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Preston Garvey as a companion?


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I may be in the minority, but I have never, in my 2000+ hours of playing, ever had Preston or MacCready as followers. My current character (level 97, Institute sided) has left Preston in the museum. My quest log says to pick up the laser musket (as if) and go into the museum. And also "Talk to MacCready," as I made the mistake of loitering too long in the Third Rail and some random told me to.

Once, though, I did get as far as talking to him but he annoyed me so much that I pretty much told him what I thought of him and left. I played FO3 and remember him. I hated him then the little s**t.


I took Curie for the first time and promptly dumped her at Sanctuary after her transformation. Yet, anything I do there raises her affinity so, even though she's not with me we've had two talks as she tends the carrots, lol.


In this playthrough I have 3 perks - Gage, X6 and Codsworth. If I stop stealing and murdering random people I could get Piper's and Nick's but those 2 are too annoying for me anymore. I prefer X6 and Strong. Especially X6, lol, no morals there. I ripped off the pub in Diamond City after Henry took off and abandoned the place and X6 had a funny line about that. The more I use him the more often I hear new things. He's a tato farmer at the moment, assigned himself.

I don't do do-gooder playthroughs anymore. Only my first few games. Now I always side with the Institute as I've done all endings and that one suits my playstyle better.

Edited by star-mystyk
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My problem with companions is the constant whining about me picking up scrap, that's when I wish I had the dialogue option, "Oh yeah? Do you run 30+ settlements full of whiners wanting beds, food, roofs, water, and a bartender? You can't provide all that with just raider scalps and mirelurk meat now can you?"



Very true! :happy: Seriously, of all the lines of background or 'ambience' dialogue Beth could have given them, surely they could have chosen something else. In this respect, I find Cait the most annoying - she always complains if I do something logical, like picking up scrap.

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My problem with companions is the constant whining about me picking up scrap, that's when I wish I had the dialogue option, "Oh yeah? Do you run 30+ settlements full of whiners wanting beds, food, roofs, water, and a bartender? You can't provide all that with just raider scalps and mirelurk meat now can you?"

Yes, well, that's one reason to like Ada. She's always so supportive and encouraging.


Plus, you can go with a generic Automatron with the personality turned off. Or better yet, give them a Sentry or Assaultron voice, which don't even HAVE a personality setting. They'll ONLY comment about entering or exitting combat or such. The rest of the time, you could be stealing Vault 13's water chip and sacrificing villagers to Cthulhu, and you'll never hear a peep about it.


Better yet, NPCs also never comment about generic automatrons. You can parade your custom-made floating mini-gunship up and down DC and Goodneighbour, and you won't hear any of the remarks about having a robot companion or whatnot. It's like they're completely invisible outside of combat.


That's why my favorite companion is my weapon... :wink:

Yes, well, I too was thinking that by now Ada IS my main weapon :wink:


Actually, scratch the smiley. She really is.

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Yes, well, I too was thinking that by now Ada IS my main weapon :wink:


Actually, scratch the smiley. She really is.



Ada IS pretty damn lethal when fully upgraded. I prefer to keep her melee only. It's quite satisfying standing back and watching her *censored*-slapping a gang of high-level supermutants like they're ragdolls. :happy:

Edited by crawe1x
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I hate what Bethesda did to us PC players, and design the dialogue system to a controller. I liked the older style of conversation. And I liked having speech and barter, and even SPECIAL checks in conversations. This, alone, would make some conversations rather interesting. I suppose if you play a male character, reveal that you are an old world former military, you may have some experience in things, and that's why Preston may want to make you a member, at the least, in the minute men. But my immersion is broken when this man, who knows next to nothing about me, and after a couple days, to a few days, wants me to be a general of the minute men, and wants me to do all his grunt work? Generals do NOT do grunt work, they have grunts to do it. That, right there is my major problem with Garvey. This is what irks me most about him. It isn't until later that you may have "artillery" at hand to call in, to use in open spaces. And it only affects people and cars, and not buildings? Okay, I could rant for days on that, but I would digress too much. Getting back on track, Preston, all through things, between watching videos on walkthroughs with him, and using him a little myself, he is a decent, early, companion, that needs to stop telling me, as the general, that this place has this little kitten stuck in a tree, we need to save it. Then get there, and see it's a whole bunch of raiders that you, not him, have to take out, and save this kitten. And they need to have on call back up to help with things. (I know there is a mod, or three, that covers some of this, and yeah, I use a couple of them.) I was about to start with the artillery again, but there is time for that later. I wish I could just shoot Garvey in the face, some days, and be done with him. I don't know how generals do things at his time and place, but generals, by and large, don't go on solo missions to clear out a bunch of raiders, etc. and get half killed for a settlement. They have troops that do that. And Hollis, if he is around, I would just shoot the SoB, and not even give him a court martial. He kept civilians in the line of fire, didn't have enough troops to handle things, etc. He needed to be killed several times, and in more and more gruesome ways. I never cared for Garvey in the first place, and still don't. Make me a general, and I do all the damned hard work? I'm not superman, or woman, I'm human that make a thing or three, but don't make a general for it.


And I prefer ranged over melee, anyway, in myself, and my companions. Less chance of them, and me, dying that way. However, if someone were to make something like JIP's companion system, with a wheel, that would make things much better. Tell my companions to sneak, only fire they are being directly attacked, to not fire and screw up my stealth kills, things like that. I want to even tell them to keep quiet until we clear this place out. I don't want to have a conversation in the middle of a firefight. I want to kill everyone, then conversate.

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Generals do NOT do grunt work, they have grunts to do it. That, right there is my major problem with Garvey.


Are you new to Bethesda games? That's not a problem with Preston but with Bethesda games. You're always treated as the new stable hand, regardless of the position you supposedly hold in any given faction in any given Beth game.

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And it used to be actually worse. In Morrowind or such, you could be head of the Imperial Legion, head of the Imperial Cult, and a great house to boot, and every random city guard would still be like, "Move along, outlander."


*shakes his walking cane at young 'uns these days, who don't know how good they have it*

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If they want me to earn my strips, don't make me the general. Make me a captain. Then I can build rank from there. Maybe a well knowledgeable first lieutenant. Then work up from there. Don't make me a bloody general, at first. Let's have me lead troops, preferably either from the middle, if it's a large action, or from the front if there is a need for stealth, etc. But don't saddle me with general and expect me to do the grunt work. That's not how rank, in the real world, works. At least in Skyrim, maybe Oblivion, you start from low man on the totem pole, and work your way up. That's how they should have done it with Fallout 4.

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