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Zooming in with weapon holstered


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Are we sure that it's definitely not a game setting (or ini setting like some other extra FOV settings are)? If it's hardcoded, disabling the key is the only thing that'll work but it's a bit invasive imho for something so trivial. Personally I'd just exert some self control, but meh. It'd be interesting to know what the zoomed FOV is, and if it's smaller than some weapons with low zoom factor.


Anyway, JSawyer Ultimate works by temporarily overriding a weapon's FOV setting with a null value, hence disabling zoom. Since you're not using a weapon, that method obviously isn't applicable here.

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Are we sure that it's definitely not a game setting (or ini setting like some other extra FOV settings are)? If it's hardcoded, disabling the key is the only thing that'll work but it's a bit invasive imho for something so trivial. Personally I'd just exert some self control, but meh. It'd be interesting to know what the zoomed FOV is, and if it's smaller than some weapons with low zoom factor.


Anyway, JSawyer Ultimate works by temporarily overriding a weapon's FOV setting with a null value, hence disabling zoom. Since you're not using a weapon, that method obviously isn't applicable here.


Ya there is just that min/max multiplier for settings. Which would ofcourse adjust every Zoom in the game.


LOL ya ... the self imposed restraint would be the obvious ... but I wasn't going to mention it right out. :ninja:

Edited by Mktavish
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Thanks guys :tongue:




As you can see from the 2 images in the link, the zoom in effect is not subtle at all, and it's very noticeable when the iron sight zoom is disabled. It is also difficult to solve with 'self control' because I have quick trade etc, and right click has legitimate uses with the weapon holstered, and it is jarring to suddenly zoom in to someone's shoes or a brick wall.


It is definitely a personal preference, like how there are mods which disable fast travel.


I feel like this feature is controled by a game setting, or ini variable, but I haven't been able to narrow it down yet, mainly because I am not sure what this feature would be called. There are many settings that effect zoom and FOV in different scenarios. This feels like a "default zoom."


Edit: It seems related to Iron SIght FOV. One thing I have discovered: the "Iron Sight zoom time" setting in the MCM for 'FOV Slider' affects the speed of this zoom-in.


Further edit: Maybe, instead of "zooming in," a better description is "narrowing the FOV." I am not so familiar with the technicalities, but with narrow FOV, the view is also magnified. Acute angle versus obtuse angle. IF so this implies there are 2 FOV settings that are switched between. I will try adjusting the ratio of world FOV and first-person to see if it affects the "magnitude of the difference."

Edited by mkborgelt13
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I did some quick testing and here's what I came up with:


The zoomed FOV is always 50, regardless of what your FOV setting is. It simply seems like the camera zooms in more when you have a higher FOV setting because the difference is greater. Now's probably a good time to mention that 'zoom' and FOV are the same thing: zooming in is simply a narrowing of FOV.


I tried a few game settings and none of them had any effect so I'd say it's probably a hard-coded value and there's nothing that can be done to change it. The inis turned up nothing either. What's strange is that 50 is actually a higher zoom than most weapons, meaning you're better holstering your weapon if you want a better view. A higher ironsight zoom is meant to be a benefit on weapons because it allows you to shoot better at long distances, so it seems odd to me that the devs decided to make your 'zooming' powers better with no weapon.


So the tl;dr of it is that to disable the zoom, the only thing you can do is use a script to disable the right mouse button when your weapon is holstered, as Mktavish said earlier. Sorry about that.

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