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CTD cause of mods but which one ? oulala


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@Kroekr : Thx for answer. I give you all the stuff you need to understand (including screens & papyrus log) : https://ufile.io/19ef9

I give you my mod watch : https://modwat.ch/u/dragonito

Yeah after cleaning i ran, in this order : BOSS, then LOOT, then i launch WRYE BASH and i launch skse from here.

My games in not in my C: , so no problem


@TheGreatFalro : ok i do this thx ! i uninstall BOSS also.



EDIT : but doesn't work anymore with violens instead of Dance of Dead

Edited by skulls72
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SkyRe is kind of old, it's been replaced more or less with Perkus Maximus. It's not unstable, but it may not be compatible with some mods that used to be compatible but that have been updated.


As others said, use LOOT to sort your order. Build a Merged Patch with TES5Edit unless you have a mod that tells you specifically not to (only one I know of is Requeim, and I use a Merged Patch with that, not that I'm telling you to ignore the author by any means, and mine is edited to remove things that may conflict with Requiem. If the author tells you not to use one, then don't unless you know your way around them). Since you're using a Bashed Patch (which I don't know is suggested by SkyRe), you'll want to open your Merged Patch in TES5Edit after you make it and right click the two sections that say "Leveled Items" and "Leveled NPCs". There's no harm if you don't, but it will allow the Bashed Patch to handle those two categories.


Lastly, it seems like your ReProccer should be placed below your Bashed or Merged Patches in your load order. Unless the author specifically tells you to load it before your Bashed Patch, move that to the being the last .esp you have and run it again to make sure that it gets the right load order. As I understand it, the ReProccer controls all the changes by SkyRe, and if you have a Bashed Patch after it, it will override those changes. As SkyRe is such a large mod, this could cause a crash if its scripts go looking for a reference that has been removed or overridden by a Bashed Patch.

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Ok i'm on it for 3 days now, i passed my night on it, i'm completely off.


I tried everything, i can't find a good log to see what's wrong.

I don't understand the process.

I desinstalled SkyRe and ReProceer, and i installed Perkus Maximus, nothing change, always this CTD.


I'm desinstalling all mods, i will desinstall NMM, i will reinstall everything with MO. Can you give me please, a process to follow, to avoid bugs ?

An order to install ? Some mods to avoid ? A process to manage with errors ?


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Ok i try a new game and play 30 minutes to see if i will have bugs.


This is my config :

 0  0 Skyrim.esm
 1  1 Update.esm
 2  2 Dawnguard.esm
 3  3 HearthFires.esm
 4  4 Dragonborn.esm
 5  5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
 6  6 HighResTexturePack01.esp
 7  7 HighResTexturePack02.esp
 8  8 HighResTexturePack03.esp
 9  9 Cutting Room Floor.esp
10  a Correctif Haute Resolution.esp
11  b Correctif Legendaire.esp
Edited by skulls72
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