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Multiple Attack Markers at Settlements


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now something tat trow me off and confuse me total, the center marker in sanct is linked to the wb as spam marker, and it don't have a separate spam marker like the others have

1 link to the center say center, but a 2th link say spam, i wonder if they really knew wat they where doing there at beth, or did make xx different peeps those settlements

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Does the spawn marker have anything to do with enemies in a dungeon area (like molerats) or maybe those cages added by one of the DLCs?


My settlers never spawn at the spawn marker, so maybe the location edge marker is the thing that will do it.

Since im in the habit of adding a npc spawner to my settlements now i use it and directly see where they spawn.

They use the spawn marker.

On the other hand ... settlers that come in via beacon show up at the attack marker.

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So then maybe spawn markers are for periodic respawning? Like if it were in a cell that is a clearable dungeon without the workbench, so if the cell were to respawn after whatever the timer is (72 in game hours or some such), they would respawn right there.

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