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SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION mod does not disable


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So I installed many mods just yesterday but I noticed I dropped my fps significantly to around 50 fps. I had many stutters in game and I did not enjoy playing it. I then proceeded to uninstall all the mods from nexus mod manager and I was successful in doing so. After this, I ran the game again and the first time it said I could not load my save as it said something was corrupted. I tried loading the same save again and it worked for some reason but all my mods were still there. Is there like something I have to uninstall from the game folders on my harddrive or can I just disable it with a key while i'm in game?


Also I would appreciate any mod suggestions that would make my game look better without dropping the fps too much. I might just install some simple ones like the mesh mod and probably some flora mods as well but as you guys probably can tell, I'm very new to this game (only under 20 hours so far). Thank you ya'll!

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Mods are permanently baked into your save file. Removing mods during a playthrough can potentially and likely will break your save.


That is why you arent supposed to remove mods during a playthrough. I dont even add mods. I make sure my load order is 100% set before i start a new game.

agreed... sort of i do add mods regularly and it always bites me in the rear after a while but modding is fun so i accept it

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