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Werewolf-Vampire Rivalry


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Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone (once the CK is out) could create a shadow war quest that encompasses and expands the werewolf and vampire 'quests'...


Basically, becoming a werewolf/vampire causes you to become slightly affiliated with the relevent faction. As you gain infamy as a werewolf/vampire, you'll be approached by a 'recruiter' from the corresponding faction as well as ambushes and assassination attempts by the 'enemy' faction.


You could still remain neutral, but their would be bonuses and perks to joining a faction. A few examples would be:



the ability to shift at any time, not just once a day

variation of fur color to display your rank/age

new abilities - super jump, call a wolf pack, etc.



'cattle' to feed on

specialized armor and weaponry

vampire exclusive spells


There would be faction headquarters and outposts as well as patrols that could help you out/ambush you when ever...


Anyways, that's the basic idea for my mod; a Underworld adaption for Skyrim...

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And here come the Twilight mod requests...


No...Nuh-uh... Hell No!


Bad enough that the vamps of Skyrim are pale as snow! The vamps I ask for are bad-ass killers like in Underworld! Not the pansy-assed f@&#!ts of Twilight!!! The only things remotely awesome from that series were the wolf-shifter indians and the special abilites the vamps had!!


The vampires of Skyrim need to be modded to be at least equal to the Vamps of Ann Rice, Underworld, or Dracula; at the very least!


God! Twilight gave my fluff-filled nightmares for a good three weeks...just off the first book! My girlfriend had me read the first one with her and I had to read the rest out of sheer stubborness! (I hate leaving things unfinished...)

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Definitely a good idea, and better than patrols you could utilize the hired thug mechanics currently in the game and have the opposite faction hunt you down. Also, werewolves need to be strengthen up somehow, even with the extra 100 hp I don't last a second in battle because most of the reason I'm alive in my fights is cause of my weapons and armor. without my armor I'm dead in 4 hits and without my weapon i barely scratch the enemy. Either werewolf armor and weapons need to be added or werewolves need to scale to the strength of your gear or level. Also werewolves should be able to do stuff while transformed... I hate not being able to open the door to the next room and having to wait to transform back.
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I've been planning on making a mod for skyrim with this as one of the features but alas in my plan i doubt that i will be able to give this idea the dedication it needs i will be to widespread
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I'm actually gonna try to do a simpler version of this once I get the CK myself. I just wanna put the request out there to see if someone much better would really bring this to life.


As for the werewolf-enhancing, I'll cover that once I get down to making the mod. The simplest thing to do would be to edit the attribute and skill multipliers as well as modify the current 'suit' used during the transformation.

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