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Official Establishment of Big Brother


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Here we go, folks. It was absolutely inevitable imo, the thought police have finally come to replace a free and open internet with outright fascism dressed up as national security. Can we please start a pool on exactly who will get to decide what constitutes "terrorist content" and what does not, or how this move affects the God-given right of the American people to forcibly replace their government whenever it becomes necessary. Etc.


I'll let one quote from the article speak for itself, imo it ranks as a masterpiece of euphemism:


"The tech firms have the challenge of balancing freedom of expression with preventing illegal activity and respecting users' privacy. They also face the potentially contentious task of determining what constitutes terrorist content."


Potentially contentious. God damn these despots to hell imo.



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If we lived in democracies every one who uses terror to reach a politic goal would be considered like a terrorist ; a boss who threatens to use slaves in 3rd world if the law prevents him from stealing his workers, rich people who threaten to go abroad if the state prevents them from collecting yachts and sport cars they'll never use when some people die of starvation or all those who claim the state shouldn't intervein in the economy so people are free.


But unfortunately all these things serve the unavowable interests of our capitalist apparatchiks so this can't be terrorism.^^

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We live in a world where a single company has repeatedly been convicted of illegally maintaining monopoly control of 90+% of the world's desktops, and instead of facing antitrust charges the company was given the legal green light to implement flipping COPY PROTECTION on their product.


We live in a world where a single company has repeatedly been convicted of illegally maintaining monopoly control of the world's internet searches, and instead of facing antitrust charges the company was given the legal green light to intentionally obfuscate their results, however they wish and with zero explanation or accountability for it. As I mentioned in another thread we've managed to outdo Orwell in more than one regard.


This is not capitalism, it's a wholesale collapse of restrained capitalism, which is the only eventual response possible to forcing it to compete with socialism and even Communism. The longer that "gate" remains "open" to China, the further our chances of ever seeing black ink in our federal government sail off into the infinite distance. Wait until the IMF shows up.


Also as mentioned in another thread, even according to our right-wing, the "war on terror" has become a self-propelled fascist monster in our federal government, while my state has just claimed federal "authority" is required to buy ammunition to protect myself and my own family. Tick tock. The punchline to the joke is that the worst reactionary fascists in our Senate are Democrats (Feinstein, Schumer et al), the denizens of defense jobs on our coasts and defenders of anything and everything related to "national security". These people are almost beyond the possibility of losing elections in their respective states, we are therefore stuck with this "war" forever. Or until their current de facto bankruptcy becomes official. Again watch what happens when the paychecks stop, and see just how much of this "defense" was actually necessary. The Russians discovered it 25 years ago.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I agree, but the difference is that even the pretense of "government by and for the people" has been dispensed with, especially by our current House leadership. The same people who're given control of our country's pursestrings are pushing for repeal of the ACA, elimination of human and civil rights for gay people, reproductive rights for women etc etc, last century's agenda, the Haley Barbour set. These same multinational traitors have been in control of the RNC's platform and candidates since Nixon.


Without term limits in Congress and our federal courts we are doomed to the same fate as Germany in the 1930's. Fascism and collapse of what remains of our Constitution, after 15 years of attack and outright ignorance by our own federal courts.

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90% of the world has the same problem. The internet is going through the same evolutionary process that most (maybe all) other new communications technologies went through, namely incidental monopoly control of a new medium by a relative handful of companies, inevitable abuse of that control, and finally inevitable subsequent government regulation of the new technology. It happened with our landline phone network a century ago, it happened with radio communications etc. I think the FCC bestowed Title II protections on internet traffic in anticipation of this power grab by other agencies of our government. These protections are the same ones our postal mail and telephone traffic enjoy, and they're the only reasons our mail and phone conversations have any degree of legal privacy protection.


But our larger problem imo is this runaway fascism train, which continues and can only continue insisting on more and more control and power, for our "security". They've discovered fear is infinite and therefore has infinite power: people never stop falling for the ruse. Ever. So 15 years after 911 we're still dealing with 320 million innocent Americans being raped and irradiated at our airports and borders, and forced to prove their innocence over and over again to their own government, outright negation of our Fourth and other Amendments, and our two choices among our major political parties are two very slightly different sets of special interests. Choose Diane Feinstein or choose Lindsey Graham and see how much difference it makes in this fake war. At this point virtually nothing is deemed too ridiculous or violative of our rights, compared to the nice warm fuzzy and entirely delusional place called government protection from terrorism.


If anyone ever tells you it's either within the power of our government, or even their place to protect us from terrorism, they're telling you a bald-faced lie. A free society and a secure society are and can only be mutually exclusive, therefore our resident and perpetually reelected reactionaries in Congress continue doing the exact bidding of the terrorists and acting in exact accord with the intentions of terrorism.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Technologies are tools, to ensure they are used for a good purpose it's got to change the minds that create and use them.


In France we are also more and more infected by the fascist-neo-nazi cancer and our medias do everything to keep us in fear reminding us the terrorist attack in Paris but never mentioning the thousands innocents Servier assassinated with the Mediator, Mas massacred with breast prothesis and more generally the rampages our bosses commit every year with petroleum, cancer-giving additives or chemical solvents in our clothes.


Fear is a mean to better dominate us and make us forget the worst terrorist murderers are the politicians and the bosses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

rich people are terrorists inherently, they should be treated as such :D
lock them up, use the drone strike program on them

Edited by tartarsauce2
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see if you just use their terms and define all their particulars and preferreds with that term and you call for the things they call for just towards them instead and you tautologize

  • a phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words.
    plural noun: tautologies
    a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.

then when they get mad you go "haha they got mad cause it's true" and they get even madder and TRUMP 2016 MEMEWAR MAGIC HAPPENS
just gotta keep doing it, because those kinds of people are losers with self esteem issues anyways

Edited by tartarsauce2
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