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I need a help!


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This is my first time posting here, and I'm in need of a help.


It's related to OMOD files, or better to say mods installed with Oblivion mod manager.

Usually, when you place the OMOD file into Oblivion mod manager, it recognizes it, you click on the name of the mod in the right toolbar, and voila. Mod works. But, recently I noticed people posting mods in this format.




(I'm sorry for taking so much space, I don't know how to add a spoiler tag here, I tried)


Anyway, after a lot of trying and failing, I opened the manager, clicked on "Create" button, tagged every one of those files, and clicked on "create OMOD". Here is where the trouble started. Even though it showed in manager, and I could activate it, mod doesn't work. It just doesn't show in the game. I already ruled out the mod problem, because the same thing happened with every mod in this format. What did I do wrong?


I'm so frustrated, and have so many choice words for mod creators who do this and have the nerve to call people out on not knowing how to install the mods. I literally checked around 20 forums, and modders just answer:"You don't know how to install OMOD files? Are you stupid?" or something in those lines. Please, if there's somebody kind enough to explain it to newbie who doesn't create mods and just wants to enjoy them, I'll be happy.



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After you go through the Create OMOD steps are you going back and activating the mod in the main OBMM window?


Another thing that could be happening is archive invalidation not done ... especially if you use the Steam version of the game. The steps for that are ... Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection (probably already selected by default) -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps (important for Steam versions of the game) -> click on Update Now -> done.


- Edit - Another thing that has been happening in the past (though I don't hear about it so much lately) is what I call "file extension hijacking" ... a Windows or browser "feature" that was started a year ago or may be a bit longer. If the file you are downloading says it is an OMOD (so the download name is e.g. SomeCoolMod-123456.omod) but when you look at it after it is downloaded and now the name is SomeCoolMod-123456.zip then all you need to do is right click on the downloaded file and change the name back to SomeCoolMod-123456.omod (so just change the file extension back). You'll probably get some Windows warning about changing the file extension/type that you can just ignore.

Edited by Striker879
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It's exactly the last thing that Striker said. What you are looking at in your screenshot "is" an OMOD, but its file extension was messed up during or after download by your browser or your OS, and it's now pretending to be an archive, while it is not.


Well, technically an OMOD is an archive, but with additional header data so it's only really readable by the OBMM. It's like a ZIP file with added data, but deep inside there's a part that can just be extracted like a ZIP. What you're looking at there, however, is not that part. And trying to create an OMOD from those non-files once extracted will just make OBMM install junk files into your game. That's why it won't do a thing.


Those authors may have been rather impolite in the choice of their words, but they were totally right. It's nothing done on their end that's causing it. It's solely your browser, an extension, or your OS to blame for this.


Like Striker said, you can simply rename the file extension back to OMOD and it will work right of the bat.

And what you can also do, if I'm not mistaken, in order to "prevent" this from happening in the future, is to use "save as..." (or what's it called in your browser) instead of just left-clicking the download link and making sure the extension it shows actually is ".omod". I heard people report that this way the browser/OS won't even try to interfere like it otherwise does when the choice of download filename is left to the browser/OS.

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