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Not enough enemy mobs, too much open space


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Ok let's say that all the things in skyrim a real and you find your self at a cave and you go explore the cave do you really think that this cave will be full of enemys ?


NO! Odds are there will only be one enemy for every let's say 30 square foot


Each enemy would need there own space to live eat sleep if they even do that sort of thing I would assume many caves would be empty


If you found your self in an old burial ground something like a drauger den who knows how old the magic reanimating the corpses are it makes since to me why only some would be dormant


Yes there could be a few more enemy's in places but also I'm glad they made some huge places with few enemys it makes it interesting


Think the ancient Egyptians made gigantic pyramids for just one pharaoh and they burried slaves and servants and animals but still even that there was 30 max in some cercimstances they burried up to 100s of soldiers but think of all the empty hallways and rooms and cathedrals that explorers found nothing but dirt and the kings possessions in

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Having fewer enemies also leads to a more phobic take on dungeons.


Played Amnesia the Dark Descent? You rarely see an enemy... yet you sht your pants everytime you hear a noise.


I find having fewer enemies scarier and is really hurting my psyche.


I don't see a Dwemer robot/Falmer for a while and then hear the hissing of an air vent and screech.

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