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Event on Spell Added?


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So I have this script, meant to activate an event when it's added to the player, but no dice. Any advice?




Scriptname grimoire24script extends MagicEffect
Form Property GrimoireSpellList Auto
CentralListScript Property CentralQuest Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

Event OnEffectStart()
Debug.Notification("Effect Started")
Debug.Notification("Effect Started, Registered")

Event OnUpdateGameTime()
Debug.Notification("Removespells Called")
Int ListSize = CentralQuest.GrimoireSpellList.GetSize()
Int Index = 0
While Index < ListSize
Form Entry = CentralQuest.GrimoireSpellList.GetAt(Index)
If (Entry as Spell)
PlayerRef.RemoveSpell(Entry as Spell)
Index += 1
Debug.Notification("Spells Removed")




P.S. The debugs aren't going off or anything either.

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What is the duration of the magic effect? If the magic effect is removed before the update event is called, the registration for the single update is automatically cleared (as far as I understand the wiki). Try making sure that the magic effect lasts longer than the time period you wish to wait.


Alternatively, put that central quest script to work for you and call a function on it which registers for the update and performs all the necessary work there.

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So I'm trying the quest thing, but what event do I use to trigger the register? I can't think of a way to do it short of checking for a variable with OnUpdate, but leaving that on like that would cause major save bloating.


EDIT: I tried doing the thing with variable and OnUpdate for now, and it works, but I'm still concerned it'll cause save bloating.

Edited by xcafe
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I was simply thinking that you would put a function similar to this on your quest script:

Function RegisterForMyStuff()

Then the OnUpdateGameTime event with all the stuff you want to do.


On the magic effect script where you already have the quest script linked, you'd simply do:

Event OnEffectStart()
  Debug.Notification("Effect Started")
  Debug.Notification("Effect Started, Registered")

I don't see where you'd get save bloating from that...

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