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[TUT] Merging .esp's and Overhauling NPC's


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A lot of people lately have been asking on the NPC Editor mod page how to edit multiple NPC's at once. Well, quite simply, you can't, not yet. BUT, there is a light in the darkness. You can create multiple .esp files of your modded NPC's and merge them together. Here's how:


Before you can begin you need to download and install three programs:


Fallout Mod Manager




Skyrim NPC Editor


Once those are downloaded and installed we're ready to begin. So let's get to it shall we?



Step 1 & 2:




Step 3:




Step 4:




Step 5:




Step 6:




Step 7:




Step 8:




Step 9:




I was trying to keep it light on that last little bit but in all serious. Save often. I cannot tell you how many times I lost all of my work because of unexpected crashes.

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Many thanks VincentIcarus, this is just what I look for! :) But, what about the mesh files? Edited by TuCoT
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  • 1 month later...

Love the Skyrim NPC Editor, I have used it to create a second modified Ysodd by duplicating Ysodd.esp then renaming the Ysodd.esp to Mari.esp, although I called my marryable Mari and used the scale to drop her height by a half foot (Scale 1.00 to 0.95), she is still refered to in game as "Talk to Ysodd",

It would have been awesome to have been able to use the Ysodd or other character templates, rename the char totally (there may be a consol workaround somewhere) and then designate a town (I have just used the market and basket scripts provided and deleted quest scripts)


I have decided to copy a total character from a different part of skyrim world remodel and rescript and just use the name provided to create the Freelance Marryable NPC!


All in all great little tool also copied Lydia, found a couple of bugs where she became a black hole where you throw armor never to be found again, and would revert to other clothing and armour types, best to create once and stick to initial model, has healing abilities, pacify, paralyse, and a select few shouts with ebony guilded armor!




Just a note to the enthusiastiic modders out there of my idea's, since I have only just become interested in the possibility of modding, specifically initial atempt to retexture (since the initial town in the intro has silver stones and grout instead of white stone and grout which it should be at the very lease a marble or granite texture!), then maybe work on remeshing some of the meshes the creating new meshes, npc generation and movement controls (You May Kiss The Bride! lol) I have theorised is scripting!

I am interested later on a total conversion or add on where I research actual real world nordic backgrounds as in areas they lived, what type of area specific rocks existed in those area's, focus on making the mod physic specific as in water from lakes on mountains flowing down through rivers and not just materialise in game, set up actual ai "NPC Trade" with horse and carts with armed escorts travelling between towns, actual farms sized and providing food to towns and cities etc!


Thanks to all the modders out there that have changed my skyrim experience to a much more vibrant and enjoyable one!

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I have wondered also if its possible to create individual ai's for the npc's have the scripting as the base programming and alow for some NPC personal preferences to take place, I am most likely way too ambitious, maybe some simple random items like stargazing or collecting the eggs from the chickens, feeding the livestock etc!


similar npc development as the sims series where sims marry have kids etc!

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