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Guards who dead alone


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Hello oblivion fan,


I have a big bug and don't know where is from !


I use Boss, TES4edit, Bain, wry bash, nearly 300 mods, Id finder


But, some guards dead died alone in cities.


Theirs heal decrease until dead like a spell or poison.


one guard in bruma gate, 2 in Imperial city, ( one in the palace, two in arena district)


I know is something in my bashed patch who kil them.


They seem added by mod and I don't know which one.



I realy desesperate, i unchecked all my mods and I didn't find the guilty.



Someone heard about that bug.


On the net, i find a rumor it was a conflict between OOO and vampire order of virtue. I remove virtue order and nothing change.


How I can post my load order?




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I doubt that Ashes to Ashes is included in any other mod. Can't think of much else to suggest other than Oblivionaddicted's suggestion.

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I think this is related to OOO replacing some male guards with female guards. The male guards are removed and have a script added to kill them to avoid conflicting with the new female guards. Then another mod changes these male guards again, resulting in them re-appearing in-game, but dying because of the script.

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