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Skyrim Multi-Character Interface (Help)


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So ever since i made a new character in skyrim ive had a problem loading my last save game from the menu then searching my game saves for my last save with that "character."




Create an option when you click load that opens a list of all the characters you have made, making them easily accesible. They can be saved in diffrent locations . Ex... instead of all your save games in MyGames/Skyrim/Saves---> saves can have multiple folders that hold the individual character saves. If you have 2 characters there will be 2 diffrent folders that the game saves and loads from. Completly seperating the characters




This is where i need you guys. (My inital thought "open skyrim/ extract it edit some code add chracter folders done" Seems its not that easy :wallbash: " I download an exe editor and looked around in the tesv/lancher but it does not have the main menu. I then dowloaded bsa unpacker and looked in the interface section of skyrim, i cant extract but idk how to edit the text from those, and i still cant seem to find where the menu is at.


If anyone would like to help please hit me up it would be very appreciated by the skyrim community.


BTW if this works out it would be pretty cool to make an advanced version where it showed a 3d representation of your character before you clicked on it. Anyway thanks guys, thought this would be the best place to share.

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Just use the console and type "save *****" where * is your characters name.

I use this to distinguish between mine and my brothers save games. It works wonderfully. Just be sure that when you're done playing and might switch off to save normally and overwrite YOUR own character named save.

This way you don't have to worry about anything like the quicksaves and autosaves interfering with the save scheme.

Trust me, it works perfectly, no mod necessary.

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Open up the console and type


savegame <name of save game without spaces>




savegame Belathor


savegame Belathor1



Also, a carry over from DOS, instead of retyping savegame every time.

just reopen the console when you want to save again and hit the UP Arrow Key, it will enter the entire line of text you did before in the console


So, sometimes I'll


Savegame Balather1


after a while I want to save again with that same name so I go to the console and hit the UP Arrow, and "savegame Balether1" is automatically filled in.

Now I can either hit enter and save the game again, or I can backspace, remove the 1 and rename it to Balethor2 and save again.

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