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Crash fix log. can some one tell me whats up?


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Okay I understand my game wont run 64 bit. Check. I tried to do the skyrim performance boost and all that it said would go with it. I didnt like it and i also got a ctd that shows in the log attached as the first one. It shows some plants n stuff. there nif file was corrupt. Well i take all that out and replace it with my back ups. And got another ctd a while after. Now this one i was in fast travel and on loading screen when the crash report came thru and i couldnt see it. Had to restart the pc. I tried to recreat the ctd to see if it would do it again but it hasnt.... so i really dont know whats going on. What can i do for these nif files tho? are they corrupt? What do i do so this type of ctd dosent happen again?

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Defrag your machine.


The corrupt nif message does not always mean a nif is corrupt. Explanation at mod page post tab.

meh 31 pages to sift thru. I figured out how to use nifscan and nothing showed up but redundant whites and data\meshes\actors\werewolfbeast\character assets\skeleton.nif

Block [4]: Name NPC L FootBox is used more than once in children nodes Should i do any thing about the last error line with the footbox?

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I've never had any success with Nifscan. Mostly because every single "corrupt .nif" message I've gotten from Crash Fixes has been false.


Do not misunderstand, Crash Fixes is a great utility, but its "corrupt .nif" messages are, in my experience, always wrong. I haven't seen someone who has this message be true. It's like the Papyrus Log-the .nifs shown are simply the last .nifs loaded by the game, not necessarily corrupt or broken .nifs. The log is just showing its most recent work, not the cause of a crash.


If you can't recreate the crash, I'm not sure really what to tell you. Random crashes usually have to do with the game running out of memory, but Crash Fixes prevents that (unless your machine does not have enough memory to handle your game). Did you uninstall any mods from this save? Scripts installed by mods (not all mods use them, things like equipment typically don't, but many mods do) stay in your save unless they're manually removed by a save cleaning utility, even if you uninstall the mod. That could easily result in seemingly random crashes when your game tries to load a script reference that doesn't exist anymore.

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