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Multiple Attack Markers at Settlements


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Does the spawn marker have anything to do with enemies in a dungeon area (like molerats) or maybe those cages added by one of the DLCs?


My settlers never spawn at the spawn marker, so maybe the location edge marker is the thing that will do it.

settlers spam at the attack marker, i grouped up all 3 in sanct around the center marker, now they spam all at the same point


location edge= where mobs attack(most of the time every settlement have 3)


the spam marker i really don't know looked at some vanilla settlements abern have 1 in front of the door, finch have 1 at the back of the shack, so no clue wat they realy do

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Where do the standalone (ie not provisioner) Brahmin come from? The location edge / attack marker?

Where do synth infiltrators come from? The location edge / attack marker?

Where do provisioners come from? I don't think they depend on a marker but seem to generally go in a straight line or most easily navigated path from the origin settlement to the destination settlement.

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Does the spawn marker have anything to do with enemies in a dungeon area (like molerats) or maybe those cages added by one of the DLCs?


My settlers never spawn at the spawn marker, so maybe the location edge marker is the thing that will do it.

settlers spam at the attack marker, i grouped up all 3 in sanct around the center marker, now they spam all at the same point



Interesting. My settlements are so big I always have trouble finding the new arrivals, they never seem to go to the bar like everyone else, so I will try moving those markers too.


So, attack markers spawn settlers, location edge markers spawn attacks, I think whoever designed this at Bethesda was either drunk or wanting to mess with those of us using the CK, lol.


My provisioners seem to always use roads or railroad tracks whenever possible, in fact they seem to like to use those that you see in the CK with the green directional arrows above them.

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brahmin/synt/guard have a xx% roll change if you look in the parent script, synt have a xx% change to replace a settler and you need atleast xx settlers before it happens

so instead of just a simple settler it spam a settler+brahmin at the marker, if condition is right it spam a synt at the marker


provisioners works true a script, for wat i know the main settlements have a marker for them, and you need atleast 5 peeps before they come alonge(not sure how carla works, she have a own marker in sanct)

also not sure for the emty settlements i'm not that good with scripting, but i think if those have 5 peep to provisioner will stop there to

or you need the quest thing from bunker hill in those setlements

Edited by speedynl
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I never understood how the Bunker Hill thing works, I have those in all my settlements but the caravans don't really seem attracted to them, on the other hand they always show up at Sanctuary- Carla, Ten Pines and Covenant-Lucas Miller, Warricks-Cricket, even before you place them.

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So should location edge markers be linked to the Center marker? The rationale being instead of the attacks sitting on the outside, they actually run into where everything is causing you to potentially friendly fire upon your guys as well as getting close to all the stuff they can destroy.

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So should location edge markers be linked to the Center marker? The rationale being instead of the attacks sitting on the outside, they actually run into where everything is causing you to potentially friendly fire upon your guys as well as getting close to all the stuff they can destroy.

not sure if tat works(and wat keyword is needed if any at all), you can try it and see wat happens

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I never understood how the Bunker Hill thing works, I have those in all my settlements but the caravans don't really seem attracted to them, on the other hand they always show up at Sanctuary- Carla, Ten Pines and Covenant-Lucas Miller, Warricks-Cricket, even before you place them.

i think those are starting points for them, if none other they will return to bunker(although carla is a difrent thing she have stop markers around the world 1 near the diner from trudy to), they have there own scripts with a sort of build in route, i played long time ago around with those scripts to add a stop to gorski(my own base settlement) for cricket

took a long time before i got it right, and it only works with a complete new game


as for the bunker quest thing i don't know if it have his own script and wat kind of conditions it have

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So should location edge markers be linked to the Center marker? The rationale being instead of the attacks sitting on the outside, they actually run into where everything is causing you to potentially friendly fire upon your guys as well as getting close to all the stuff they can destroy.


I would think that if they are close enough to "see" your npc's they would attack, the location markers at Abernathy are in shooting range of the house. I can't remember if those are linked to the center marker or not.


Those gunners at the junkyard by Finch are always shooting from the overpass at the poor Brahmin that hang out near the water there.

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So should location edge markers be linked to the Center marker? The rationale being instead of the attacks sitting on the outside, they actually run into where everything is causing you to potentially friendly fire upon your guys as well as getting close to all the stuff they can destroy.


I would think that if they are close enough to "see" your npc's they would attack, the location markers at Abernathy are in shooting range of the house. I can't remember if those are linked to the center marker or not.


Those gunners at the junkyard by Finch are always shooting from the overpass at the poor Brahmin that hang out near the water there.





yes as a alternative you can place the edge markers inside or closer to the core of the settlement, they have the title outoffsight make them insideoffsight :D


and no none of the location edge markers are linked to anything, they are just stand alone markers, the name under loc ref make them wat they are

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