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Akavir for Elder Scrolls VI


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There's been a lot of people saying that there will be an invasion from Akavir in Elder Scrolls 6 or at least they will be involved somehow.

It's pretty clear it won't be set on Akavir but what is the possiblity this will happen?

Personally it would be interesting to see an Akaviri invasion but I wouldn't know how the creators would execute it properly.

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There are a LOT of people saying a LOT of things that will happen in TESVI. The more jaded among us just nod and say "Uh, huh. Sure." Frankly, at this point I wouldn't trust a press release from Tom Howard.


However, I agree that having a war involving the Akaviri would be awesome...

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Frankly, at this point I wouldn't trust a press release from Tom Howard.


That's probably for the best. Man is an artist at dodging questions and not giving straight answers.



Anyway... Every time anything Akaviri shows up, i'm disappointed. Both the Tsaesci and the Kamal have been relegated to generic humanoids, their art style has been downgraded to a smooth-realistic, their arms and armour are bog-standard oriental knockoffs. The mystery and majesty of the Akaviri gets eroded every time they try to do anything with them. Enough is enough. The less i see or hear about them for the foreseeable future, the better.

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A colossal Mecha-Akavirii with the laser cannon and electric katana would be very lore friendly and if you could pit it against the evil Dragonzilla, there would be no hassle in getting support to port any subsequent mods to PS4.


That made me laugh. :laugh:

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If they do involve Akavir I hope they will not add any playable races. If they do add playable races from Akavir to me that would just be a bit overwhelming.

If there is a war between Tamriel and Akavir I doubt that any of us would be choosing the side of Akavir or specifically the Ka Po Tun. Would like to see the Elder Scrolls either being further explained or more involved in a different way then it was in Skyrim.

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