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Skyrim a little better


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You know, I was looking at a lot of the ideas on here and most are pretty decent and seem doable, but a lot of them are just so out there and most likely beyond what the game will allow us to do with it. The Creation Kit isn't going to be the end all be all. Its going to be much like the GECK and while there are plenty of talent scripters out there that work some amazing magic, a lot of the things you have listed there seem entirely unfeasible. Try to keep your requests within the limitations of reality is all I ask.
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You know, I was looking at a lot of the ideas on here and most are pretty decent and seem doable, but a lot of them are just so out there and most likely beyond what the game will allow us to do with it. The Creation Kit isn't going to be the end all be all. Its going to be much like the GECK and while there are plenty of talent scripters out there that work some amazing magic, a lot of the things you have listed there seem entirely unfeasible. Try to keep your requests within the limitations of reality is all I ask.


well i just put in ideas... my own (and others) its like a pasta machine...

take what you can get, give nothing back... and make as many mods compatible with each other as possible...

thats all i am asking... as for the rest, i will try to create a voodoo ritual to change reality...

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A good idea for the generic beginning in helgen... at harder levels...

Instead of being able to kill the stormcloaks or imperials they run away (back) to the next gathering point for them which would be the nearest camps for their factions...

or your allies take most of the loot from the opposing soldiers

(otherwise you would have too much loot there)

This is also an option for other opponents... to make the levelup with xp not a tedious hunt the player would gain xp by fighting and defeating or killing the enemy...

when the opponent tries to run away, you can kill him using projectiles (throwing 'weapons', throwing or using ranged weapons, magic) and gain a bit more xp, or you can let him run away and still have gained your xp from battling...

if you let your opponent run away your fame (opponent type: bandit...) or infamy (+ bounty; opponent type: guard,...) will increase...




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City, village and houses overhaul (page 4)



cannibal home immersion



Moral (based on fullfilled needs and relationship), Fear ('part of' and 'extension of' threat level) and surrendering (page 2)



Conversation with npcs



status raging (which was replaced by status panicked earlier) is reintroduced as 'enraged' (it is the same as confused - attacking everything involuntarily - but enraged has powerup of attack and less defense)

panicked makes your character involuntarily flee

calm makes your character not able to make yourself ready for combat (unsheathing is blocked)


NPCs have a cycle of when they eat, drink aso... different to the player whos needs change gradual, they have certain levels for their needs to which their rebalancing corresponds to...


If possible: Banks, are also called 'Guild', and have generic (sub-) quest from people around the territories (either on a wall with posters, a set of cards or snitches[harry potter ball])... each visited bank opens the quests for its own territory in all other banks (guild)... while the quests inside the territory are highlighted... classified for rank of difficulty...





The forge should have a temperature, which can be increased with wood or different types of coal... certain smithing arts need certain temperature levels to be of better quality (not only the quality from broken to legendary, but the base values of damage, armor, durability become higher (low grade, high grade) and (supreme grade) sometimes have a unique bonus similar to enchantments (like a natural absorb magic with magic resistance for the weapon or others))... the temperature levels can be droped by sprinkling water into the forge (can be too much) or by waiting a little... higher ranked tiers of smithing (especially the higher (new, secondary) tiers of elven, orcish, dwarven,...) often need to be heated and hammered multiple times, then cooled in water, then 'sharpened' on grinding stone, then finished on workbench...


Supreme grade weapons and armor/ (Class)Perk (abilities) for weapons and armor are somewhat similar to being 'enchanted'

Fighter Type has more damage (w), more armor (a), more durability and attributes (usually strength, dexterity and constitution)

Magician type has 'its own' magic (w, ranged) powered up, low physical damage but with high magic damage (w, melee), attributes (usually are intelligence, wisdom, charisma)

Rogue type has magic parry (resist magic and or elements), magic absorb (integrating absorbed magic/elemental magic into next hit of weapon), better criticals, attributes (usually are dexterity, intelligence, luck)

A magic parry with the absorb may nullify the magic and fully integrate it, while parry on its own may only reduce the damage


Staffs, scepters, wands, orbs are created on a changed kind of 'atronach forge' where the base staff,... is enchanted with spells via a tool which looks like a rattle holding a soulstone


Inventory... Staffs sheath option as walking stick (mandatory, if no inventory space (holding belt or bag) for weapon on back), other weapons and objects are held in hands (invisible to straight ahead look)...


The shrines of the divines have four options

1) Blessing (enhancement from weak to strong; uses favorpoints according to strength up to the maximum held points [10 points at once])

2) Healing (A disease is 'stopped' (made ineffective, quarantined) for x hours, afterwards it goes on as it would have done without this)

3) Cure (A disease is cured; uses favorpoints according to strength; fe.: highlevel (deadly, disastrous,...) diseases need 10 favor points)

4) Quest for the divine (For a gain of favor points you uptake certain quests, depending on the level of favor (from lowest of 1 to the max of 10 points [10 point are the maximum to have at once]) the rank of the quest increases


If possible the enchantment table and the alchemy table need an overhaul (better looks not just better graphics; alchemy with storing compartments, glasses, vials, destille, other alchemy objects... enchantment no skull; orbs and soulstone candleholders, runes... lose the two dragon arms or make them smaller and make them item holders crossing each other on top of the table with the orb underneath and the orb candleholders on the sides of the table...)


