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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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you just do not get it. its the sum that is the issue. to fix the problem you change the recipe. but i have no time to convince, much too much to do. I wish you luck, my game runs perfect.

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you just do not get it. its the sum that is the issue. to fix the problem you change the recipe. but i have no time to convince, much too much to do. I wish you luck, my game runs perfect.


Meaning WHAT, with that?

You're not really helping here, you just saying "oh dear, you have a problem, you need to fix it". Thxs a lot, I figured that by myself...


I tried before to merge plugins and all I did was to REALLY F*CK them up, it didn't worked to me.

And I used (before) running 250 mods, not 220 like now - and I didn't had problems back then...


I just (now) using NEW MODS that never had ran before, quite some NEW ones. So, I assume, these NEW mods combined together don't working properly...

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Also... another question...


I started a new game yesterday, and I went all the way and got the "Golden Claw" - that's it, from the vanilla start to finish the "Golden Claw" and head to Whiterun.

So... if there are mods that causing the problem, SHOULD BE MODS ON THESE AREAS I WAS? I mean, things that interrupting THESE places and events I was? Or, something "BIGGER" that doesn't matter where you are and what you have done, it "interrupting" the game no matter what...???


Could be that "Achievement unlock" mod? (Never used it before)...


Which are your suggestions to start disabling mods??? The previous "Footprints" and such you wrote, are not. I'm using them since... for ever.

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Just checked the second video...


THATS IT, the lad SAYS IT, in the first two minutes!!!!!!... He says, "weapons and armors are been taken from the game to generate the NPCs, bandits etc. So, if you have a lot mods like that, the game confused and cause problems even CTDs"!!!!!


I've installed WAY TO MUCH MORE weapons and armor mods, this time - and the last 2-3 previous installations!!!! I was simply using "Immersive Armors", "More Weapons Please" "3rd Era" & "Unique Uniques"... nothing else. Now, I have tones of mods for them!

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I am just now having this issue at 252 mods. I elected to not worry about a bashed patch, though I may do so after I post this. I had been playing for 21 hours over the last three or four days and was killed this afternoon, heh, so I went and got this mod for fun: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7896/? And that's when the trouble started for me. I don't know if it helps, but until then, I had not had this happen at all. I was testing mods and going back and loading a lot of previous saves in game. Only one crash in 21 hours. I have pretty much the same mods as everyone else, all Arthmoor's, the birds, Immersive Armors, etc. Nothing ported from Oldrim manually. No SkyUI, etc. I got everything directly off the Skyrim SE Nexus and used NMM to install, Loot to sort, Wrye Bash to fix a few that needed different placement. Again I elected to not bother with a Bashed Patch, but I may go do that in just a minute. Removing that new mod did NOT solve the problem, but I haven't started a new save yet. I'm about to, just to see if removing it helped with a NEW game. It feels like stuff isn't completely being removed when it's uninstalled. In fact, I had NMM delete a few completely from the PC that I decided not to use and when I loaded up Wrye Bash, there were a few of the ESPs still lingering. Anyway not sure how much this info helps, but I thought I'd better say something. :smile:

Edited by bpgisme
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I am just now having this issue at 252 mods. I elected to not worry about a bashed patch, though I may do so after I post this. I had been playing for 21 hours over the last three or four days and was killed this afternoon, heh, so I went and got this mod for fun: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7896/? And that's when the trouble started for me. I don't know if it helps, but until then, I had not had this happen at all. I was testing mods and going back and loading a lot of previous saves in game. Only one crash in 21 hours. I have pretty much the same mods as everyone else, all Arthmoor's, the birds, Immersive Armors, etc. Nothing ported from Oldrim manually. No SkyUI, etc. I got everything directly off the Skyrim SE Nexus and used NMM to install, Loot to sort, Wrye Bash to fix a few that needed different placement. Again I elected to not bother with a Bashed Patch, but I may go do that in just a minute. Removing that new mod did NOT solve the problem, but I haven't started a new save yet. I'm about to, just to see if removing it helped with a NEW game. It feels like stuff isn't completely being removed when it's uninstalled. In fact, I had NMM delete a few completely from the PC that I decided not to use and when I loaded up Wrye Bash, there were a few of the ESPs still lingering. Anyway not sure how much this info helps, but I thought I'd better say something. :smile:


In your case I would say it's that mod being improperly ported from Oldrim.

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