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Lots of stuttering


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this really started happening after the new patch


still hasnt been fixed tried everything. Im about to give up :(


I have had similar issues indoors even with shadows off my framerates were killed with the new patch. The game got good performance in most cases before the recent patches. Unfortunately because I bought it from steam, I cannot revert to vanilla as steam auto-patches when you download. This will be the last game I buy from Bethesda if they do not fix this soon.

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I was getting jittery game play.. I fixed it by turning on my Threaded Optimiztion in my Nvidia control panel I think Ati has the same thing as well, Also defragging.. not the steam's version as it only defrags the "game files" and not mod files where as a full Hardrive defrag hits every file. when your pc has to search thru a lot of replacement textures and meshes defragging becomes very important.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont know what it is, but I think after the new patch it changed my skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini.


Because before I was getting long load times in between places but practiaclly no stuttering while playing, now Im getting much shorter load times, but a crap load of stuttering/freezing.



Any1 know why this is?

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Same thing happening to me after patching as well. I think they changed the way textures are loaded into the game world. I get it the worst in Solitude when leaving a shop and looking toward the blue palace and back, just stops and 5 seconds straight sometimes. Other times cruising along at 60+fps. Debating about returning to vanilla and foregoing the patch until 1.4 comes out :/
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