Bardic lore gains a desk ala monastery desk made of wood with inc and paper for making scrolls, renewing and copying books (You will be able to borrow books for one to three days from people... if you didnt bring it back by then... you get a bounty)

Charmer cant make runestones or books, runestones are made by the 'enchantment' school (arcane warrior); and restoring books is of the 'bardic lore' school


attributes (+)

strength: ..., intimidation (charisma (coercion) + strength), crossbows (wielding,...), bonus damage for bows and powerattacks, staffs physical damage (next to nothing), wearing heavy armor and weapons (except magical, ranged and piercing)

dexterity: ..., damage (piercing <- stabbing), blocking

constitution: ..., stamina, blocking, natural armor, wielding alchemical weapons

Intelligence: ..., persuasion (charisma + intelligence)

Wisdom: ..., Spellpower, Magic resistance, Elemental resistance (little), Sense + Focus

Charisma: ..., Magic penetration (resist magic resist), Focus (little) + Density of (arcane) energy (damage), mana, stamina (little)

Luck: ...


The balancing of the perktrees (classperks) is as said before (as for the essence of rogue>magician>fighter), but every classp. has 'normal' abilities, and specialized abilities (specialized in the sense that they have an additional bonus against ...)

Magicians are powerful, often have magic penetration, many versitile spells...

Sorcery, Enchantment are strong against fighters, but also have strong abilities against magicians

Conjuration, Wizardry are strong against fighters (*2)

Illusion, Restoration are strong against fighters, but also have strong abilities against rogues

Rogues have natural magic resistances, Magic counters, Stealth, Mana sensing (keen senses), speed...

Archery, Charming are strong against magicians, but also have strong abilities against rogues

Thievery, Alchemy are strong against magicians (*2)

Assassination, Bardic lore are strong against magicians, but also have strong abilities against fighters

Fighters have 'hardened' auras, physical resistance, wear strong armor, have 'honed instincts' (being able to sense killing intent or missing/disturbed presence of nature),...

Warring, Reaving are strong against rogues, but also have strong abilities against fighters

knighthood, guarding are strong against rogues (*2)

Duelling, Mysticism are strong against rogues, but also have strong abilities against magicians


Elements and Ether

Each element has its own (unique) effects (primary and secondary); like ether has ignore armor, fire has burn (prime; secondary is heat), ice has freeze (secondary is cold (slowing)); and effects like armor penetration, additional armor damage, slow, paralyze,...

The elemental resistance on its own is also the natural resistance...

Ether is also known in nature by the name of sacred energy... it is neutral and theoretically composed of all lesser elements


Magic is composed of arcane energy (ether) primarily... and magic resistance is the first check against all magics except for arcane arts (which uses mana (ether) to influence and use nature and its elements (100% elemental))

after the magic resistance check... (with a chance to nullify magic), if magic goes through, its power may be lowered,... the elemental resistance comes to pass, reducing the damage and effects of the elements (according to percentage of elemental percentage). Magic penetration works on ether and the other elements (a little less for the elements)

Spells (magics) are usually composed of primarily ether (from 100% to 40%) and elements (from 0% to 60% except arcane arts)

Abilities are usually composed of primarily physical damage, but with the use of mana or even higher abilities with stamina do have etheric damage as well as sometimes elemental damage (not more than 20%)


Abilities and spells may be influenced by karma to have bonus divine, sacred (miniature bonus to everything [only on perfect neutrality]) or demonic


Takeover of charmer something along the lin

diawolf ( http://www.mangafox.com/manga/monster_soul/v01/c001/42.html , http://www.mangareader.net/135-7170-19/fairy-tail/chapter-55.html , http://www.mangareader.net/noblesse/76/85 )

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Yeah, some of this stuff is brilliant, but I'm having a hard time sorting through all of this, though. Regarding races, there's lore to consider. Especially where the beast races are concerned, Khajiit and Argonians have different forms based on different factors. The Khajiit have a subspecies that's almost indistinguishable from Bosmer if not for their tails and tendency to paint their faces in cat-like patterns, and to counter, there are quadrupedal almost house-cat like Khajiit capable of undesrtanding language but not of speaking. Players are allowed to make Khajiit characters of only the most common variety seen throughout Tamriel.

The Argonians are similar in that they have different forms which tend to be from different regions, but they are actually based on tribe and the religious rite of ingesting Hist sap at their coming of age ceremony, whereas a Khajiit's build is determined by phases of the moons at their time of birth.


That being said, I love the idea about survival, knockouts, and dealing with death. That's about as much as I could glean from this.

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Index (of first post plus linked comments for better navigation and more explanations)

Attributes (Comment 1, Comment 9- page 3)





Fatigue (Comment 2)

Luck Booster (Comment 3)

Status Effects (Comment 1, Comment 3, Comment 9- page 3)

Resistances (Comment 1, Comment 9- page 3)

Karma (Comment 3, Comment 9- page 3)




Danger/Threat level (with the extension of fear and the group counter of moral overpowering fear) (Comment 9- page 3)

Balance (Mage-Rogue-Fighter) (Comment 3, Comment 9- page 3)

Ranking System and leveled leveling of Difficulty (Comment 2, Comment 3, Comment 8-page 3)

In-game-time to real-time (Comment 1)

Effects (Graphics, Graphics on Screen, Animations and Sound)

