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Best wife ever


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You are a lucky man.


I, too, am using the xbox as a temporary expediant.



Ok, i am being brutally honest (because i'm drunk as a skunk right now) ..... How could you possibly ruin one of the best gaming experiences by watering it down by playing it on a rancid pile of crap, also known as a console!!??!!?


I hate, i hate, i hate console gamers, they are the sole reason why most games suck these days, they have lowered the expectations of games because they gobble up all the crap that feeds the developing companies, so they don't have to make anything good or unique anymore because console users are unintelligent morons.


Ooooh pretty explosion .. bang bang ... "yeah these young kids will buy up all this crap, no need to advance anything, then port it to PC and they can deal with this s***" .. hate consoles, hate console gamers.

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You are a lucky man.


I, too, am using the xbox as a temporary expediant.



Ok, i am being brutally honest (because i'm drunk as a skunk right now) ..... How could you possibly ruin one of the best gaming experiences by watering it down by playing it on a rancid pile of crap, also known as a console!!??!!?


I hate, i hate, i hate console gamers, they are the sole reason why most games suck these days, they have lowered the expectations of games because they gobble up all the crap that feeds the developing companies, so they don't have to make anything good or unique anymore because console users are unintelligent morons.


Ooooh pretty explosion .. bang bang ... "yeah these young kids will buy up all this crap, no need to advance anything, then port it to PC and they can deal with this s***" .. hate consoles, hate console gamers.

Whoo! Bit harsh don't you think?

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Fire it up! You have plenty of rig. This game looks good, even on medium, so don't worry. Besides, now that you have a PC, you can upgrade anytime you want to. To me, everything looks great.



I don't get it what's wrong it won't run skyrim it's so laggy even on lowest setting I dxdiaged and I got this


And Athlon ii x4 processor 3.1 GHz

4096 mb ram 

DX 11

GeForce  6150se nforce 430

Dxdiag says it approx 1912 mb of mem


Any one know my problem

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Its the video card. Thats an integrated video card old as fck (Ge Force 6xxx series right there, that was new when i bought my Pentium 4 lol).


On the CPU side you're fine (those Athlon x4 should run like a Core 2 Quad Q8xxx from intel if im not mistaken, lil bit on the old side but enough for lots of games).


You should get a new gfx card. nVidia GTX560, AMD HD6850, something along those lines would go perfectly.


If you need something cheaper, nVidia GTX550, HD6790 or HDD6770 should do. If you go lower than that Skyrim wont run well with that monitor.


Considering the chipset you're running, i wouldnt even be so sure that a new gfx card would run at all, PCIe 1.0 had some issues with PCIe 2.0 cards. Only the more cecent PCIe 1.1 was fully compatible with PCIe 2.0 cards (and 2.1 that newer AMD and nVidia cards use).


EDIT: Mmm... I read a lil more and it seems that the nForce 430 its just the southbridge so you may be good with the PCIe compatibility.

Edited by eltucu
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Tysm I think I'm gonna return it and look for a better one no worries I still love her

Yeah, me too


/jk :P Nah but seriously, better return it. If you want a new PC, just register in some PC hardware forum, i mystelf lurk in Guru3D boards, but there is Overclockers, HardOCP, Anandtech, TomsHardware, etc, all full with knowledgeable ppl. Besides, every time that one guy wants to make a new build, its epeen measuring time! :P So every one goes to suggest a proper config.


Just say what you want, in what resolution you're going to play, and what its your budget. Just dont go defying their opinions cuz most of the ppl is going to nerd rage at you (i would if i spent half an hour making a nice setup for you then you say that a friend of a friends of yours says that the CPU i posted is crap cuz another CPU is teh roxxorz, or something along those lines).


And happy new year btw!

Edited by eltucu
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