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Scripting a couple NPCs to appear


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Howdy. So I imagine this is probably simple, but there are two things I need a bit of help with.


The first one is that in one of the quests I'm working on, after it's over, I'd like an NPC to appear at an area only if a different NPC in the quest wasn't killed. I've already put the NPC were he needs to go and set him as initially disabled, I just need to know how to enable him once the quest is finished and a different quest NPC was left alive.


Second one isn't quest related. There's a handful of unique NPCs I've added to the worldspace. If the player kills every one of them, I'd like it to spawn a different NPC, but only if every one of those other dudes are killed. How do?

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For the first one you can do the following inside your finishing quest stage result script.

if NPCThatMustBeAliveRef.GetDead == 0

For the second one, add a script to the NPCs that increments a global or a quest variable when they die.

begin OnDeath
    set UniqueNPCsKilled to UniqueNPCsKilled + 1

Then use a quest script to do the spawning.

begin Gamemode
    if UniqueNPCsKilled >= 5
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For the first one you can do the following inside your finishing quest stage result script.

if NPCThatMustBeAliveRef.GetDead == 0

For the second one, add a script to the NPCs that increments a global or a quest variable when they die.

begin OnDeath
    set UniqueNPCsKilled to UniqueNPCsKilled + 1

Then use a quest script to do the spawning.

begin Gamemode
    if UniqueNPCsKilled >= 5

Thanks, man. I got the first script working just as it should. I'm a bit stuck on the second, with the global/quest variable bit, though. Is that something I would make, or how would I do that?

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