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I'd really love to charge into battle carrying a ridiculously large hammer. The Dwarven war hammer is close, but the head just Isn't big enough. Something like King Dedede's hammer; that motherf**ker's mallet could drive a dragon's head into the ground! Maybe even a collection of famous hammers? Anyway, I would really appreciate it if someone took the time to take my request.
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I want the Hammerthyst:



With appropriate hammer-style kill moves:


In fact, can we get a mod that adds all the finishing moves from Fable?

Edited by IxionInc
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How about adding in some stupid s*** and calling it a warhammer? like a stone club or something like the Dragon Bone Smasher from Demon's Souls http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7Icy-ju3qE35ZQ-O2L9gY3eZpdl9o-PR0lyLLJrzC5BiqFgwIoxaao2Ch6w


An example of the retarded items that you could is Dragon Tooth from Dark Souls



Or Smough's Hammer from Dark Souls



You could even use the wooden beam textures and meshes from skyrim and make that a weapon. Who doesn't wanna swing around a piece of their house? Personally I'd love it if someone could just stick a broom handle in to one of the barrels and call it a wooden warhammer XD

Edited by Smizzy
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