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I guess it's about time to make a topic like this. :laugh: Have no clue why I didn't when we just started. :D Since quite a few people joined us, I noticed that they have nowhere to introduce their characters. Also hopefully we will largely decrease the amount of OOC posts now when we have a discussion thread for that. Yay! :dance:


So please, introduce your characters and discuss OOC things here. :smile:


The original Roleplaying thread can be found here. Have fun everyone! :laugh:

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Name: Nawen Relve'fer


Race: Drow


Age: 220 (Looks like 20)


Class: Ranger


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Deity: Mielikki (You can read about Mielikki here.)


Place of Origin: Somewhere in the Sword Coast


Appearance: At first glance Nawen looks pretty much like any other drow female. Dark skin, white hair. Yet for the reasons unknown to her, she's a little bit different than other drows. She's a little bit taller and has dark green eyes. Her skin color is also a bit lighter. (This is not Nawen but her skin color is like this.)


Armor/Clothing: Nawen usually wears clothing or armor of dark green and brown colors. When in the cities, villages or taverns she can be seen wearing brown hood or cloak.


Weapon: She always carries her bow, a pair of elven daggers, an elven scimitar, two enchanted shortswords and a skinning knife which belonged to someone dear to her.


Personality: Nawen is one of the nicest drows you've ever seen. She is kindhearted, friendly, will always help the ones in need even if there's no real reward for it. As a ranger, Nawen knows the land, animals and various plants. She is also very stealthy which helps a lot when people discover that she's a drow.

Nawen is also not very social mostly because people tend to avoid her. When she's wearing a hood/cloak she's one of those mysterious rangers who are up to no good and if someone sees her face she's a drow, evil and treacherous like others of her kind, so instead, Nawen prefers the company of animals, especially her animal companion and dearest friend - black panther Sinn, because animals never judged her for her skin color or how some other people of her race are.


History: Nawen was born to a couple of drow rangers who lived on a surface. When she was three her mother was killed by a group of bandits when she tried to protect travelers from them. Her father then raised Nawen alone and taught everything he knew. When Nawen was sixteen her father left her alone in their camp and went to look for some food. He never returned.

And because she was already pretty independent, Nawen lived in the wilderness on her own, helping people who got lost in the wilds and offering her service as a scout. Because of that she made a name for herself as a best scout in the Sword Coast.

During the war with the King of Shadows, Nawen wasn't accompanying the Knight Captain (even though she wanted to) but instead was given an important task by the Sir Nevalle himself to lead the citizens of Neverwinter to safety.

Edited by Naktis
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Name: Selene Oda


Age:3000, but appears 23


Class:Dark Sorceress


Alignment:Lawful Evil


Deity: Mehrunes Dagon.


Place of Origin: Akavir


Appearance: Selene is one of the most beautiful women in all of Nirn, she is tall and thin, with pale white skin and purple eyes, she likes to change the color of her hair, but prefers black or blonde. She always wears makeup.


Armor/Clothing: Selene is always changing her attire, but the one thing you can be sure of, is that she will be wearing high heels. Huge high heels. She likes to wear dresses, and outfits made from the finest materials, and is willing to wear very revealing outfits, and when it comes to jewelry she only likes the most expensive and ornate of items.


Weapon: Selene can use any weapon you give her, but likes to use her ornate Katana, Mehrunes Razor, or her Daedric war fans.


Personality: Selene is an proud, intelligent and able woman, she can be extremely friendly and caring to her friends, but she can be deceitful, malicious and evil at other times, she enjoys sarcasm, and the use of the words *my dear* She is a very confident woman, and knows she is beautiful.


History: Selene has a long and dark past, she grew up in Akavir, and was trained from a young age to be a lethal assassin for her father, and at the age of 23 she became a Vampire out of vanity, she soon made herself a daywalker. She traveled tamriel, seeing so much history, so many battles, she has lived many lives in many places, and has absorbed all of the knowledge of her long and privileged life. She became a member of the mythic dawn, and has acted as a sleeper agent for over 200 years.

Late in the Fourth era Selene Assassinated Emperor Titus Mede the 2nd with the help of Coation. But once coation had his position back, Selene betrayed him, having him executed. Now in control of the Empire, Selene was High Chancellor, she declared war on the Thalmor, after a clever plot to lure them and their true motives was successful.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Very nice character sheet. :thumbsup: I might also add that if you want your characters to have alignment but also you're having a hard time deciding, take a look here. The only reason why it's even there in my character sheet it's because Nawen is a character from Forgotten Realms (Dungeons and Dragons) where characters have alignments so this alignment thing is optional. :smile:
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Edit: Nevermind that. It's not like I actually roleplayed her for a long and stuff... just could not get attached to this dark elf character so there's no need for her character sheet. Sorry about that. :P

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Name: Dirmire ------


Race: Impeerial


Age: 23


Class: Mage


Deity: --------


Place of Origin: Unknown--


Appearance: dirmire is tall, with green eyes, His hair is usually spiked up


Armor/Clothing: Light armors. His armour is strange and was formed using dark magic.


Weapon: Mostly uses magic but is skilled with his deadric shortsword


Personality: Dirmire can be kind and sometimes immature but he mainly devotes his life to sleeping and necromancy


History: Dirmire was an orphan who was left on the streets and taken in by a rich family as a slave. He ran away and survived on pickpocketing and using magic. /he followed necromancy because he didn't want anyone to die who he loved like his parents and eventually found his way into Skyrim.

