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Creation Kit - Today?


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Protip: Make your mods now, perfect them with CK.

Why bother learning more than necessary?


Besides, I bet your scripts are all amazing, since SKyrim uses a new scripting language as far as I know. And in case you didn't know: Scripting is a big part of any decent mods.


That said: Patience guys. We've waited since November, we can certainly wait a few more weeks :thumbsup:


More then necessary?


Because of, "more then necessary," learning.. I know exactly how a playerhomes works, bookshelves, weapon racks, mannequins, IDs, NAVM, and even how create a new CELL (zone.) I could go on forever with my more then necessary learning, the point is, I know how most everything in this game works now.. and can modify around 80% of this game as is.. And because of More then necessary learning I will understand exactly how every change I make in CK will effect the game before it even happens. And while you are scratching your head at how to make something in CK work I will have already modified it in TESsnip because not everything is as easy as you would think in CK.


Just jumping into the CK without knowing how everything in the game works is like learning C++, HTML or PHP from one of these Quick learn guides online, you know the basics but you won't understand half of what you're doing.


Not sure what you're going on about with Scripts being the backbone of any kind of real mod.. I have made tons of mods with the vanilla scripts that are already in the game, those mods are still decent. I cannot modify something like the script of a book to add 10 different images into the book, or modify the script of a weapon rack to change its angle etc but I can use the vanilla scripts to do almost exactly that by modifying it slightly enough for my idea to work.


I can modify a dialogue sequence completely, I can change the positioning of a NPC completely, I can change how he acts, looks, moves, where he moves, what he does when he moves, where he goes, everything.. It's just a pain in the ass, CK just make all this easy and allows a child to be able to mod.


Sitting back and not delving into any of the tools while spouting off how modding isn't possible because you don't have CK is just lazy.

Edited by Shawkab
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Because of, "more then necessary," learning.. I know exactly how a playerhomes works, bookshelves, weapon racks, mannequins, IDs, NAVM, and even how create a new CELL (zone.) I could go on forever with my more then necessary learning, the point is, I know how most everything in this game works now.. and can modify around 80% of this game as is.. And because of More then necessary learning I will understand exactly how every change I make in CK will effect the game before it even happens. And while you are scratching your head at how to make something in CK work I will have already modified it in TESsnip because not everything is as easy as you would think in CK.


So, your dedication is found in every person? Trust me, random Joe does not find modding fun and easy when they start. How do I know? Because I struggled through it, and about 5 of my friends gave up. No, unless you are dedicated doing more than what you need is a hazzle. This does not go for usefull thing, of course, but another application is not helpfull when we know nothing how the CK will be.


Just jumping into the CK without knowing how everything in the game works is like learning C++, HTML or PHP from one of these Quick learn guides online, you know the basics but you won't understand half of what you're doing.

Just jumping into TESsnip and the other softwares before you know moding is exactly the same. THe different is if you go to the CS for Oblivion, or the GECK, first you get a base how a full fledged toolkit is. Even that I would say is a waste, since it is a week or two of banging your head to a wall before a whole new software is out that you will need.


Not sure what you're going on about with Scripts being the backbone of any kind of real mod.. I have made tons of mods with the vanilla scripts that are already in the game, those mods are still decent. I cannot modify something like the script of a book to add 10 different images into the book, or modify the script of a weapon rack to change its angle etc but I can use the vanilla scripts to do almost exactly that by modifying it slightly enough for my idea to work.


Go ahead and make me a mod like Midas Magic, which is the morst hardcore scripted mod I've seen. Or make me a superb quest. No? You see, you can alter whatever you want, or add whatever model you want, but the backbone of a mod having depth is scripting. It is overlayed by effects, storytelling and models, but without a script, there is nothing but idle.


Sitting back and not delving into any of the tools while spouting off how modding isn't possible because you don't have CK is just lazy.

Lazy? You mean I am telling people not to bang their head to a wall a week, or two, before the CK is released. Lazy because I am know how it is to learn something without dedication?


I'd also like you could quote me where I said it wasn't possible to mod. I merely said it wasn't worth to learn something brand new right before the CK is out.


And for your information, I don't plan to use the CK. My models goes to my team, which uses them, and we need the CK. So no, I am not "sitting back" and slack.

Edited by Matth85
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still need blender,3ds or maya..and of course nifskope if you want to model your own armor.

EDIT: my bad meant nifskope, not tessnip

Edited by Sk8on
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The CK makes custom magic possible, and houses, and quests and a variety of great things I want now.


At the moment you need TesSnip to add custom armor meshes, but when the CK arrives you will no longer need TesSnip.

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