Survival – Tiredness, Hunger and Thirst, Temperature, Hygiene, Intoxication (Alcohol), Intoxication (Mana), Intoxication (Drugs) (Comment 9 – page 3)

Diseases (Non- and Magical, non- to fatal; different progression, effects, alchemical treatment)



Races Appearance change (Races Bodies, Clothes, Armor and Weapons commonly seen) (Comment 2, Comment 3, Comment 4)

Crafts (Cooking, Alchemy, Forging, Tailoring (*+inventory), Enchanting, Pickpocketing, Lockpicking (wrench), Fishing) (Comment 2, Comment 3, Comment 4, Comment 9- page 3)

Perks (perkclasses with abilities, Spells and skills) (Comment 1, Comment 2)

Master-'rank' (and grandmaster-'rank') using master spells and below

Spell creation and Adjustment

Target Lock (for guided magic and magically guided ranged attacks [not to lock the players view)

Spell stacking/replacement

Dualcasting (powerup) [and Spellfusion] (Comment 2)


(Magic) effects on the world

Twohanded/onehanded staff style with magic and melee magic (color and effect (more damage, armor penetration, burning aso through ether or elements) for melee depends on element/effects of spell)

Racial Abilities, Perks, Abilities, Skills (Comment 1, Comment 2, Comment 3, Comment 4)

Spell combination and Spellfusion

Perks, Abilities, Skills (Slightly in Detail) (Comment 4)


Shouts (Comment 4)

Unsorted perks

Interface options

Traditional rpg-interface (inventory,…)



Option of automatic level up through class -> classes -> for player but more importantly for npcs (with appropriate behavior using spells and abilities…)

Different cool-down counters (Breath, Potion, Conjuration, Shout, Transformation)

Dialogue coloration (and better reactivity for mouse)

Player (outside of battle) Actions

Atmosphere of times and places





Sounds (Comment 4)

Graphics (Comment 4)

Life cycles

Trust and giveaways

People looks and behavior at night/day

Repopulation (in the wilds and houses in villages and cities)

Guard armors

More people in skyrim (bigger and more livelier inns [coming and going of guests during the day, in the evening the highest amount of guest are there, some living there permanently some travelers as well as locals, they drink, eat, play cards, brawl, sing and dance, bards play different music through the entire evening or at request, between 10pm and 2am all guests go to sleep], more houses and multifamily [1st floor separated from ground floor] houses,…)

Immersion and Utility: In village a 'Hut for smoking meat'; kitchen items to make cheese, brew juices, an oven to bake bread; Pots of plants in houses and castles near to windows and to fireplaces; More fireplaces on the streets for guards guardwatch at night; In towns there are a butcher, an inn, a cheese manufacturer, a bakery, a public bath, a tailor, a bank, a masonry, (house and vending booth /factory outside of town for 'smelly production centers' like the cheese manufacturer and the butcher); Bigger farms (amount of fauna,flora); Crafting cycles -> smith repairing mills in villages, around bigger towns and for extensions the masonry does the repairs, restoration and upgrades; longer nights (more monsters) -shorter days in winter; animals and animal behavior; merchant prizes and documents (for merchant, citizen and noble); common and rare items on lower level and on higher level (on merchants and the wilds (bandits,…)); No fast travel, but carriage traveling (asleep or awake) and teleportation stones at important places + mark and recall ability; (Comment 4, Comment 9-page 3)


Companions of the dragonborn and farm/restored fort/restored temple/meadhall (inn, villa)/magetower/cave underneath a tree/treehouses/??? (for each territory one headquarter outside the cities and villages, with retainers and special objects like farm has cages and stables for animals; magetower has a door to oblivion (not working yet for other mods), a spell enchanting forge, and a teleportation stone being able to teleport the player to any place he visited; aso) (Comment 4)

Social life courting, marriage, life of spouse and other npcs, romance, divorce and parties; holidays and festivals

Dungeons, Dragons and Monsters (Undead darkness shield and corruption fog revival)

Body decay… bugs and animals eating corpses… hunters either 'skinning' carcass or dragging entire animal behind or on shoulders to a nearby butcher

Dragons Armor (Scales with scarred, weak places) and Weapons (Fangs and Claws) deadly and nearly impenetrable as well as resistant to magic; werewolves and vampires high regeneration and less damage from conventional weapons; Trolls and Mammoths with much more health and a little armor thanks to fat; …

Dungeons with various less obvious traps; puzzles and labyrinths (with different (easier) paths with certain abilities); secret, hidden and blocked entrances to other parts of the dungeon (for new quests); extreme bossmonsters beside dragons

NPC Actions and Battle Tactics and Formations (+disguises) (Comment 4)

Journals from leaders

Identification for bandits (not every time instant attack especially with disguises, communication on long distance 'Who are you?' "Password" 'I am opening the gate'…)

Different types of weather in dungeons like Fog with effects positive for the monsters negative for you… in volcanic dungeons, ice dungeons, corrupted crypts and dungeons, thin veiled ghostcities (ghost of the dead respawning, demons coming into the world…),…

Minigames like fistfighting in inns, dice poker, sexcard black jack, triple triade, drinking contests, ultimate Frisbee

Wealth prizes; normal and luxury products; merchants money and prizes dynamic

Crime reactions; Court; Bounty; murder, slavery and theft; Proper npc reaction (for weaklings); Charity and trust

Dead owners things progression of a) jarl owns it now goes to further to selling it to the merchant after 3 days

