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High-Res Guild Master's Armor Set Wanted!


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So I've gotten the Guild Master's Armor Set and was really disappointed as to how low-resolution it looks. I play the game on Ultra settings, so it's not that, it just feels really blurred/dull to me. Would love to see a mod using high resolution textures! Some alternate styles would be great too, as of right now there's not a ton of different options for the Guild Master armor!


Thanks for any consideration, or if this is already done and I simply missed the mod, link it here!



Picture related...What bothers me most is the belts on the front. I am using the FXAA filter, so my sharpening is enhanced in this picture. With vanilla settings it looks even more blurred.

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Here's some pictures of Linwe's armor set, which would be awesome in high resolution, as well. My settings are on ultra and as you can see, these are just pretty weak textures!


I would also LOVE a high-res version of this armor set! A short sleeved/hi-rez option of the Guild Master armor would be great, too!


So many awesome possibilities for us thieves! Thanks for any consideration.

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