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[LE] Creation Kit Wiki search engine not working?


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Hi guys,


The search engine for Papyrus in Beth's Creation Kit wiki doesn't seem to be working for me anymore.


I used to be able to just type "GetWornForm" or simply "OnEffect" for instance and the search window would list down all functions containing that keyword like "OnEffectStart", "OnEffectFinish", etc.


Now I need to enter the exact page title, like "GetWornForm - Actor" or "OnEffectFinish - ActiveMagicEffect", or else the search engine says no such page exists. It's even case sensitive!..


I haven't been modding for a while and I'm no born-coder, so I don't always remember exactly that "OnAnimationEvent" for instance is a Form Script event. As a result, my searches now take ages of blind guesses which most of the time end up in a dead end...


Tried on IE, Firefox and Chrome - same thing everywhere, it's like basic search by keywords is no longer an option. And all my old bookmarks only lead to the main page now. VERY frustrating. :sad:


Is it me? Some new setting I should configure? Any idea why this 5 year old search engine stopped working?


Is there any workaround I've been missing?


Thanks in advance for any advice!..

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Oh thanks, that helps a bit...


But still.. most of the time, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack!.. + I get a 502 error on most of the links I click on...


Why the heck did they have to change something which was working fairly fine?!..

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