Stolen items lose tag after a week


Great (two-handed) weapons worn in one hand

Blocking key

Number slots for special attacks (with additional or other keys option)

Climbing walls (sneak + hold jump) and/or entering houses through windows

'Stealth' (Knockout) attack style as option instead of 'Battle' (killing) attack style

Bard instruments use and singing (outside of bardic battle songs)

Realistic 1st person view (body) and more detailed 3rd person view (also known as the oobe or puppeteering view)… as well as animations

Player and Npc weight + pushing automatically out of the way

Swimming and Diving combat

Killing and Deathblows (Comment 1)

Command buttons for follower(s) 1 (universal) 'Regroup'; 2 (per follower (highest amount should be 3) Go (Do x) to x

Combat tactics (Ability useage, targeting,...) and combat behavior menu for strategies against enemies [Behavior: Cautious (Chases Enemy up to range x, Moves away from AoE, Attacks when player attacks); Aggressive (Auto attack, Chases Enemy, Does not flee AoE, Attacks in melee); Defensive (Stays near player, Fights back in melee, does not attack by himself); Ranged (Auto attacks enemy, keeps away from enemy, responds to melee then fleeing, flees AoE); Ranged Defense (like ranged, but attacks only when player attacks, tries to stay near player except on AoE attacks]

Unlocking Actions (like attack and block during jump)

Counterattack deathblow

Auto harvester for herbalist and thief

Reading Books (time)

Character creation (zoom)


Level quotes

Pets and Mounts (Mounted Combat (Horse, Halla, Bull, Mammoth, Unique horn, Nightmare…) - ~ (Tiger, Worg, …) – ~ (Dragon, Giant Eagle, …); Pet Follower Organic (spider, wolf, dog, crab, small dragon,…, Phoenix [special because it is a pet, but it can grab your shoulders and make you fly]); Pet Follower Inorganic (Mysticism dwemer constructs and special golems?); Mount (behavior, companions on mount); Some pets fight some pets don't like rabbits or normal birds (they only follow)) (Comment 2, Comment 4)

Map (Comment 3)

Orb of Constellations

Rings on hand

Armor Equipping and looting (enchantment spell passive-active 'Exquip' (makes quick armor change even during combat possible... and unlock for super fast looting)

Sets of armor and weapons



Scabbards and quivers

Imperial army outfit

Astral cloak

Already read for all books (including tomes)

Transformations (Werewolves, Vampires, Lichs) (Comment 2, Comment 3, Comment 4)

Riding, navigating boats and ships

Dwemer Airship (Comment 2)

Trophies, Banks and three coin types (Comment 2, Comment 4, Comment 9- page 3)


Neutral Questline

Chestloot Notes

Guildmasters and you as special guildmaster equal to the other guildmaster

New Monsters, magical beasts and animals (Inferi, Undead,… , Dragon, Devil, Troll, Hellhound, Koshchey, Worg, Kraken, Kronosaurus, Shark, Gas giant,… , ducks, halla, sheep, pigs, Snow rhino, firan, dragon (friendly), uniquehorn, nightmare, dryad, fairy,…)

Extensions (small friendly 'Christmas' trolls; Substitute guard; Talil's Temple; Monster (Hydra, Kraken,…) or Army from the seas attack; Mystic Forest [Comment 1, Comment 4]

Own a castle/fort

Improving the Blades

SKIT: Skyrim Interhold Transit

Dragonborn: The Fallen Greybeards

Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod

[WIP] Skyrim: Global Evolution


Comment 3 Add

Shouts vs magic


Comment 4 Add



Salt mines

Better Giants, females and better Giant camps

Halfgiant bandit bosses


Variations of Rags

Griffins and manticores

Toys and Sweets

Artifacts of power like astral cloak, god weapon (talks), Orb of constellations… gained from special dungeons guarded by spells, traps, walls (blockages like a door, hidden or locked with special key or ablility or a magical barrier, Chasm inside a cave,…), s level and above bosses


Black Briars

City Defenders (Monster Hunters)

Secret Organisation Quest

Bandit Town


Comment 8– page 3 Add

Battle and Training XP and Kill XP


Comment 9 – page 3 Add

Shrines of Divines



Player should not be able to have more than ~10(?) homes in all of skyrim each city plus some in the wilds... but he can sell houses too... he is taxed for each home; taxes depending whether citizen or noble

headquarters, temple for blades, aso do not count as homes... they are 'forts' and provide security and/or economic wealth in the territory...

the last companion headquarters either a tower in the sea or lake?


'Special' animals (pets) are different in coloration, magical abilities and/or talking like meeko the swearing crab or a sophisticated wolf companion... sarcastic black sheep... arrogant whatever...

(talking styles also for companions and special companions like fairy, dryad...)


As for the stages of the (weaker form) vampire something along the lines of... blood makes you stronger... not drinking weaker and it becomes more obvious to notice the vampirism... the progression of the stages makes you weaker to vampiric weaknesses, losing abilities... and being near prey in the last stage can make you lose control of your character (Screen goes red)... attacking them and sucking their blood...


