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List of mods that you should not extract their BSA


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Why on earth do you think that some .bsa archives should not be extracted???


There are two for sure that i know the authors both say to keep packed in BSA.


Immersive college of winterhold. (gives error if you extract)


INIGO (author himself advises to leaved packed)


I personally always extract BSA's except those i mentioned in order to manually delete certain files as done and advised in the STEP guides in my sig.



from the page "The BSA contains resources created by other modders on the nexus, and therefore its contents cannot be freely redistributed"

There is no problem you should get from extracting a .bsa ... However, why would you want to? So much better when packed and not spread out all over your folders. I read some here always extract their .bsa files ... I load up the mod and create a .bsa for it, if it don't have one ...

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So much better when packed and not spread out all over your folders.



So we meet again, NexusComa...


What you said is not true. If I'm using a lot of mods and I'm getting a mod conflict (e.g. two mods redo the same texture/mesh or something like that) I will get a very very hard time to find the problem when ALL mods are packaged in a .bsa because my mod manager won't show me that there's a mod conflict. The mod that will be installed at last will simply win the conflict.

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So much better when packed and not spread out all over your folders.



So we meet again, NexusComa...


What you said is not true. If I'm using a lot of mods and I'm getting a mod conflict (e.g. two mods redo the same texture/mesh or something like that) I will get a very very hard time to find the problem when ALL mods are packaged in a .bsa because my mod manager won't show me that there's a mod conflict. The mod that will be installed at last will simply win the conflict.



We finally agree on something. lol.

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So much better when packed and not spread out all over your folders.



So we meet again, NexusComa...


What you said is not true. If I'm using a lot of mods and I'm getting a mod conflict (e.g. two mods redo the same texture/mesh or something like that) I will get a very very hard time to find the problem when ALL mods are packaged in a .bsa because my mod manager won't show me that there's a mod conflict. The mod that will be installed at last will simply win the conflict.



I have backups of my Skyrim folder with all mods unpacked. I like to do all this manually. I'm good at debugging. Like to pack all my mod resources as I have many gigs of extra textures and resources for modding I don't wish to get confused with my mod resources from others.


If I'm using a lot of mods and I'm getting a mod conflict (e.g. two mods redo the same texture/mesh or something like that) I will get a very very hard time to find the problem when ALL mods are packaged in a .bsa because my mod manager won't show me that there's a mod conflict. The mod that will be installed at last will simply win the conflict.

That's it, a simple viewpoint, without the trollish approach ...
Edited by NexusComa
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Why some people need to scalate everything and consider disagreement toxic and trollish is something i doubt i'll ever understand. Valerian tea is great.




I too like to keep everything in a BSA for cleaner "look", non-destructiveness and easier handling, etc (a mod manager could do this just fine with unpacked mods, i just prefer it this way) but it is true it can be harder to fix conflicts with stuff within bsas.


That said, i have probably recommended more than once in the past not to unpack the bsas basically to avoid users having issues they created themselves (and complain to me about them), the less you tamper with something the less issues you can have. In the end it comes down to personal preference but, in my opinion, the general recommendation should be to not do it.

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I am following along pretty faithfully with SRLE LOTD, only adding monster.mod, beasts of tamriel, hunterborn, immersive jewelry. So hopefully the install order for it will help, because God help me I have unpacked 100 gig worth of mods. The thought of re-installing....shudder.

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I am following along pretty faithfully with SRLE LOTD, only adding monster.mod, beasts of tamriel, hunterborn, immersive jewelry. So hopefully the install order for it will help, because God help me I have unpacked 100 gig worth of mods. The thought of re-installing....shudder.


Hope you have a powerful system. You will need need it to have any type of playable game with the full LOTD setup. I would say bare minimum GTX 970 or equivalent. And preferably an intel processor.


With that said for most people who arent going to be removing certain files manually leaving BSA's packed is best bet.


For advanced modders who want/need to remove conflicting files.....unpacking is the way to go.

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