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Settlement Building and Decorations Guide


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Here are some things for you to look at and consider if you want:


AWARHERO's Japanese Decor Pack You can see me use it here: YouTube Video

Castle Rebuilt The best Castle restoration out of the ones I tried.


I have some others which I don't know if you would want them, but longer power lines, longer wireless range, invisible furniture (animation markers), portable workshop enhanced, settlement garage sale.

Invisible Furniture is already in the list and I decided to consider most of the others in your list as outside the scope of what I wanted to accomplish in the document I upload to my mod. BUT I knew people would make great suggestions in the forum thread and I plan to link to the forum thread in the document as an expanded list. I considered the Japanese Decor Pack because it's definitely a clutter mod but thematically it's pretty different to our mod so I decided to leave it out of the mod packed guide, but it's entirely appropriate to be added to this thread. So I'm basically wanting to accomplish two related but separate goals. A doc for our mod that's specifically appropriate to our mod, and this thread as an expansion of settlement building in general. As people make more suggestions, I'll eventually create an additional section in my original post that offers an expanded list. :)

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Missed the invisible furniture one there. I had a ton of stuff originally but you have them already. I do encourage others to spend some time forgoing Homemaker/SSEX/SOE for awhile to see what other packs hold. Its what I did to help branch out and find things like Wooden Prefabs Extended for use in the Crater of Atom.


Do you want any input or commentary from me since I've used probably the majority of those mods?

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I prefer Better Stalls to Immersive Vendors. However let me lay out each.


Better Stalls

-Adds new stalls with static clutter and sign lowered so that they can fit in buildings. It's real basic.


Immersive Vendors

-Modifies the original vendor stalls.

-When a settler activates the stand, the static clutter will display. That means that when you talk to them and it interrupts the activation the items disappear. That also means the items are only displayed during working hours.

-The settlers will also perform animation like cutting meat, in the case of Takeaway stand.

-I had an issue with vendors not having the right type of dialogue (ie the bar had doctor's dialogue) but I'd have to try the mod again just to make sure it wasn't something I was doing.


For the most part I think everyone will prefer Immersive Vendors, unless you use the counters in which case go with that mod.



Xnjguy's filled buffet counters are useful for a mess hall at the barracks or say a diner or Boston Airport.


I definitely recommend the Compact Crafting Workbenches for tighter space settlements (like vanilla Hangman's Alley) and rooms.


Scrap everything and place everywhere are mandatory for settlements.

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Not sure if you're excluding it because it includes some wall art, but my own Gruffydd's Signs and Posters has a lot of signs for business, settlements, and suchlike. Adds over 300 new objects. Possibly more than 400, but I stopped counting after 300.

I don't update it as often as I used to, as my life's gotten busy these past months, but I still do add new stuff on occasion.

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I will also chime in that 100% of Renovated Decorations also has post-war textures thanks to sootdirt! :laugh: In addition to that mod, I also have Renovated Furniture, which about 1/4 of the ~250 items also have post-war versions(also a lot of work has and will continue to go into Renovated Furniture's main pre-war work).


Nomadwarmachine's playing house isn't hugely popular but is a really solid post war clutter mod, with custom furniture textures... some other custom textures as well.

Bellwood's Mod Storage 2 has the most fun structure build set I've ever played with, and is one of the most overlooked mods.


and finally g2mxagent's G2M workshop is also always getting fantastic updates. The fish farm set is great but they have put a lot of work into things that beth should have had in the game to begin with.

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Not sure if you're excluding it because it includes some wall art, but my own Gruffydd's Signs and Posters has a lot of signs for business, settlements, and suchlike. Adds over 300 new objects. Possibly more than 400, but I stopped counting after 300.

I don't update it as often as I used to, as my life's gotten busy these past months, but I still do add new stuff on occasion.

I'm definitely aware of your mod having used it and it was the first one I thought of adding for a wall decor section. Then I started thinking about the pretty wide diversity in wall decor (from the art end to the functional signage end) and the fact that wall decor is going to be a much more highly subjective and potentially controversial section. What I think are great choices will not be liked by others and vice versa. Plus, if I started including wall decor mods, it would pretty much double the length of the document and it's already past the tl;dr stage for most people. :D


That said, I am definitely glad that you posted on this thread because I think your mod is probably the single most significant signage mod out there and deserves recognition as such. It's exactly the kind of thing that I had hoped people would add to this thread even if I choose not to include everything in my document. :)

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I will also chime in that 100% of Renovated Decorations also has post-war textures thanks to sootdirt! :laugh: In addition to that mod, I also have Renovated Furniture, which about 1/4 of the ~250 items also have post-war versions(also a lot of work has and will continue to go into Renovated Furniture's main pre-war work).


Nomadwarmachine's playing house isn't hugely popular but is a really solid post war clutter mod, with custom furniture textures... some other custom textures as well.

Bellwood's Mod Storage 2 has the most fun structure build set I've ever played with, and is one of the most overlooked mods.


and finally g2mxagent's G2M workshop is also always getting fantastic updates. The fish farm set is great but they have put a lot of work into things that beth should have had in the game to begin with.

Somehow, I've managed to miss some of these mods, including one of yours! This is a tragedy which must be remedied. :D The G2MWorkshop and Playing House looks particularly promising. I'll have to check them out. As for the Playing House mod, I have no idea how I've managed to overlook a clutter mod! I bring shame upon my clutter modding self. >.<

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