Driving carriages


Make some witches normal (not the hargravens, but human witches like Anise near riverwood... once you discover her secret she attacks; why not explain to her that she can trust you if she is not evil)


Generic start extended or Alternative starts (with different difficulty -> training, equipment) on other starting points with youth (training+adventure) start

Agent; Either assassine gone rogue or agent for secret organisation with equipment (either hidden where they captured you or with you if alternative) (Youth: underground facility - training and tests)

Landowner; Your father is the owner of a farm and lands and you see yourself grow up there... you learn how to fight with weapons from one of his hired guards... Although you arent the greatest warrior, your fathers money will keep you alive until you have prooven yourself... and you can always return home... (to tell of your heroic deeds and protect your family) (Youth: would include adventures in caves around the land of your father with a childhood friend, later companion/marriage option)

Bandit; You are part of a small group of bandits in skyrim, as most people become, as the 'system' deems them 'unfit' to live in their society... this also happened to you. You saw your siblings die of sickness and hunger... while the lord and ladyships lived in decadence... You saw your father being executed... and the people around doing nothing... you saw your mother die, weakened by all the misfortune that befell her and your family... when the guards tried to take your only keepsake of your brethren you killed them all with your bare fists... running away you met bandits who amused themselves with you until you killed one of them... instead of killing you their boss made you one of them... giving you a place to live...

(although you are only a rookie, you have your knife, your ragged leather armor, your bow and arrows and the will to do what must be done... - or - this was in your youth and now you are like left hand of the boss) (+ bounty and raiding quests)

Fortune hunter; You have your clothes, your iron sword to find your future (Youth could include some 'normal' life like growing up in a village like rorikstead as the son of the local blacksmith the inn owners child (that one wants to become one anyways)

Witch/Wizard: graduate from a better college of winterhold (searching for new students, investigating rumors of curses, supernatural events and magical beings)

Slave; Your owner a lord searches for you (escaped) to bring you back into his services as a battle and sex slave... you could not remember him or the control divice his magician planted into you, because you were attacked and hit with some magic... Now that one of his other pets found you, you will have to find a way to escape once and for all... or go back to your enslavement... (Youth would be orphanage)


Character creation: Age, Skill (attributes, skill points and abilities), wealth (gold, clothing, armor and weapons), companion (follower, mount, pet (with adjustable level)) [if linked to above starts skill, wealth and/or companion may be limited; if used on the vanilla start 'wealth and companion dont exist' or an alternative start without past everything is open... you spawn at some gate to another country depending on what race you are carried on a carriage to the next town]


The alchemist gains the dialogue option to heal you instantly for prize (depending on what cure)


Brothel in Riften


Candlelight does not make the surroundings (outside of light) darker


Racial abilities

Argonian 'Waters' Gives health regeneration, more mana regeneration when the argonian is in rain or flowing water of a river, lake...???; 'Sunbathing' gives the argonian more health in sunlight...???

Orc 'Troll blood' gives the orc a constant bonus to health regeneration; 'Blood lust' gives the orc a constant bonus to strength and constitution; 'Berserker rage' is a slight slow time with more attack power and less defense; ?

Khajit 'Catwalk' faster speeds for everything, higher jump


lantern on belt running on oil, an amulet of candlelight ala lord of the rings (frodos amulet), (the light of lanterns, torches and magical lights destroy (gradually) the darkness shields and darkness... (based on allen wake (the game))


Crafting/Customizing weapons looks pommel, hilt, blade? (like different coloration, size, forms of the ... or designs on the ...)


No 'low ranked' merchant should have two or three enchanted blades especially in villages... a blacksmith should have his/her craft in different qualities... a seller of all goods should have all goods, but not many weapons and even fewer enchanted weapons or weapons of superior craft or grade... also enchantments should not be visible on the blade, except if it has been identified (Spell 'Sense Magic' senses/sees mana, places of magic, traces of magic, identifies enchantments...))... merchants should sell things they dont usually have in their inventory to other merchants who have...


Horses should not be able to ride up a mountain of stones... or at least have a high probability of falling and injuring themselves... making them unable to ride faster than a walk... and the horses need more stamina... (running horse will have stamina use for galloping not fast running as with vanilla; war horse and pack horse are like vanilla horse, but the war horse is a little faster, while the pack horse has more stamina...

While riding with equipped torch, the torch should not be tucked into the stomach of the rider...


For the Magic shooting torrent with soulgems there is already a trap doing that in the game... at folgunthur

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Remember in Morrowind when you could pay someone to enchant for you with perfect success but an exorbitant price? ...

Well, aren't there masters of the various crafts (alchemy, enchanting, blacksmithing) around Skyrim that can take orders to make the everything you can? ...

Basically, what I'm asking is for a mod that would allow different ranks of craftsman that could perform those utility skills for you.

Here are just the basics of the possibilities:





Since your own craftmanship (will) takes time the craftmanship of these guys will also take time although they will be slightly faster (as for their years of experience)... depending on what you want (higher quality)... more time is needed of course... but it will be faster than making it yourself and it will give you slight bonuses (like durability takes less damage for x hours)

it could involve quests...

For example the (grand)master smith of whiterun would offer you his services after you brought him certain smithing tools for certain smithing styles...

For the master alchemist there is this hut between riverwood and ivarstead... it could involve a quest finding him inside a cave petrified and surrounded by monsters... you would have to depetrify him first... with a mandrake potion (after you cleaned the cave)... and going back to his hut he will offer you his grandmaster abilities of making potions, poisons and else

same goes for other craftsmen (and craftswomen) from apprentice rank to grandmaster rank... (as well as for the new crafts tailoring, scrollmaking, bookcopying and runemaking)

These smaller crafts will create the items which were bought (they will craft not just one, but one after the other... until your last request has been fullfilled)...


