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FPS Please (I felt you roll your eyes)


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OK, ...

1. L3s7ing has opened my eyes.

OS is on a SSD, but FO4 is running from an external drive, 8GM of memory, the GTX 750 with an i7 processor and all 4 are conflicting where speed and performance are concerned. No amount of "tweaking" settings is going to "fix" my rigs issue. Upgrading this rig would be a waste of money, best to make a new rig. (Your a fine teacher Hon! Thank you for making me "understand" sincerely!)


2. JimmyRJump thank you very much for your insight of makes, models and affordability! The case is a highly important piece of the jigsaw!


3. genolune, thank you also I will use the advice others gave you in your thread until I can get something new rock & rolling.


I am hunting down parts and will post the components before I purchase to get your thoughts if you don't mind.


Thanks so very much again.

Your cpu really is a beauty so I wouldn't change that... the i7 4790k has a single core performance that's just wow (and also good multi core). With upgrading that I would definitely wait until there's a much better generation of cpu's out there (Skylake wouldn't bring such a great improvement).


So you could easily upgrade everything except the motherboard and cpu until they will reach their limits (which will still take at least one or two years - minimum).

(or I misunderstood you and you only meant to upgrade everything except that ... :sweat: )


More concerning for me is that you're running fo4 on an external drive :D if I understand correctly it's something connected via usb 3.0 or 2.0? That would impact your data transfer speeds (loading times in games) extremly.

Edited by L3s7ing
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OK, ...

1. L3s7ing has opened my eyes.

OS is on a SSD, but FO4 is running from an external drive, 8GM of memory, the GTX 750 with an i7 processor and all 4 are conflicting where speed and performance are concerned. No amount of "tweaking" settings is going to "fix" my rigs issue. Upgrading this rig would be a waste of money, best to make a new rig. (Your a fine teacher Hon! Thank you for making me "understand" sincerely!)


2. JimmyRJump thank you very much for your insight of makes, models and affordability! The case is a highly important piece of the jigsaw!


3. genolune, thank you also I will use the advice others gave you in your thread until I can get something new rock & rolling.


I am hunting down parts and will post the components before I purchase to get your thoughts if you don't mind.


Thanks so very much again.

You're more than welcome Dempcey (I used to buy clothes at a store called Dempcey's, down in Brooklyn, NY, on the lower side of Broadway, back in 2007) :wink:


Okay, some more advise, as ever, to assimilate and do whatever you want with it...


You've got around a thousand dollars to spend:


- Go for an internal Hard Drive of 2 to 4TB. 4TB would be "cheaper" when looking at price v/s storage. If you go for a HD, keep an eye on rotation speed and take one that has 7200rpm ( "normal" ones have 5600rpm). You could choose to get a big second SSD, but to get a decent capacity, they're still quite expensive. Been installing my games first on a 2TB Seagate Barracuda and now a 4TB Seagate Constellation SAS Drive (SAS= Serial Attached SCSI; similar to SATA protocol; doesn't work on regular mainboards) and have never had any issues with lag.

- Some people complain about Seagate drives. I've been using them for fifteen years now and had only one 500GB drive fail, but that was dead on arrival. Had three Western Digital drives and they all have issues, strange enough.



- set aside $200 for a HD

- set aside $120 for a case (or go nuts and buy the Antec 1200)

- set aside $120 for a PSU

- set aside $400 for a GPU (or $270 and get the MSI RX470 GamerX 8GB, which is (almost) as fast as an RX480)


So, you see you have room to play for added RAM and still get some new curtains on top :wink:


A slight warning about the Antec 1200 case: it's a pain up the lilly-whites (or chocolate-browns, depending) to clean the front fans as they're screwed to three cages containing the hard drives, so, you need to take those out first...


If you'd like an idea of what capacity PSU you need, check eXtreme PSU Calculator, choose Launch Expert Calculator and fill in the boxes with what you have in your computer. Add 200W for future upgrades :wink:

Don't buy a 1200W PSU when only consuming 350W: a PSU is at its best (most efficient) when running around 50% of it's capacity or higher.


With the kind of set-up you have/will be having, I recommend a 650Watt supply. It's a nice average with enough room for future components or a spot of overclocking.

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I'm really not stupid, rather incredibly slow more so when I don't care to be bothered with the science of things. You all have helped me so much pull head from rear. I ignorantly bought this PC from a custom builder, not having done ANY research on ANY of the parts I requested be installed.


Augh3d - Yes, True Storms is an "issue" in the sense that every time a storm starts, FPS takes nasty spike hits. Those spikes are extremely fast jumping from 60 - 0 and on average holding at 27 FPS after the hits from True Storms. However, these spikes are NOT the fault of True Storms, it is mine for running FO4 from the external USB 3.0 HD! All of the FPS issues experienced again is my own ignorance! Of course there are FPS spikes and low because the transfer speeds of that external drive can't keep up. "DUH Dempcey!"


I would love to test this theory, but my master SSD drive is a mere 111gb with 21gb free and FO4 is 61gb. Bang goes that test. First thing I will be purchasing is a much larger SSD, winks at JimmyRJump :wink:


I couldn't have understood and would have made the same mistakes all over again if not for you ALL! In all really, this rig is running rather well considering how I have severely handicapped it. For the most part she runs at 60 FPS, whenever I roam in the outside world and run into those places and situations that test even the more hearty rigs naturally this rig moans and protests. Poor transfer speeds from the ext HS, processor and gpu not being the best bedfellows, a few heavy hitter mods, its amazing she runs as well as she does.


So, first going to purchase a PS and lager storage SSD that will upgrade this rig and be used in the new rig to come. Next stuff in 16gb of memory that too can be used in new rig. And finally bite the bullet, save any buy a monster of a graphic card that will have some future-bility and play nicely with the processor I already have. Uh this time taking much detail care to research each part and compatibility. Gads I was stupid and cost myself money!


Sincerely hope this thread helps others! Thank you all for not calling me an idiot, know that I called myself several "damn fools" for you :wink:

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