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Constant and re-occurring CTDs/freezing


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Posts like Arethias are useless to me. Don't make them here. Not interesting in nay-saying bulls***.


I know what is causing me problems. Skyrim has multiple issues, always did... SSE looks like it's introduced new issues that even experienced modders have found to be brand new.


I can get ctd's without any mods installed, but they are rare (in fact USEEP fixes a lot of them, but itself introduced a couple new ones only recently fixed)




I notice for example, that running the new frostfall alone will get me multiple crashes compared to the original. Wet and Cold also has caused me a number of CTDs.


It looks like any mod with "cloaking scripts" - scripts that affect the player character that continually run in the background - are causing increased CTDs with SSE. I am not a modder familiar with Skyrim, so I'm not sure why this is. Though a part of me thinks the SKSE must have either purposefully or inadvertently made scripts run smoother.


Yet this IS happening across the board.


Mods that I've noticed causing issues in this game so far?


Footsteps, Wet and Cold, ANY of the Sands of Time mods... Immersive Citizens/Armor


I used to be able to run so many of these together in Oldrim, but not SSE. I'm tempted to go back to Oldrim myself... but for some reason I can't find myself doing it. (Am stubborn)



Just because turning Frostfalls off doesn't stop your crashes doesn't mean it wouldn't have caused you more. It just means your current crashes are not frostfall related (though it could add to them)

Edited by Exakter
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