Coins should be droppable and you should be able to throw it... you should also be able to create gold ingots from a bunch of them (and vice versa) and the mysticist is able to create a bomb with coins (tarel, tiber or septim)

shrine of divine quest are on the first levels like common ingredient hunts, pilgrimages,...

on later levels (not playerlevel but divine point level) they are special quests for example: where you have to find special tools to extract the beating heart of a dragon; or the 'willpower (essence) of a certain ghost'; or you will have to find certain tools to find and/or open certain dungeons and do x...


Since Jeffman12 pointed it out the variations for khajit and argonians...


Not all magic spells are like 'throw-type' (like fireball or stream of fire) many are 'summons-type' (like in da:o a firestorm...; *often curses aren't thrown, but they are summoned onto the 'target locked (even without looking at them)'*)


The zoidberg crab should be a colony of special mudcrabs somewhere on the coast (without zoidbergs head, but maybe different coloration); There should also be a 'bender' golem looking like one of the golems but saying 'benderthings' somewhere on a mountain (able to be reactivated if you are a mysticist)...


Nightvision (Eye of the Night) of khajiit depends on rest light? and automatically readjusts to see normally but doesnt work where there is only darkness without light...


Liquor cabinet, closet and chests filled? (http://www.thenexusf...liquor-cabinet/)


Refugees of Skyrim: http://www.thenexusf...ee-underground/


Winterhold ruins underwater mermaid haven???


Bury the dead: http://www.thenexusf...im-undertakers/


In my topicpost about realistic moonlight i also meant the immersion like http://www.thenexusf...sive-moonlight/ + the fantasy feel of moonlight


Adrenalin power boost makes stamina infinite for the amount of time in adrenalin (warrior perk)...


Buying and owning shops

rather than ownership i would ask for a few shops might be bought fully (like one in every major city; depending if you have reached a certain level on the skill for the shop...)

partial ownership of other shops limited between 60 and 20%... (other shops inside major cities and villages as an investor alike to the speechcraft thing in vanilla but with other bonuses than vanilla)

and as there are others, who might not want to give you their share of fortune some shops you outright cant buy... (Usually special stores who have great reputation, great and unique wares)

the shops you buy are to be restored in levels (like in assassins creed 2 rebuilding the city... with the three levels for the merchants, the bank (guild) aso... and the special upgrades like the mine, the thieves guild, guard quarters, inn... Everything that is available inside the city can be restored.... also giving new places to look around and maybe finding an old treasuremap or an antique bow or something... each upgrade making the major cities more livlier with more travellers wandering around...)


Quests for 'Jarls, nobles and highranking guards' as *Cook, courier or substitute guard*; for 'the butcher or the tailor' as a *hunter*; for 'caravans and carriages' as a *mercenary*; for 'inns' as a *bard or cook*; for 'the guilds/banks' as a *monster/treasure hunter*... Making changes too those places after you did a bunch of quests (achievement)... to make them look better afterwards (like in ac2 the villa looks old, ugly at first but then becomes colorful and clean)...


Jumping death based not on height, but on speed...??? is it or not?


Glider/parachute for nonmagical/nonmounted flight (http://www.thenexusf...umping-gliding/)


Foresworn Improved (http://www.thenexusf...rsworn-faction/)


The more powerful magic staffs have stronger magic (their own magic although magic of the same type gains a slight power up by being channeled through the staff) than the player... Staffs have bonuses to the power of spells... wands bonuses to casting and cooldown... orbs have bonuses to duration spells... scepters are slightly more powerful and have slightly better casting and cooldown...


Grabbing (action/ability) people by assigning that action to 'A-P-u-B' (???) different use of 'use' (headbutt), 'left hand' (hit with knee or elbow), 'right hand' (opposite of left hand), 'A-P-u-B' (throw)

A-P-u-B 'Use Spell/Power X' (like cast magic through {magic-}weapon (like normal casting, but with weapon still in hand; magic moves through weapon onto target; magical weapons like magic staffs can do it for anyone, but only the enchantment school unlocks all weapons to be 'cast-through-able'}' it is also the key to 'use the magic of Staffs, Orbs,... (if only one is wielded if there are two staffs the vanila use-power-button can take on magic of weapon 1 or 2}')]


Idle animations should have 'like' ((very) approximately) a 60% chance to be idle (wait or whatever they usually do); a 30% chance to do minor things like smoke a pipe or a 10% chance to do something outrageous like dancing


A few keymapping changes (summary):

(maybe? assigning 'special ability to A-P-u-B' or 'crouch with jump' -> should be 'climbing' over obstacles, walls...;

Holding jump and using a direction key results in a 'quick dodge'? (release of jump makes the jumping) or alternatively as a 'special ability' to be assigned to A-P-u-B

While 'sprinting' the character should leap over smaller obstacles automatically...

(holding 'block' without drawn weapons... the char should attempt to knock back people)...

Keys 1 - 0 can have certain powers, abilities, spells, weapons or sets of weapons assigned... and there are sets of these assignments which you can cycle through...

