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Looking for player home recommendations


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I'm looking for recommendations for player homes. I've been using Whiterun Mansion in most of my games for a long time, but there are a couple things about it that annoy me, mainly the fact that it's too easy to get for how big it is, but I have a couple other nit-picky complaints about it too. I've been through the top 20 or so on the Nexus looking for one and haven't found exactly what I'm looking for yet.

Here's the list of features I'm looking for in order of importance:


  • Lore friendly
  • A way to pay for it at a price comparable to the vanilla houses or a reasonable quest or challenge to obtain it - the dragon at Dus Mons is a bit much, but the bear at Whiterun Mansion is way too simple.
  • An auto sorting system with themed linked storage.
  • Crafting stations, preferably all of them in the same cell with themed storage linked to the auto sorting system within arms reach
  • A moderate to large armory and display cases/plaques/mannequins scattered throughout.
  • Displays for masks, claws, and other unique items.
  • In or near one of the major towns or cities, preferably one of the ones you come across relatively early in the main story line
  • No merchants, or at the very least if there are merchants they should have no more gold or stock than comparable vanilla merchants and it should make sense for them to be there.
  • Children's room(s) and support for Multiple Hearthfire Adoptions or something similar - getting VERY low on my priority list here
  • At least one shrine for dealing with diseases.

So with those in mind can anyone recommend a player home for me?


EDIT: This is for the original Skyrim BTW. I'm not touching SE until more of my must-have mods have been ported over, and since some of them haven't been updated since 2014 there's a good chance that'll be about never.

Edited by siskulous
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Top 10 list ...


Also, you may want to take a look at my remake of Rayeks Mini Hideout ... (shameless plug)



Rayeks Mod ...



I'd just like to add here ... Rayeks mod is so well made it changed the way I looked at modding.

I learned more about "how to make a home" from that one mod then anything I've seen.

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Elysium Estate provides you with everything - it's basically a homestead farm just outside Whiterun with an appearance of understated & homey wealth that avoids being over the top. You don't have to pay for it but you are "granted worthy" by Kynareth - you could leave obtaining it until you feel you have done enough, or maybe even choose to make a large "donation" first at one of her temples (when you find your perfect home it probably won't have a pay feature & you will have to either tweak one in yourself via the CK or get creative with how you obtain it in game).

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I'll throw my hat in the ring this is my home on every play through http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58894/? It has every thing you stated as wants.

This mod I consider lore friendly as in looks, location, price and the 3 NPCS who live there I let be just use the female merchant to sell things from time to time.

My opinion this house is in the top two for me.

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I agree that Frostvale Estate is a very nice & lore friendly large home (all Ld50365s houses are definitely worth taking a look at). Since you stated that you don't want merchants I wanted to let you know that I have used this home in the past & you can disable the merchants with a book in the master bedroom.

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(when you find your perfect home it probably won't have a pay feature & you will have to either tweak one in yourself via the CK or get creative with how you obtain it in game).


Believe me, I've considered picking up CK a few times. If I ever did do something like that I'd make a mod that used a config file to specify a given resource to remove all instances of from the world and add to a merchant's inventory instead so that you could add the key from any home mod to it. The issue I have is that I'm a web developer so making mods gets to be a bit too much like work for me. I know there are folks who can do a job they love for 8 hours a day then come home and do the same thing in their spare time and still love it, but I'm not one of them. I've been down that road with other games and it always ends with me never finishing the mod and unplugging my home computer for weeks or months at a time.


I've looked at Elysium Estate and literally the only problem I have with it is that it's basically free. It's definitely a step in the right direction though, especially if you don't get the key till you've done something to "earn" it. I'll have to take a look at Frostvale Estate. It looks like it would be a good one for my criteria other than lacking an auto-sorter (which I can live without if I've got everything else I'm looking for). That feature that lets you use crafting supplies from storage would be real nice. I could see that more than making up for not having an auto-sorter.

Edited by siskulous
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(when you find your perfect home it probably won't have a pay feature & you will have to either tweak one in yourself via the CK or get creative with how you obtain it in game).


Believe me, I've considered picking up CK a few times. If I ever did do something like that I'd make a mod that used a config file to specify a given resource to remove all instances of from the world and add to a merchant's inventory instead so that you could add the key from any home mod to it. The issue I have is that I'm a web developer so making mods gets to be a bit too much like work for me. I know there are folks who can do a job they love for 8 hours a day then come home and do the same thing in their spare time and still love it, but I'm not one of them. I've been down that road with other games and it always ends with me never finishing the mod and unplugging my home computer for weeks or months at a time.


I've looked at Elysium Estate and literally the only problem I have with it is that it's basically free. It's definitely a step in the right direction though, especially if you don't get the key till you've done something to "earn" it. I'll have to take a look at Frostvale Estate. It looks like it would be a good one for my criteria other than lacking an auto-sorter (which I can live without if I've got everything else I'm looking for). That feature that lets you use crafting supplies from storage would be real nice. I could see that more than making up for not having an auto-sorter.



have you tried the BYOH - build your own home?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recommend Skyfall Estate. it's lore friendly, has a merchant who works there, there's a buildable edition, but most importantly is the themed storage smithing area.


When you use the forge, sharpening wheel, smelter or tanning rack your materials automatically load to your inventory from a special storage barrel and return to the barrel when you're done.

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