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Connecting multiple workbenches to one container


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I'm trying to link multiple workbenches together in a place where having brahmin supply lines just wouldn't make sense, and would be a frustrating pain in the backside. Everything I've found when searching says just to have each workshopworkbench linked to a single workshopresourcecontainersettlement via workshoplinkedcontainer.


I've done this, and it just doesn't work, I've redone it 3x to make sure, and it still doesn't work for me. Is there something else I am missing? It seems simple enough, I've got other settlement mods working just fine on their own workshop containers.


workshop1 workshoplinkedcontainer settlementgroupchest

workshop2 workshoplinkedcontainer settlementgroupchest

workshop3 workshoplinkedcontainer settlementgroupchest


Any ideas?

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did you try to set up 1 wb and container like always, then a 2th wb is like container to wb(don't link back) and link the wb to the first wb with container keyword


gorski use wb+container outside and wb+container inside, and linked wb inside to outside wb with container key word works like a charm

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No, I've not tried that, I'll give it a whirl. Last time I linked workbenches together the Director and all the Mr Gutsys moved out of The General Atomics Galleria and into the Bowling Alley.

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Have you tried using workshopitemkeyword? I use that and workshopitemlinkcontainer to link workbenches to a central storage container so they share resources. Not sure if this applies to what you're trying to do, but anything I try involving workbenches seems to want workshopitemkeyword used.

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Right on, I think we've got it with linking all the workbenches instead of everything to a container. I'll keep workshopitemkeyword in mind, but I think we've got this one with workshoplinkedcontainer to each workbench, as long as they are all connected to the first active workbench. If any of them are connected to a workbench that is not setowned yet, surprise, surprise, it won't work.


Thanks guys.

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Theoretically, could you use this logic to have every settlement use the same resource container?

i ques so lets say sanct is the main wb, link all other wb's to sanct the chain should work when you get ownership over the other wb's



start simple do sanct/rr/abernaty(sp) see how tat works


mm tat sounds wrong it should be abernaty to rr, rr to sanct i ques

yes abernaty to rr and rr to sanct works, dropped 1 item in abernaty wb it showd in rr and sanct

both to sanct don't work

Edited by speedynl
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