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The TL;DR about EVE is A find friends, because there are some really nice people out there, and B just keep your eyes open, autopiloting, sitting AFK out in the open in gankbait, flying througha PVP zone in something slow and carrying valuable items in gankbait, are dumb things to do, avoid them, and you're pretty safe. Keep an eye on local and observe proper movement protocol and you're pretty safe even in lowsec(casual PVP wilderness), and nullsec(hardcore PVP zone with claimable sovreignty) is as empty as a desert most of the time. Simply staying mobile is a good defence, but if you can fit a covops, you're golden, since unless you get gatecamped or do something really, really, really dumb, you're pretty much a ninja in a dark room.


Simply avoid doing something really stupid and your odds of survival are great.

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You can only be "ganked" outside PVP zones if you really do something idiotic, if someone steals your mission item, you're allowed to kill them right then and there, no consequences.

Yep, and after you shoot at them they can just obliterate you. Happened to be when I used the trial. Lost the ship I bought to replace starter, said "forget this" since it was near the end of the trial period. Happily wasting my time in other realms.

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You can only be "ganked" outside PVP zones if you really do something idiotic, if someone steals your mission item, you're allowed to kill them right then and there, no consequences.

Yep, and after you shoot at them they can just obliterate you. Happened to be when I used the trial. Lost the ship I bought to replace starter, said "forget this" since it was near the end of the trial period.


The freedom to do whatever you wish is actually one of the reasons Eve is my top MMO. Back in my days I was a corporate spy, and used to scam a lot of newbies out of their money.

Eve's main draw is that it allows you to be a douchebag that you wouldn't want to be in real life. It's a harsh MMO that doesn't care for kindness at all.


Me and about ten friends once thought it would be a good idea to set up a blockade in low-sec space, then catch people as they come through the jumpgates and demand that they pay a toll fee. Well, long story short, a group of pirate players came across our little operation before we even had a chance to catch one person. We thought we had strength in numbers. It was a massacre.

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I guess I'm just not big on games that encourage douchebagery, greifing, and generally being an a**hole to everyone you might deal with outside your select circle. Like I said, Eve is pretty much just one of those anti-social MMOs where the bigger a**hole you are, the better you do. Not worth my time, even if it was free.

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I guess I'm just not big on games that encourage douchebagery, greifing, and generally being an a**hole to everyone you might deal with outside your select circle. Like I said, Eve is pretty much just one of those anti-social MMOs where the bigger a**hole you are, the better you do. Not worth my time, even if it was free.


With due respect to you Vagrant that's an exceedingly biased opinion and a little unfair.

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I guess I'm just not big on games that encourage douchebagery, greifing, and generally being an a**hole to everyone you might deal with outside your select circle. Like I said, Eve is pretty much just one of those anti-social MMOs where the bigger a**hole you are, the better you do. Not worth my time, even if it was free.


With due respect to you Vagrant that's an exceedingly biased opinion and a little unfair.

Probably. But it fits with my experiences and most of what I've heard about this game. I'm just not enough of a masochist to spend money so that I can be sworn at, scammed, and made to have weeks of effort go to waste because someone felt like it. I prefer games were you can have some sense of accomplishment that doesn't go up in smoke just because you made a wrong turn somewhere, popped AFK to take a piss, or didn't spend every moment watching your radar like some paranoid schizophrenic, so that if you see a blip, you can drop everything you're doing and run the other way. In such a game, the only way to manage would be to focus almost entirely on armor and defense, hoping that they would have to spend more on weapons than trying to kill you and not be particularly interested in the loss in hopes that you're carrying anything valuable. And that doesn't seem particularly fun to me.

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Oh, don't get it wrong, there are lots of ways to be successful without being a douchebag. There are people running successful trade monopolies in-game, giant mining corporations, hell, a while back someone was even running a full-blown bank for players, complete with loans and everything. You don't HAVE to be bad to do good. It's just another option that the freedom of EVE gives you.


My scams usually involved buying up ships and equipment for cheap in certain sectors, then selling them to new players for inflated prices in sectors where supply is low. :P

If you also stick to the higher-sec sectors, the chances of someone ganking you are incredibly low. I don't think I've ever seen player pirates in high-sec sectors.


But it is inarguably one of the toughest MMOs to get into and stay successful in. If you're not careful, even a single mistake can see months of work come crumbling down around you. It's not everyone's cup of tea, though, because the game takes up a huge amount of your time just for you to get anywhere.


For me, just being successful in EVE is a much more satisfying accomplishment than in any other MMO, because it's so much harder to achieve.

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A great mmorpg and free is requiem : memento mori. It's kinda gore but a great gameplay with some action feeling.

Also if you haven't try aion yet (since I don't see it in your list above), give it a try, it's certainly worth it till you get bored of it.

By the time you finish those hopefully some new good ones will come up like C9, blade and soul, tera etc.

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Oh, don't get it wrong, there are lots of ways to be successful without being a douchebag. There are people running successful trade monopolies in-game, giant mining corporations, hell, a while back someone was even running a full-blown bank for players, complete with loans and everything. You don't HAVE to be bad to do good. It's just another option that the freedom of EVE gives you.


My scams usually involved buying up ships and equipment for cheap in certain sectors, then selling them to new players for inflated prices in sectors where supply is low. :P

If you also stick to the higher-sec sectors, the chances of someone ganking you are incredibly low. I don't think I've ever seen player pirates in high-sec sectors.


But it is inarguably one of the toughest MMOs to get into and stay successful in. If you're not careful, even a single mistake can see months of work come crumbling down around you. It's not everyone's cup of tea, though, because the game takes up a huge amount of your time just for you to get anywhere.


For me, just being successful in EVE is a much more satisfying accomplishment than in any other MMO, because it's so much harder to achieve.

First of all, your scam isn't a scam. It's just supply and demand at work. Re-naming that ship to the higher tier version, and selling it as such to some unsuspecting noob, THAT is a scam. One I once fell for. But I bounced back.


Never seen pirates in high-sec? I have, until my ship exploded. No, they don't just gank random people. I ran a far too high contract for the ship I was in, and paid the price, to the tune of about 600 million isk. It left me with about 200 million isk in assets, and that soured me on the game, to where I stopped doing contracts, and retreated to a wormhole to do PI exclusively. In fact, the political drama that resulted from my being ganked by a player from a known pirate corp was enough to make me question why I bother playing.


I've just recently finally quit, as my friends no longer play, and it lost it's appeal months ago.

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