'Masseffect Timestop Menu' with compact spell favorites on left side (or right side) and favorite weapons, and powers (abilities noncasting) on the low (down) side of the screen \/ // it may be better if pushing the key 'enters and ends' the menu rather than what masseffect has to hold the button for entering it... Maybe the FAVORITES Can be made into this menu


Z 'Lock target (Virtual lock not 'view lock')'; holding it is locking onto multiple targets//

Y 'Block' //

X 'Additional Power-use-Button (for magical weapons, spells and powers (casted through weapons (important: read A-P-u-B above) as well as with bare hands)' //

W 'Change Form (Adjustable) (form is to be mapped onto a key (by holding the button menu appears like gears in a clock) to change X from a to b to c to a (X: either 'melee to ranged (for certain weapons like magical chakram, (sword-)rifle,...)' or 'knockout to kill' or 'one to twohanded' or 'strong to fast to group')

V 'Combat or Action Menu' [For Combat: Style (Knockout and Kill); Weapon-use-form (two handed - Onehanded; Melee - Ranged); Weapon-style (stabbing style, slashing form); Combatform (Strong, fast, group); Spell-use-form (Fusing 2 spells or casting two spells); // for actions like using it active or assigning them to be used on every idle animation (smoking; taunting; dancing,...)

U 'Regroup' key for comerades and pets (definately needed)

T 'Go to x to do y on z' for comerades and pets as a command button (3 keys for 3 comerades [derived from stories/games the best infiltration/adventurer/... groups are often depicted as groups of 4]; how many you use is up to you)

Magic versus Thuum

Thuum is always more powerful... (comparing attack shout with attack magic)...

But Magic is not that far behind (figuratively speaking) it IF you have completed your spells...

Completing spells goes a little like this... at first you learn a spell... this is on phase one... failure rate is like between 30 to 90%... through a bit of training (just a little) you increase the chance of success as well as powering the spell up a little... with this you are on phase two... (when spells fail here they might blow into your face...) now you have to use the the spells you learned to use in battle a couple of times to increase its successionrate again as well as giving the spell an additional effect/ability -you are now in phase three (ability is dualovercharge; effects vary from spell to spell... elemental effects like burn, for others more damage, longer duration, partial guidance...)... on this stage you will have to meditate on the spell (this is to learn how to enhance the powers of the spell by aligning your energy with it... purifying, densening, hardening and forming its shape and nature... with an approppriate difficult minigame) to go into phase four in which you gain an additional effect (effects are now a little special: for example the all boltspells are fully guided... fireballs explode on impact... additional damage, protection, duration of spells)

[before this some spells may have strong deficits aside from the successrate and power like candlelight with a small range is without the training like a normal light darkening the surroundings... but afterwards its range is increased at least threefold and there is no additional darkening of the not-lighted-up-grounds...] Also important is that similar spells like firebolt, fireball, firerain... they gain from learning one another, as such the masterlevel spell 'firerain' training will be easier when having learned the other two the conventional way.

--- Important: Dont forget that the perklevel novice to grandmaster also influences the spell and the learning might fall away for certain spells if you have attained a certain perklevel



Leveling, Difficulty and Ranking

Everything here is only theoretical and is rough to say the least... this is still incomplete (in my thoughts there is something vital missing or not yet how it should be)

Leveling goes with experience points gained from 'skill' learning, 'ability/spell' learning and battle

The players rank is determined by his level... but with monsters the rank determines the approximate level

Each level up from one rank into another and sometimes inside the rank has certain limiters, which the mage has to overcome to further progress... through certain ways of training, or doing x like fighting an outrageously superior opponent (going beyond the limits)...

For certain races certain limiters fall away, while others may be more difficult to overcome... (limiter -> like achievements for body, spirit and/or soul)

The following i am a little unsure of... how it could be negative or create difficulties<- i cant see... you must tell me...

Races also have a difference in attribute and perk distribution as well as skill and ability/spell learning... Distribution of attribute points has small boni (and mali?) determined by what the strength and weakness of the race is (weaknesses (mali) can be trained away with perk?) when assigning for example 1 attribute point towards strength, but strength is a weakness of race x so the actual gained strength would be (about) between 0,25 and 0,75 or in another concept you have to assign 2 attribute points gaining only 1 up or something along the lines... The skill... learning is of course faster with certain attributes but some races have a faster comprehension for certain skills/abilities/spells...


I already told you about the difficulty working like gears (cogwheels) the gear of your difficulty setting placing your character slightly above or below to what your normal rank would be like (Reduction of Damage, Protection; Attributes...) ... as well as making monsters slightly deadlier or weaker... The Normal setting places you on near equal terms to monsters of the same level (fair fights although they may be unbalanced if you dont use certain abilities or equipment... like magic against vampires or silver or holy weapons... aso)


The players rank goes through his levels like this (with an approximate comparison to powerranking)

Rank G is Rooky or Beginner rank equal to the fighting power of a rabbit up to a human (0-1) and goes from level 1 to level 10

Rank F is the Novice having power of a human up to a Martial Arts Master without ki (1-50) Going from level 10 up to level 22

Rank E is the Student with the strength of a (magic school) graduate [OWL] (50-100) from level 22 to level 36

Rank D would be the Apprentice; your average mage [sEAL] (~200) from level 36 to level 52

Rank C is the Journeyman being a high ranked mage (~600) from level 52 to 67

Rank B is an Expert equal to nonmagical dragons (~1000) from level 67 to level 79

Rank A is an Elite (~2000) from level 79 to level 90

Rank S is a Master (~8000) from level 90 to level 99

Rank SS is a Grandmaster {comparable in power to demons, true weres, truebloods,...} (~12000) from level 100 to level 100


Rank X Heroic (10 Year Quests) is comparable in power to highdragons, 'ancient werewolfs' and nobles (pureblood vampires)

Rank XXX Godlike (100 Year Quests) comparable in power to high-dragon-lords, demon gods,...

