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Marriage Issues


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Hello everyone.

So, today i decided that it was high time my current character get married, and as i equipped my amulet of mara, i noticed something odd. One of my mods, no idea which i could be, had changed the "interested in me, are you" dialouge option to "will you marry me". I didnt think much of it, and selected it, at which time the normal npc dialouge then played and i got the quest to organise the marriage at the temple. When it came to attending the marriage, all was fine, until i said "i do, now and forever". Maramal said his lines, and once he was finished it said "failed: attend your ceremony". Every NPC, including my spouse, then acted as if i had selected to stop the wedding, despite Maramal giving me the ring and congratulating us. Has anyone ever heard of an issue like this? or knows of the mod that could be the culprit? any help would be greatly appreciated.




Edited by thegrimreaper2
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You are weird. Go get a job.


Cheers mate, very helpful there. Nice that you took time out of your day to waste time with that little comment



Hey, you should be honored. That was his first post. Congrats, man.


I saw the topic title and was hoping that it involved actual marriage issues. That would have been interesting. Although, maybe not the type of crash we can help with.


But like Kroekr said, we're going to have to start with a load order. We're going to assume also that you've run LOOT on it, so if you haven't, you probably should before you post it and try that out as well.

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