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GTX 1080, i5-4690k OC'd to 4.2GHz, 16GB RAM. Awful stuttering on MEDIUM!


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Everyone is.

And there is no solution? I even have Godrays and DOF turned off in my .ini. What setting is doing this? Shadows are the obvious culprit but even with them lowered there is no improvement.

Edited by Mitigate
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Fo4 defaults are awful.

Try http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/102/? and set everything to recommended settings, and maybe add ENB-Boost for more video-ram, because Fo4 can exhaust a 4GB video card really quick.

The config tool will get rid of the most issues. Give it a try.

I already have ENBOOST and have made every tweak to my .ini files that I can think of. I'm an expert when it comes to optimising Skyrim perfectly, but this game... Nothing seems to work.

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No amount of optimising is going to change Downtown Boston lag. All you have to do is look at it in the CK and you'll understand why it lags.


You have multiple skyscrapers with who knows how many parts, countless spawning enemies, lots of quests, lights everywhere, fires, npc's, lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Every step you take changes the scenery, so all this stuff is loading constantly. And don't get me started on how much trash files there are there.


When I was editing my Hangman's Alley borders it took 7 minutes just to load all the parts and textures just in that little area and it's on the edge of Downtown, try looking at the area around Trinity Tower or Faneuil Hall lol. ;)

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I can load it fairly fast (1-2 minutes) but it lags my PC and looking down the horizon is .. hard. The error count is skyrocketing too, so much I had to hide them purely for my own sanity.

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Just a quick question ... Do you have busecombinedobjects=0 (spelling?) set in your .ini file?. According to Bugthesda, that's one of the biggest lag causes in the game. Places like downtown Boston have tens of thousands of doubled, tripled even quadrupled meshes all piled on top of each other to create the "look" of things like trash, debris and garbage. If you use one of the "scrap" mods that allow you do get rid of them (with the aforementioned .ini setting) you can see just how wasteful and redundant the item placement is in those places.


With the combined meshes turned on however, many, many of those streets consists of only a few meshes, so that can significantly improve performance. (Or so Bugthesda claims anyway)


Note: You can though make a MASSIVE increase in your settlement budget, by getting rid of those thousands of grass, grass mound, debris, debris decal, trash etc. items when the setting is turned off, and you're using a scrap everything mod.. :)

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