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Just a Thank You!


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Understand where you are coming from Wholfen. In age, I am not far behind you and like you, appreciate a great game and all who contributed to it. I think the older you get, the more discerning you become and it is a pleasure to play a game that is well made, well moderated (violence, drugs, destruction - in context to your play method) yet gives the player a great adrenaline rush and captivating play experience. Thumbs up for your post.


I totally agree and Thanks.

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Thank you for your post! I agree, TES V is an amazing game. Despite whatever flaws it may have, I see a lot of potential and that's what makes it exciting.


Just turned 50. Been playing video games for the past 30 years. No reason to stop now especially since they keep getting better.

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It sure is good to know that I'm not the only one out there. My first computer was a Sanyo MBC-1000 with one 5.25 in. floppy and 12 in. Green Screen monitor (no hard drive) that I got in 1982. Shortly after that I bought my first RPG (non-graphical) and have been hooked ever since. I have played every major RPG ever since, have 253 hours in Skyrim (restarted after my first 75 hours) and I am playing on the third liquid-cooled compter that I personally built. However, I am not as old as you - I am only 60.
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I'm 54. First 'computer' was a Speccy 48K.


Been playing games since my teens, but for some reason Morrowind passed me by. When Oblivion was released there wasn't as much hype as with Skyrim but discovered it by accident and the thought of an open world to explore really excited me.


Anyway - Oblivion became my favourite ever game and Skyrim is even better. I love it so much and really appreciate the work that has gone into it.


£35 and it will last me years - what a bargain that is!


I don't play many other games (Mass Effect / Pro Evo / GTA (with cheats!) and looking forward to playing Batman AC)...but hoping to play games until I'm at least 90!

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All I want to say is those who have been doing RPGs since Ultima, Dragonwarrior, Zelda I, Rogue, Bards Tale, Text based RPGS, Original DnD rpgs on 5 and 1/2 disks, MUDS.. later Baldurs's Gate, Diablo I and suddenly we are into 10th generation remakes.


Well, We witnessed the birth of an age, not only in rpgs, but computers.


I tip my glass to simpler times, 'Cheers'

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Well I have very bad news for anyone under 40 years of age: The ->ELDER<- Scrolls bwahahaha :P

Sooo who do you think Beth made it for ^^? Huh? lol

That is a joke by the way.


My first PC was a sizzling Pentium166mhz and yeah Atari 2600 was my first game well before the PC.

It took me two years to pay off my first comp and now I just go out, buy the bits and bang together a thermo

nuclear workstation and be playing in about 5 hours total lmaooo.


CheerZ~! to the oldies \o/

(make mine a Turkey & real coke thx)

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Well, I think what people don't realize is the majority of game developers are old. Not to be cruel, but the majority of upper-management devs didn't grow up with video games even close to our current level.


It really makes me excited to see what happens once my generation (I'm 19) reaches upper management in game studios and starts making big decisions.


I think the gaming industry will only be getting better, not even considering how fast hardware is advancing.


I mean, we have 15 year olds modding oblivion and skyrim, and even without a creation kit people are pumping out content like this. I'm getting all excited!


It's just mind boggling when you think of how new the computer and internet age is. I mean, when you think about manufacturing and warfare, we (Earth) have had thousands of years to perfect those. But the first commercial computer was released around 1968. Which only gives the computer age roughly 44 years. I start to think about nanochips and I go crazy with possibilities.


Can't wait!

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