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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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That's right. And save is an entirely separate entity. Still, I'm interested to see if there are connection and if lowering the amount of loose files will also lower bug intensity. These are all blind swings in the darkness.

Restoring "Reach Magic" to BSA (now with optimized meshes) and loading my previous save seems to help - I'm playing for a couple of hours without corruption.

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I didn't have this bug back in Oldrim, but https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3924850-corrupt-saves-strcount-0xffff-ctd-on-load/page-1 explains one of the reasons of permanent save file corruption that happened because of a kind of index out of bound error. Now our bug seems to not affect save files but things in memory of Skyrim's run time, the fact that it affects some dialogues, and that some dialogue subrecord entries in plugins are in fact merged at runtime (see: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3940-skyrim-tes5edit-records-that-merge-at-runtime/) all these, I think, are clues that point our bug is caused by some kind of indexing problem.

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I mentioned the string error before, but a couple of saves shown here doesn't feature a high string count.


It's also strange that corruption still only hits a minority of players while we are using mods with thousands of downloads, rather conservative mod lists and without obvious rookie mistakes.

String count error was a result of old 16-bit save format and the best way to intensify it is to load more new lands mods. Or mods that are forced o make a lot of records in our save, such as iNeed, Frostfall, Wet&Cold. And if see the variation of an old issue, it should literally affect thousands of load orders out there.

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I mentioned the string error before, but a couple of saves shown here doesn't feature a high string count.


It's also strange that corruption still only hits a minority of players while we are using mods with thousands of downloads, rather conservative mod lists and without obvious rookie mistakes.

String count error was a result of old 16-bit save format and the best way to intensify it is to load more new lands mods. Or mods that are forced o make a lot of records in our save, such as iNeed, Frostfall, Wet&Cold. And if see the variation of an old issue, it should literally affect thousands of load orders out there.


Definitely not rookie mistakes. I cleaned my plugins, adjusted load order with loot and then tweaked individual mods according to mod page instructions. Clean install of Skyrim too. And you're right, if it was an issue with specific mods or a combination of specific mods then there'd be more people with this issue.

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"No, you'll make a whole bunch of new ones." (or something--Jeff Goldblum from one of the Jurassic sequels) Rookie mistakes lead to easily identifiable/fixable bugs; veteran modder mistakes will cause far more subtle and complex ones.


I wouldn't rule out rookie mistakes in my case, though. I tend to run LOOT and then leave it at that because I have no idea how best to tweak the load order (hypothetical case; when you have three or four mods all of whose pages say "put this mod LAST in your load order" how do you choose?). I don't know anything about Wrye Bash or SSEEdit except how to do the basic things in the step-by-step I learned on Oldrim. I've been doing this for a while now, but I still feel like a rookie.


There are so many variables here. What machines we're running, which mods we downloaded/installed in which order (it might be a case of "if you install this mod after that mod..." and NMM doesn't seem to track installation order the way Oldrim MO used to, unless that's something else I've missed), what background processes are running at the same time (I have no clue), the weather for all I know.


I'm getting the lost dialogue quite regularly at the moment, but I'm hanging on grimly because I don't feel like going back to Helgen and Bleak Falls Barrow and the Western Watchtower again quite yet...



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But a combination or incompability of mods at least seem to promt the bug in happening early.

The bug was back immediately after i added my specific subjects now i still have 143 plugins and the bug has not shown in 10 hours,

but the game is starting to have lighting issues as well as the spell issues now looks like godrays went wrong.


It has to be specific to ones personal skyrim installation that triggers this stuff.


I did all i can fresh install, stayed away from bigger mods and buggy stuff, everything installed with nmm and ordered with loot.


Maybe its somehow an issue with the original skyrim somehow ? That skyrim se gets confused or something?


I cant figure it out. And that sucks.


Edit: And now all the iron drinking mugs are purple so the original files got corrupted? from what? I didnt change anything neither do i use texture replacers for mugs.

Ah it was a mod bug from the floating market but its strange that they loose there mesh/textures in a good 26h game suddenly.

Edited by Leagacy of Morrorwind
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@lethiel, you'll often find mods that say to put it last, in most of those cases it's laziness or a little ignorance from the mod author. Last makes it really easy to ensure it works and overrides any conflicts, so an author doesn't need to track down incompatibilities. I say most, because some mods absolutely do need to be near the bottom or at it. A bashed patch takes priority as last in the load order, but Alternate Life needs to be in the last few slots. Ultimate Deadly Encounters is another mod that needs to go near the bottom, same with Amorous adventures (because it touches a lot of npcs and needs to overwrite other changes to npcs). So when mods say they need to go at the bottom, put alternate life last, and others immediately before that. Provided you only have a few mods like that, it'll be fine.




I've noticed the lighting issues as well, same with things like waterfalls sometimes falling in chunks. I have my godrays set really low to try and circumvent lighting issues, and to increase fps.

Edited by TheMadTemplar
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I got rid of notice board also anything i ported over myself with the new install.


I added my Modlist ive played 30 hours now and the only time it got fake corrupted was when i added my suspects back in.

But thats not saying that this list is fine since the lighting issues are noticable but i rather take that then to restart the game every 20 min.

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