[OWL Ordinary Weaver Level; SEAL Sanctified Extraordinary Arcanist Level]


Comparison of power for Ranks of Monsters and others (with their limits to levels) there are of course certain npcs who although they may look like a normal citizen have the strength of an elite... or inside a guild some are weaker and some are stronger (although they have certain minimal levels as new ones get trained fast... )

From G Rooky to F Novice are beings who have almost no attack or defense like Herbivore animals like rabbit, deer,… normal children to weaker citizens)

E Student (normal Citizens,…),

D Apprentice (animals like wolfs, weaker bandits…),

C Journeyman (average Guard; ice wolf, better bandit),

B Expert (a lieutenant guards; minor bandit (and sub)bosses) ,

A Elite (like a captain and stronger bandit bosses),

S Master (lowlevel boss monsters; Generals,...(Rare) Bandit Masters, Guildmasters and some Elite-npcs of Guilds...),

SS Grandmaster (midlevel boss monsters)

X Hero (highlevel bossmonsters; strongest magical 'black wyverns', purebloods,...)

XX God (endlevel bossmonsters; highDragon lord/god of the black dragons (evil); Demongods...)


The player usually isn't able to encounter endlevel bosses as they are in hidden dungeons with majestic treasures and artifacts... but he may encounter some of the lower bosses in certain dungeons at the beginning already (although there will be warnings like a skeleton with a note before such an encounter... and the chance to escape will still be there (usually)

With progressing levels the player will encounter opened caves and doors into other parts of the dungeon... usually the (beginning) dungeon will be loaded with enemies again... depending on your own level you may encounter entire armies of undead critters sometimes with elites mixed in (or if you are not that far yet only a few groups)... (like in diablo going through the small ones easy but the stronger have to be worked at and the elites need strategy)... Some of these dungeons have black trenches, holes and caves the player can not enter... but through in the depths of these lie an unimaginable number of darklings, corrupted beings, lichs and undead... aso aso


'ranking of monster' vs 'ranking of player' + difficulty (although there is the illusion that monsters level with the player they have their walls and with progress more 'higherleveled' monsters appear (along with more) instead of always leveling with the player... so certain monsters will be difficult for the player even on his higher rank, but there will be others who will become quite easy to defeat although some of these may come in considerable number and may have leaders (elites, exceptions to levelwall) in their ranks...)




The difference in brews is the strength and the use

Commonly accepted, the additional name potion like 'healing potion' is granted mostly to lower tier (1) of alchemical brews, although there are stronger and weaker ones and they are usually drunk although sometimes injected... Potions with original names and solutions are at least in the more advanced tier (2)... draughts are of the higher tier (3) and are usually sprinkled onto the skin and elixir mostly top tier (4) have a varying way to use... sometimes they must be sprinkled on specific food, drunk, sprinkled onto the body or inhaled...


A little variation of size + structure to gain a new bossmonster like

Chaurus... (for a monster (opponent) that could be ss or above rank: a chaurus with a giant body and many legs like a 1000 year old cantipede)

Wyvern... (-> away with wings, four pairs of legs, 3 or more heads... size and difficulty increasing with head count... Hydra)


Items should not be dependant entirely onto your level; loot should be adjusted according to the enemy in the dungeon (the strongest will be sealed anyway until you have the ability, although some dungeons will be open and escaping from those strong monsters if you went to deep will be quite a feat to accomplish)

merchant items should not go with the flow of your character, but there are better and worse merchants and of course the better ones have lowlevel merchandise as well as the "restriction" for their merchandise...

Some npcs have great weapons and skills (like jarls; guildmasters or highranked guildmembers) from the beginning...


NPC factionwars should stay mostly between those who are enemies to each other...


Question is it possible for spells to hit each other in the game?

because if they can or if there is a system that makes something the likes possible i would like to suggest counter magic/skill

Here is the thing in this manwha 'ID' the mages can counter certain spells and skills with others... some are protective but others are offensive against offensive... so each spell and skill has some others who counter or overpower each other, while others are unfaced and simply go through each other alike to an arcane energy or lighting sword against a normal sword (passing through) but energy against lightning blocking... while energy against energy forces an explosion

dimensional magic (in the game it would be against meteor)


against a fireball - freeze magic


against lightning - thunder magic


against earth(vibration)magic groundwave - windmagic twist wind [whirlwind]



against ice field - windmagic blaze windmill


silver cuspid against swordskill ashura triple blades


there are other things i like in this game for example conjuring spirits of nature (additionally channeling them onto the body [possibly enchantment school for elemental spirit summoning])







As you can probably tell i am quite fond of that manwha (although the scale of the manwha abilities go beyond the limit of skyrim in smaller form it may be wonderful to do)


Some spells (graphics) of other games looking good




some new abilities of course


arcane orb (acts like a fireball without fire)

slow time (bubble)

Arcane storm



'Seal the soul' name change 'soul harvest'



buddhas palm

piercing (ranged attack going through any shield sending weak small stream of energy through the enemy)

Inferno sealing palmstrike


that is all for now

Edited by Aokami
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