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Skyrim crashing loading screen with/without mods


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Hi everyone,


I just reinstalled Skyrim after a long time. I installed several mods via ModOrganizer. Game keeps crashing after loading screen. I can see the Main Menu logo, then the game crashes. Everything seems to be installed correctly. Already checked with LOOT, BOSS etc. But the really strange thing is, that the game even crashes without mods, either started normal or with SKSE (normal SKSE startup doesn't load mods). Any thoughts on this problem? I have already made consistence check via Steam, it is always downloading one file. Starting afterwards makes the game create a new Skyrim.ini

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas on this problem...


Thanks and greeting




PS: I am sorry for any grammar fails, hope you understand me anyways

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I have to add, that the game worked after downloading before I started modding. I guess some SKSE files or any other files I have installed manually cause the game to crash but I can really not say which ones, as I said everything looks fine.

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Is Steam installed in Program Files? If so, that causes UAC issues.


I don't know if MO needs to be on the same hard drive like NMM does.


It doesn't affect vanilla, but if you want to mod make sure you clean your masters with TesVedit (link and directions in LOOT).

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Skyrim is installed in Program Files, but I made a partition, so it isn't in C but i F. Mod Organizer handles Mods even if they aren't on the same drive. I claned with TESVEdit but still not working. Thanks for your help anyways.

Only things I installed in Skyrim are the SKSE and ICBE 4. Are that possible causes for the CTD?

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If using ENB make sure DirectX is installed and enb local is configured correctly.





Crash on startup is usually missing master files. Mod Organizer will tell you if your missing a master.


Also make sure you have the .NET framework c++ installed on your system.

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