only a few "n00bs" who keep asking about locking, the policy should stay.

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