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Help Figuring Out Why I am Crashing


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I've been getting frequent crashes for the past month, and I'm stumped at what it could be.


Things I've done recently:

Switch from NMM to MO using the manual method, did NOT do the conversion option in MO.

Use Save Cleaner Tool to attempt to clean my saves. Worked for a week then the crashes happened again.


Papyrus Log:



Load Order:


Mod List:



Manually installed mods are Legacy of the Dragonborn and an 8k galaxy sky mod. 135 mods, 137 if you include LotD and the sky mod.

I also use an ENB, and haven't had an issue with it in the past.


Specs (if needed):

i5 6600k (OC'd)

MSI GTX 970 (OC'd)

16gb Ram

Windows 10


I also sort plugins before each game and launch SKSE via MO. There is 1 problem MO tells me about, and that is "There are are files in your overwrite mod//No guided fix". When I open up Overwrite I get skse's folder. If I need to provide anything else, just let me know.

Edited by ambrangelle
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1. A generally good MO load order in both left and right panes is:







[Other .esms]

Hi Res Texture Packs 1,2,3

Unofficial High Res Tex Pack

[utility mods] (Mods that don't really add an .esp. Stuff like UIExtensions, PapyrusUtil, SKSE Scripts)

[All other .esps]

[Texture Mods I want SMIM to override] (Anything that adds to looks)


[Texture mods I want to override SMIM]

[body Texture mods] (Anything that adds to the character's textures, skin, hair, eyes, body)

[Animations] (FNIS and anything FNIS updates)


[Any patches or mods that demand to be last in load order]

Manually Sort RS Patch to be last or near last (letting LOOT put whatever needs to be after it.)


Once sorted like this, then run LOOT and make sure to hit APPLY. Once you do, your right pane will be sorted and now all you have to do is match the LEFT pane priority to the right pane. Texture files can be placed in whichever manner you want them to override other textures, but for the most part, match the left to the right side.


2. As 2much4l1 pointed out, that USLEEP is in a bad position, but also you have Climates of Tamriel installed and ELFX Weathers.esp installed, a big no no. Let CoT do your weather as its picky and I'd reinstall your ELFX and this time do not select weathers.esp in the FOMOD menu.


3. Unlike NMM, with MO you may have noticed the Overwrite section. Make sure this is empty or it can crash your game as files the game needs are there awaiting your instructions as to what to do with them. Make sure you know the basics of MO. Here is a good video series if you haven't seen it already:

Edited by snelss0
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Specifically related to your overwrite portion of your question:


Let's say I have FNIS, and I run FNIS in MO, well it will make 3 folders into my overwrite section.

Q: What should I do?

A: Right click on the overwrite section and "Create Mod". Then name it something like "FNIS Overwrites". Now anytime you update your FNIS and it give you 3 new folders wanting you to update your FNIS, you simply drag the folders in your overwrite to "FNIS Overwrites" and now your FNIS will be updated. Just give that empty box a check mark and you are good. Make sense?


Now what if I start my game, play for a while, and when I exit, there is a new overwrite error? Lets say I installed HDT Physics because I wanted horribly jiggly boobies. Now this file is here in my overwrites.

Q: What do I do?

A: Much like FNIS, you are going to see a folder that likely says SKSE and lists some files for your HTD Physics. The game wants to have this file and generated it for it to use in the future. So just like FNIS, I'm going to make an HTD Overwrite file with the "Create Mod", but this time unless I uninstall the HTD Physics, it likely won't give me another file to update. I just check it and leave it at the bottom of my load order.

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1. A generally good MO load order in both left and right panes is:







[Other .esms]

Hi Res Texture Packs 1,2,3

Unofficial High Res Tex Pack

[utility mods] (Mods that don't really add an .esp. Stuff like UIExtensions, PapyrusUtil, SKSE Scripts)

[All other .esps]

[Texture Mods I want SMIM to override] (Anything that adds to looks)


[Texture mods I want to override SMIM]

[body Texture mods] (Anything that adds to the character's textures, skin, hair, eyes, body)

[Animations] (FNIS and anything FNIS updates)


[Any patches or mods that demand to be last in load order]

Manually Sort RS Patch to be last or near last (letting LOOT put whatever needs to be after it.)


Once sorted like this, then run LOOT and make sure to hit APPLY. Once you do, your right pane will be sorted and now all you have to do is match the LEFT pane priority to the right pane. Texture files can be placed in whichever manner you want them to override other textures, but for the most part, match the left to the right side.


2. As 2much4l1 pointed out, that USLEEP is in a bad position, but also you have Climates of Tamriel installed and ELFX Weathers.esp installed, a big no no. Let CoT do your weather as its picky and I'd reinstall your ELFX and this time do not select weathers.esp in the FOMOD menu.


3. Unlike NMM, with MO you may have noticed the Overwrite section. Make sure this is empty or it can crash your game as files the game needs are there awaiting your instructions as to what to do with them. Make sure you know the basics of MO. Here is a good video series if you haven't seen it already:

Mk, so something I failed to remember was to clean my mods after going to MO, cleaned all but the Climates of Tamriel and True Storm related patches (as they are heavy script mods and don't want to risk anything) and did what was said in the quote. A bit of running around and fast traveling to towns was just fine. Thanks for the help, should any other issues come up I will post a follow.

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I'm not very familiar with papyrus logs. So I'll leave that for other people to judge.


Just one thing I noticed while looking at your mod list:

Looks like you haven't installed "crash fixes": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?


Try it - it may help. At least the crash messages may give you a hint on the cause of your CTDs.


Another thing that came to my mind: Did you try starting a new game? It might help narrowing down the cause of the CTDs: If you crash on waiting in a new game too, it's a problem with the mods you have installed. Else the problem is in your save game.

Edited by Algabar
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I'm not very familiar with papyrus logs. So I'll leave that for other people to judge.


Just one thing I noticed while looking at your mod list:

Looks like you haven't installed "crash fixes": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?


Try it - it may help. At least the crash messages may give you a hint on the cause of your CTDs.


Another thing that came to my mind: Did you try starting a new game? It might help narrowing down the cause of the CTDs: If you crash on waiting in a new game too, it's a problem with the mods you have installed. Else the problem is in your save game.

Happens on new games and save games. The biggest thing I've found is having too much carry weight can cause a crash on save or passing time, but sometimes it will crash regardless of that. I had this problem several months ago and resolved it by reinstalling skyrim and making a new save. Didn't crash for about a month, then eventually it would start crashing again. Same thing happening here.

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Here's my crash info from Crash Fixes:

Crash info:
2016_12_09_17-16-47 - 68701D: V(1); EAX(8D023A00); EBX(19DF4C); ECX(19DF4C); EDX(8D023A00); ESI(19DF4C); EDI(1D78A7F0); EBP(1D78A7FB); ESP(19DECC); STACK(4528A2 49BA07 6794DE D84650 10076BC 6816B7 1000100 706D74 F7FC23 F7BA5F 94F7C5 94F7D6);
Another one after some more cleaning (Seems identical):
Crash info:
2016_12_09_17-50-27 - 68701D: V(1); EAX(8D05D400); EBX(19DF4C); ECX(19DF4C); EDX(8D05D400); ESI(19DF4C); EDI(1DBD9ED0); EBP(1DBD9EDB); ESP(19DECC); STACK(4528A2 49BA07 6794DE D84650 10076BC 6816B7 1000100 706D74 F7FC23 F7BA5F 94F7C5 94F7D6);
Edited by ambrangelle
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