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Creation Kit - Today?


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Some people are saying that the Construction Set is the only thing that makes TES games worth playing. If that were the case, why buy Skyrim, or even Oblivion, since we've had the CS since Morrowind? Way pay $60 for something you already have, when its already been shown you can do some fantastic things with the old system. The claim that the CS is the ONLY reason to buy the game is flawed in that the CS already exists elsewhere. If its your only interest, there no reason to even move from one version to another when they all do basicly the same thing.


I would have bought skyrim if there was no CS, the game is gorgeous and is pretty much the closest thing i've found, since oblivion, to a simulated medieval fantasy world (though ive only played oblivion and skyrim in tes series). Having the CK though is a colossal plus.

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To say that " The claim that the CS is the ONLY reason to buy the game is flawed in that the CS already exists elsewhere" is... disingenuous at best, because there is no fully functional CS for -SKYRIM- available to the masses yet.


I think your missing the point. If there was to be no CS for Skyrim, you would still have the Oblivion CS. Even if you just wanted the CS(CK) its self it's been said it will be free to download, so whats the point of getting Skyrim its self? While this CS may be designed for Skyrim, it is hardly anything 'new', and is little more than a facilitator for your own game creation. You are unlikely to NEED the Skyrim ESM to use the CK, just as you did not NEED the Oblivion ESM to use the last-gen CS. As such, the arguement that the CK is the only reason to get Skyrim is, as you said, disingenuous because the two are not, by all indications, mutually related.


All Skyrim serves, in terms of the CK, is a convienient model, animation and texture pack from which to base your own creations on.

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Why not make the development of the construction Kit Open Source/Open to public?



I can understand striping out liscences tools first, but after than the best bet to make a great creation kit is to bring in 1-2 thousand legitemit modders and ask them to test the Kit., give their opinion on how to improve it etc etc.



It would benefit all if bethesda would continue to improve the Creation Kit after it is released by seeking Ideas and opinion of those that use it to mod.

After all, who better to improve the functionality of a tool then the people that continue to use it for 5 years after the game is released? Then by doing this the

ability of their in-house employees to use said tool to creation the next expansion/game using the Gamebryo engine.


Post Script:

I want the Creation KIT SOOOOOOOOOO BADLY! It's taking every fiber in my being to stop my sel ffrom playing. Skyrim.

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I can understand striping out liscences tools first, but after than the best bet to make a great creation kit is to bring in 1-2 thousand legitemit modders and ask them to test the Kit., give their opinion on how to improve it etc etc.

They don't want, or should, need to spend more time than necessary with the toolsets. Just because we are LUCKY we get it, and they got more pressing matter. Mostly fixing bugs on the consoles, which is the majority of the profit.

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Why not make the development of the construction Kit Open Source/Open to public?



I can understand striping out liscences tools first, but after than the best bet to make a great creation kit is to bring in 1-2 thousand legitemit modders and ask them to test the Kit., give their opinion on how to improve it etc etc.



It would benefit all if bethesda would continue to improve the Creation Kit after it is released by seeking Ideas and opinion of those that use it to mod.

After all, who better to improve the functionality of a tool then the people that continue to use it for 5 years after the game is released? Then by doing this the

ability of their in-house employees to use said tool to creation the next expansion/game using the Gamebryo engine.


Post Script:

I want the Creation KIT SOOOOOOOOOO BADLY! It's taking every fiber in my being to stop my sel ffrom playing. Skyrim.


There are already modding tools for skyrim that expand it. There will always be script extenders http://skse.silverlock.org/ for tes games, unless bethesda tries to make it impossible. This means that things are already being improved. Why they wouldn't make their own stuff opensource? it makes it harder to see into the internal workings of the game, and thus a little harder to reverse engineer anything in it; for whatever devious purpose.

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and thus a little harder to reverse engineer anything in it; for whatever devious purpose.


Devious? Really?

They are a for-profit company, trying to make a profit on the work that took almost 5 years and cost tens of millions of dollars, and want to protect the codebase of their property, and that's devious? :rolleyes:

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Someone will always be able to reverse engineer anything you make. For every safe there is a cracker, for every lock there is a picker.
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To say that " The claim that the CS is the ONLY reason to buy the game is flawed in that the CS already exists elsewhere" is... disingenuous at best, because there is no fully functional CS for -SKYRIM- available to the masses yet.


I think your missing the point. If there was to be no CS for Skyrim, you would still have the Oblivion CS. Even if you just wanted the CS(CK) its self it's been said it will be free to download, so whats the point of getting Skyrim its self? While this CS may be designed for Skyrim, it is hardly anything 'new', and is little more than a facilitator for your own game creation. You are unlikely to NEED the Skyrim ESM to use the CK, just as you did not NEED the Oblivion ESM to use the last-gen CS. As such, the arguement that the CK is the only reason to get Skyrim is, as you said, disingenuous because the two are not, by all indications, mutually related.


All Skyrim serves, in terms of the CK, is a convienient model, animation and texture pack from which to base your own creations on.


Once again, I agree. It doesn't seem that the opposition is planning on admitting a loss though, since their last comment was non-sequiter, so this could turn into a flame war quite quickly.

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To say that " The claim that the CS is the ONLY reason to buy the game is flawed in that the CS already exists elsewhere" is... disingenuous at best, because there is no fully functional CS for -SKYRIM- available to the masses yet.


I think your missing the point. If there was to be no CS for Skyrim, you would still have the Oblivion CS. Even if you just wanted the CS(CK) its self it's been said it will be free to download, so whats the point of getting Skyrim its self? While this CS may be designed for Skyrim, it is hardly anything 'new', and is little more than a facilitator for your own game creation. You are unlikely to NEED the Skyrim ESM to use the CK, just as you did not NEED the Oblivion ESM to use the last-gen CS. As such, the arguement that the CK is the only reason to get Skyrim is, as you said, disingenuous because the two are not, by all indications, mutually related.


All Skyrim serves, in terms of the CK, is a convienient model, animation and texture pack from which to base your own creations on.


Once again, I agree. It doesn't seem that the opposition is planning on admitting a loss though, since their last comment was non-sequiter, so this could turn into a flame war quite quickly.

I only bought MW because it had mod tools.

I was actually excited for Ob for the game that time, which was shite imo. and the only thing good was mods.

I only bought F3 because I could mod it.

I bought Skyrim hoping the game was good, but knew I just really wanted to mod it.

I only bought Crysis wars for CE2 and modding.

True story.


Call me disingenuous in the modding forums about that? :rolleyes:

Edited by Ghogiel
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I like the Elderscrolls series - I've been playing them from Daggerfall. But, to be honest, I probably wouldn't have bought Oblivion or Skyrim if they hadn't had modding options - I would have just borrowed a friends copy and played those. For me, the games are fun... but its all about the modding.
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