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A half dead lootable Dremora !


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In planes of oblivion , 3 dremora attacked me so i summoned my dark seducer to fight for me and help me she killed one of them and went to kill the other 2 , when i wanted to loot the dead one i found out that he is still alive :blink: but i could loot him :blush: :sweat:

it happened 4 times in different places , Did this happened for you too ?

( you can see that the life detect is still active so he is still alive )

Please share your opinions .






Note : i didn't use any paralyze spells nor the dark seducer .

Edited by Misakichun
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Now if only this was an intentional mod! You could whack someone on the head and steal their stuff. That'd be nice.


Twisted mind much? Kind of like:


"Hey guard, nice sword!'

"Yeah, I like it mysefl too, but it-"


"Thank's for the sword."

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