Edited by Meciathe
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Name: Sedura Dagoth/Iodiria


Race: Chimer


Age: 720


Class: Goddess/Heartwight


Deity: The Heart


Place of origin: Morrowind (Indoril territory)


Appearance: Tall and beautiful, she has pale gold skin, paler than any other high elf, and striking purple eyes, her hair is long and is always worn down, swept over one shoulder. She appears very elegant and refined.


Armor/clothing: Likes to wear many different colors when wearing a dress, she loves ornate jewelry and is never seen without a fine necklace on. Her main colors are white and gold, and black and red. She is always in a pair of black, white or red heels, of differing types. She prefers light armor.


Weapon: An ornate silver blade called mage-bane. But recently employs the use of Nervars blade: Trueflame, and Almalexia's: Hopesfire. She also on very rare occasions uses Sunder and Keening.


History: Joined the temple at a young age and advanced far, she was renowned for her devotion. On a fateful day she was sent to Vvardenfell, and saw Caius cossades, after some time she was revealed to be the nerevarine. She was infected with corprus and traveled to dagoth ur for help, once there she became an ash creature. Once she was in the final stages, she was connected to the heart of lorkhan, becoming a god. She killed the tribunal and dagoth ur, controlling house dagoth and eliminating the temple. After the destruction of morrowind she has spent years studying the heart, and hesitating to rebuild morrowind.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Name: Nephenee "Fragata" Monroe


Race: Imperial


Age: 24


Class: Merchant


Deity: 9( Or 8 ) Divines.


Place of Origin: Anvil, Colovia.


Appearance: At 5' 5", Nephenee is of average height for an Imperial person. She has straight, medium length yellow blond hair that is down to her shoulders and brown eyes.


Armor/Clothing: She typically travels in inconspicuous layered hooded brown robes that ends at her shins, and thick white leggings for the rugged Skyrim weather. Her robes have many pockets inside to carry various things, be it things to sell or travel items. She also wears warm fox fur boots. She also wears a handy leather belt, the staple of any traveler, with several pouches including a flask for travel. Unlike other simple merchants though, she has a horse which carries several of her bags. In town, she wears a simple dark pastel green hooded robe.


Weapon: Nephenee carries an old smallsword with a stylized iron grip and guard with a gold pommel and a thin long steel blade. It's an average weapon. There is also a small dagger on the horse's saddle but is seldom used.


Personality: Smart, amicable, ambitious and competitive, Nephenee is easy to make friends with and strike deals.


History: Born to a medium class merchanting family in Anvil, Nephenee pursued her father and mother's dream of a successful company. She worked for her mother and father as the shopkeeper of their General Store in Anvil until a vengeful rival merchant burned it down and killed her parents. Saddened, but with even more resolve than ever, set out to become a more successful businessperson than her forefathers. Her ultimate goal was to own and run a successful shipping company. Her obsession with this led her friends to nickname her "Fragata", meaning frigate, representing her resolve and her goal.

When she was 24, she pooled in with several other merchant of a trade guild to purcase a trade ship for a route between Skyrim and Cyrodiil. Unfortunately, the trade ship, the Roland, wrecked off of Winterhold, killing all but her and a few other passengers. Nephenee was devastated both financially and emotionally, but pulled together enough money to buy a horse and start a new.


How's this?

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introducing: Kristoph

Name: Kristoph

Pronounced: Chris-ta-f

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Race: Dark Elf

Class: Agent/Trader

Diety: Nocturnal

Place of origin: Bandit trade camp in Valenwood

Weapon of Choice: Normally an enchanted Ebony bow, crafted with the finest Ebony available, but if you get hit with it, you're soul is in his hands by a soul trap, along with poisoned arrows for effect. In melee, a glass dagger is always at his thigh, making sure he has the best effect on targets.


Background: Raised among theives and crime, he was forced to adapt to his surroundings. He found peace un reading, but if he's not reading, he's out making deals as a sellsword or making sure that nobles wouldn't give him trouble. Despite chances to join plenty of murder groups, he prefers to work in groups of other hirelings.


Fighting Tactics: Overlooking the battlefield and getitng to know you're surroundings is perfect for someone to set up easy ambushes and traps, thus he responds by being gifted in this tactic. Remaining among the trees and shadows to poison and strike targets is another gifted talent of his. Fear is not something he takes lightly, in fact, fear is his best fighting encouragment. It boosts his mind to get him out of a situation.


Personality: Richer than any noble out there, he perfers to spend his time making deals with his money and purchasing deadly weapons. He searches for anyone who needs a sellsword, and is willing to carry out jobs, if you pay right. Growing up in a harsh world made him quiet, making sure he doesn't spill info. He easily gets along with others, as other sellswords go with him for jobs. Though people take him for murder, he only carries out jobs when they have a point to them, not just careless crimes. He's been charged with a lot of crimes, but contacts in the Thieve's guild keeps that off his back. His hatred also extrends toward High Elves for obvious and hidden reasons.


Appearence: Perfers to wear armoured robes for easy movement, and uses cloaks to keep himself hidden. Despite that, his face still has that rich look, almost as if he was raised by nobles. His shady look however is hidden in public, as he looks like a simple sellsword. A belt holds a copy of a paladin's bible, as although he is what he is, he is also extremly religious. His hair remains short and with black texturing to keep the wind from blowing his hair into his face.



Good? Need more Detail? Let me know.

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