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Settlement power issue.


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Built a large factory at the Starlight drive-in for my main base, no settlers just a ton of robots farming scrap and machines crafting ammo. Went back once to repel an attack and after found that some of my machines had stopped, and said they had no power. Rewired everything and the machines started working but another would turn off and power displayed red. Saved game and then stored everything that could use power (including conduits, lights and wires) Now I had 100 power and 0 power used but still red. I even used the console to get enough scrap for a few of the 500 power reactors and it remained red. I have quite a few settlements built up but this is the only one that has the issue.

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I went over the whole place twice to clear out anything that used power. But now that I think of it, if I had a mod that added things that used power and then I uninstalled it, could the machines still be there wanting power even though I can't see or interact with them? At this point it's all i can think of.

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When a mod gets deleted from the game, all of it's effects should be gone.


Are you sure you don't have a radio beacon any more? Or what about the small, original generator on the walkway, top of the Starlight movie screen? No forgotten added ceiling lights in the backroom with the floor safe or the small room with the crib, next to it? No lightbulbs you sank into the ground somewhere?

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