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Oldest person in the Elder Scrolls universe


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Well... -that depends on what parameters you set on "person". Do they have to be mortal? Humanoid? Exist on Nirn? Etc. etc.


Hmmm... Ah, I know just the spell for this question (assuming it works...)


Lachdonin! I summon thee!

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Wow, the spell worked before I uttered it! :laugh:

In the Realm of Chaos, time and space have no meaning. Sometimes I mix up the address when responding to prayers.


Ohhh thanks , Didn't realise there were a Dwemer still alive. Havent played Morrowind yet waiting for Skywind :P Would have thought Harkon was the oldest.


Harkin may be older, but we don't have any dates to base it off of. His dates could range from the late Alessian period, to as early as the late Merithic. Without more to go on its impossible to place him.


Miraak would be older, were it not for the fact he's spent 5000 years in another plane outside the normal laws of time.

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