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Making custom followers that are AFT, UFO or EFF friendly.


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Hello all.


So I was trying to make a few custom followers and the tutorials available are very useful. You can make a follower, assign the right factions and relationships and all is just peachy. However, when you go to use a multiple follower mod everything goes wrong.

For instance, when using UFO, no "Follow Me" option appears or when using AFT, they say ok but then don't follow you out of the cell or whatever.

Many different possible little bugs occur and I'm wondering if there's something I need to add to custom followers to get them to behave themselves and where I could find that information?

Obviously this only occurs with custom NPC's as all vanilla NPC's seem to play along just fine.


Would appreciate any advice.

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Not all npc character voices have the proper follower dialogue. Hmm, there's a list of usable npc voices for followers somewhere. Maybe the ck wiki?


You might also try looking at your followers in TESEdit to see if there are any dialogue or quest conflicts.

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