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Multiple Attack Markers at Settlements


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What does an attack marker look like, or is designated as, in the CK for settlements?


I ask cause I've expanded all my vanilla borders and wanted to move the attack markers back a little but for the life of me can't find any kind of marker anywhere near to where I know attacks spawn from. Most of my settlements get attacked from 2-3 different sides at once. I built Preston a house at Kingsport and had to fill it with turrets cause supermutants spawn inside of it, lol.

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It'll be an XMarkerHeading that is a linked reference to another XMarkerHeading designated as a Center Marker as an attack marker.


So basically if you edit an XMarkerHeading and go to Linked Ref, add a new reference, point it to the Center XMarkerHeading with the selection of WorkshopLinkAttackMarker.


I recommend reading this guide to help you figure out what's what in your settlements: Settlement Guide with Pictures

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What does an attack marker look like, or is designated as, in the CK for settlements?


I ask cause I've expanded all my vanilla borders and wanted to move the attack markers back a little but for the life of me can't find any kind of marker anywhere near to where I know attacks spawn from. Most of my settlements get attacked from 2-3 different sides at once. I built Preston a house at Kingsport and had to fill it with turrets cause supermutants spawn inside of it, lol.

find your center marker(it have a lil blue block on top, it have all the links to your attack markers), look under the tabs from location(first 1 i think), easy to find, just click on the link and you find your attack marker


as for multi geno most official settlements have 2-3 of them, but i don't know if mobs attack from xx sides, never build/use vanilla settlements, in custom i always turn of those 2 settings in workshop script, plus i never play any custom long enough to see any attack


i ques you can make 10(or more) of them, don't think those markers have a limit

Edited by speedynl
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Thank you guys for the info! I was able to find them.


I checked at Abernathy Farm, it's no wonder I didn't see them before, they were WAY out of the borders, even my extended borders which is strange cause when that place gets attacked the mobs are usually just south of the brahmin pen which is no where near any of the attack markers there.


As for multiple markers, do yours not get attacked from more than one side?

You need to hang out at mine ... My Slog at one time had Forged coming in the front, Bloatflies from the northwest, and a Deathclaw from the direction of Parsons all at once, lol.

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do you know from witch side(s) the abernathy farm get attacked ?, there is a attack marker in line with the brahmin pen but its damn far away, the 1 closed to that spot is a locationedge marker, then a marker with the name shot(function unknow), then the attack marker they are sort in line if you look at them




mm about the slog, from the front(= forged location) the other (= side near workbench ?), the other (from the side where the diner is ?)

if you know where mobs attack check those spots if you see a marker with a blue on top, check under loc ref type it should say locationedgemarker

maybe i'm wrong but if those attacks come from those (marker sides) then the edge is the attack spot not the markers with attack, i always thought those attack markers decided where to spam settlers, but maybe i'm wrong still a n00b after all


did some testing with sanct moved the attack markers more inside, now instead of spamming a settler near rr she ended up the bridge where i moved the marker

, so maybe those edge markers are the mob spam points, leave the question wat do the spam marker then, there is only 1 of those

Edited by speedynl
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Mine typically only get attack from one direction yes. I would like for them to flank and attack weak spots. I was thinking about all this as I was setting up Jalbert Brothers Disposal, since it has an exposed back side but only a narrow spot up front for attackers to funnel in and attack the settlement. If I close off the backside and put turrets and guards at the narrow spot it just becomes like the movie 300 except they get slaughtered.


The idea was to be used with greater spawning and more increased chance of spawning mods to really test a settlements defense. Also, to have some fun!

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That locationedge marker is what confused me speedy, cause that one not far from the Brahmin pen is exactly where attackers spawn from at my Abernathy, always coming from the south running up that small incline, and it doesn't really have any info in it's window so I thought it was non-related to attacks. I'm gonna mess around with it later this week and see what happens.


Wow geno, you're lucky, I can't think of any settlement of mine that only gets attacked from one side....except for Somerville Place, those stupid super mutants always spawn right in the dang corn patch, destroying it all, I finally moved the garden and walled up the spawn area with bubble turrets on top, that fixed that problem. ;)


Maybe you should try what speedy said and put up about 10 markers and see what happens, that might get interesting!

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well the naming don't make any sense, but tats typical beth, you would say a marker with a keyword tat say attack is a point of entry where attacks find place

but instead it is a point where settlers spam


now there is a marker tat have the keyword spam, you would say tat 1 decide where the settlers spam, but no the function for that 1 is not clear


a location edge marker with no link(or info) at all seems to be the point of attack, thinking back it make sense to me because when trying to find out how nuka worked i needed tat marker


never really bothered to find out wat each marker do, i always drop all of them in the same spot when making any settlement, my settlers always spam in front off the wb :D

+ i never bothered with any official settlement they all sucks anyway

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Does the spawn marker have anything to do with enemies in a dungeon area (like molerats) or maybe those cages added by one of the DLCs?


My settlers never spawn at the spawn marker, so maybe the location edge marker is the thing that will do it.

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