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Creation Kit - Today?


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Sorry but that is no valid argument. By now Beth could simply made a clear statmenet giving a fix date. The people would shut up and focus on the given date. They decided to not comunicate much with the comunity, its their own fault ppl get impatient...

Impatience is a mental quirk controlled by the person experiencing it. It is only your fault you got impatient because only you can let yourself become impatient.


I hate it when people blame others for their own problems.


Whatever, Beth has a big enough marketing department, but they either have a really understaffed or no Comunity/Communication Management. This is an industry standard, and as I said Beth could have easily avoided the whole trouble. Simply bad marketing...


I hate it when people troll without having any clou.

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Whatever, Beth has a big enough marketing department, but they either have a really understaffed or no Comunity/Communication Management. This is an industry standard, and as I said Beth could have easily avoided the whole trouble. Simply bad marketing...


I hate it when people troll without having any clou.

I have heard this exact same argument over and over concerning Valve and Half Life 2 episode 3, and it is no more or less wrong here then it is there.


-They don't owe us anything

-They shouldn't have to tell us anything

-Them not telling us anything is not any sign of them hating us or them being lazy.


Them not saying anything means nothing, is nothing, and is nothing to get upset about.


Secondly trolling is saying something with the intent to aggravate which I was not doing.


Thirdly it is spelled clue not clou.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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I understand this impatience, I'm impatient too.

Releasing the game with no CK is justifying the impatience feelings from modders community.

Everyone understand this situation is due to commercial reasons, to make more money more quickly with Christmas and new Year holidays, and people don't like these greedy behaviors.

People like to play a finished and polished game, with CK out at the same time.

Everyone can see Skyrim is not finished too, look at all these quests that comes to an abrupt end.


Blizzard entertainment takes its time but all their games are finished and polished. The CK is always released with the game and directly in the game box. And I don't think Blizzard loose money doing this ...

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Most games do not come with a CK or get ANY form of modding tools ever.


It is a gift that we even have the CK, it is not a privilege, it is not something the owe us, it is not something we "deserve", and it is not something we should expect them to hand over at our demand, or ever for that matter.


Had the CK been part of the 60 dollar payment of the game that argument might work but it was not.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Not to beat a dead horse, but in fact posting frustration here is probably a reasonable expression of it.


Bethesda did in fact tell us we'd get a Creation Kit and even said that it would most likely arrive with the game.


And sixty dollars is a pretty steep price for a video game, though I don't think that's germane to the argument.


Many of us are checking daily and commenting here is a way to pass the time.


If you don't like it, don't bother to read the comments. You know this is why this thread is here.

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-They don't owe us anything

-They shouldn't have to tell us anything

-Them not telling us anything is not any sign of them hating us or them being lazy.


Yes they do owe us the creation kit, it is part of the product that has been promised to us and that we paid for. The great modding community and modding possibilities in TES games is the reason for many people i know to buy Skyrim. And as long as they didn't release the CK Beth has not delivered everything we payed for. Don't get me wrong I don't mind the wait, it is just the unnecessary lack of comunication that starts to bother me.


I didn't say they are lazy nor that they hate us. I just stated that better marketing could have prevented all those "Where is the CK"- Threads.

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It's not a gift it is a part of the game, it gives the game a more longer life duration, this life duration is important when you decide to buy a game at this price ...

Except it isn't part of the game, it is an add-on. A add-on that was not promised or guaranteed with the 60 dollar purchase.


The only things that are "part of the game" are what you payed 60 dollars for at the time of purchase.


Why do people keep saying "at this price" like it has been the industry standard for almost 8 years now?

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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